Franz Kummert

Orcid: 0009-0009-0941-3825

  • Bielefeld University, CITEC, Germany

According to our database1, Franz Kummert authored at least 118 papers between 1987 and 2023.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Developing a Human-centred AI-based System to Assist Sorting Laundry.
Proceedings of the First Working Conference on Artificial Intelligence Development for a Resilient and Sustainable Tomorrow, 2023

Comparing Robot and Human guided Personalization: Adaptive Exercise Robots are Perceived as more Competent and Trustworthy.
Int. J. Soc. Robotics, 2021

Region Detection Rate: An Applied Measure for Surface Defect Localization.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications, 2021

Comparing the Effects of Social Robots and Virtual Agents on Exercising Motivation.
Proceedings of the Social Robotics - 10th International Conference, 2018

Continuous Interaction Data Acquisition and Evaluation: A Process Applied within a Smart, Robot Inhabited Apartment.
Proceedings of the Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 2018

Conversational Assistants for Elderly Users - The Importance of Socially Cooperative Dialogue.
Proceedings of the AAMAS Workshop on Intelligent Conversation Agents in Home and Geriatric Care Applications co-located with the Federated AI Meeting (FAIM 2018), 2018

Confirmation detection in human-agent interaction using non-lexical speech cues.
CoRR, 2017

A framework for designing socially assistive robot interactions.
Cogn. Syst. Res., 2017

Online nod detection in human-robot interaction.
Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2017

Exploring embodiment and dueling bandit learning for preference adaptation in human-robot interaction.
Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2017

Does the User's Evaluation of a Socially Assistive Robot Change Based on Presence and Companionship Type?
Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 2017

Motivational Effects of Acknowledging Feedback from a Socially Assistive Robot.
Proceedings of the Social Robotics - 8th International Conference, 2016

How to Address Smart Homes with a Social Robot? A Multi-modal Corpus of User Interactions with an Intelligent Environment.
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation LREC 2016, 2016

Inferring a spatial road representation from the behavior of real world traffic participants.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2016

Enriching a spatial road representation with lanes and driving directions.
Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2016

Towards addressee recognition in smart robotic environments: an evidence based approach.
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Embodied Interaction with Smart Environments, 2016

Exercising with a humanoid companion is more effective than exercising alone.
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2016

Are you talking to me?: Improving the Robustness of Dialogue Systems in a Multi Party HRI Scenario by Incorporating Gaze Direction and Lip Movement of Attendees.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Human Agent Interaction, 2016

"I know how you performed!": Fostering Engagement in a Gaming Situation Using Memory of Past Interaction.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Human Agent Interaction, 2016

Building a probabilistic grid-based road representation from direct and indirect visual cues.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2015

Long-Term Feedback Mechanisms for Robotic Assisted Indoor Cycling Training.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, 2015

Monocular Road Terrain Detection by Combining Visual and Spatial Information.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., 2014

General Behavior Prediction by a Combination of Scenario-Specific Models.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., 2014

Adaptive facial feature extraction.
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2014

A robot as fitness companion: Towards an interactive action-based motivation model.
Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2014

Pedestrian crossing prediction using multiple context-based models.
Proceedings of the 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014

Dynamic dialog system for human robot collaboration: playing a game of pairs.
Proceedings of the second international conference on Human-agent interaction, 2014

Visual ego-vehicle lane assignment using Spatial Ray features.
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2013

Accurate behavior prediction on highways based on a systematic combination of classifiers.
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2013

"Can you answer questions, Flobi?": Interactionally defining a robot's competence as a fitness instructor.
Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2012

Prediction of driver behavior on a limited sensory setting.
Proceedings of the 15th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2012

Spatial ray features for real-time ego-lane extraction.
Proceedings of the 15th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2012

A Generic Concept of a System for Predicting Driving Behaviors.
Proceedings of the 15th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2012

Traffic Sign Classifier Adaption by Semi-supervised Co-training.
Proceedings of the Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition, 2012

Semi-supervised Training Set Adaption to Unknown Countries for Traffic Sign Classifiers.
Proceedings of the Partially Supervised Learning - First IAPR TC3 Workshop, 2011

An Evaluation on Estimators for Stochastic and Heuristic Based Cost Functions Using the Epipolar-Constraint.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision/Computer Graphics Collaboration Techniques, 2011

Behavior prediction at multiple time-scales in inner-city scenarios.
Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2011

Monocular road segmentation using slow feature analysis.
Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2011

Situation-specific learning for ego-vehicle behavior prediction systems.
Proceedings of the 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2011

A Method for Visual Model Learning During Tracking.
Aust. J. Intell. Inf. Process. Syst., 2010

Vehicle tracking and motion prediction in complex urban scenarios.
Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2010

Dynamic 3D scene analysis for acquiring articulated scene models.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2010

Recognition of situation classes at road intersections.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2010

Recognition and Prediction of Situations in Urban Traffic Scenarios.
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2010

3D Mean-Shift Tracking of Human Body Parts and Recognition of Working Actions in an Industrial Environment.
Proceedings of the Human Behavior Understanding, First International Workshop, 2010

A Controlling Strategy for an Active Vision System Based on Auditory and Visual Cues.
Proceedings of the Artificial Neural Networks, 2010

Directed attention - a cognitive vision system for a mobile robot.
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2009

Direct imitation of human facial expressions by a user-interface robot.
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2009

3D Action Recognition in an Industrial Environment.
Proceedings of the Human Centered Robot Systems, Cognition, Interaction, Technology, 2009

An incremental approach to automated protein localisation.
BMC Bioinform., 2008

Where is this? - gesture based multimodal interaction with an anthropomorphic robot.
Proceedings of the 8th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 2008

Subcellular Localisation of Proteins in Living Cells Using a Genetic Algorithm and an Incremental Neural Network.
Proceedings of the Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2007, 2007

Automatic Segmentation of Unstained Living Cells in Bright-Field Microscope Images.
Proceedings of the Advances in Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals in Medicine, 2006

Automatic Segmentation of Unstained Living Cells in Bright-Field Microscope Images.
Proceedings of the 6th Industrial Conference on Data Mining, Workshop Proceedings, 2006

Classification of Segmented Regions in Brightfield Microscope Images.
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2006), 2006

Segmentierung ungefärbter, lebender Zellen in Hellfeld-Mikroskopbildern.
Proceedings of the Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2006, Algorithmen, Systeme, Anwendungen, Proceedings des Workshops vom 19., 2006

Database driven test case generation for protein?Cprotein docking.
Bioinform., 2005

Aktive Konturen für die robuste Lokalisation von Zellen.
Proceedings of the Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2005, Algorithmen - Systeme, 2005

A Markov Random Field Model of Microarray Gridding.
Proceedings of the 2003 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2003

Data-driven pronunciation modeling for ASR using acoustic subword units.
Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, EUROSPEECH 2003, 2003

A Structural Framework for Assembly Modeling and Recognition.
Proceedings of the Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 10th International Conference, 2003

Comparing bound and unbound protein structures using energy calculation and rotamer statistics.
Silico Biol., 2002

Dynamic search-space pruning for time-constrained speech recognition.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP2002, 2002

Automatische Auswertung von Mikro-Array-Bildern.
Proceedings of the Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2002: Algorithmen, 2002

Forward masking for increased robustness in automatic speech recognition.
Proceedings of the EUROSPEECH 2001 Scandinavia, 2001

Integrating Recognition Paradigms in a Multiple-Path Architecture.
Proceedings of the Advances in Pattern Recognition, 2001

An integrated system for cooperative man-machine interaction.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation: Integrating Intelligent Machines with Humans for a Better Tomorrow, 2001

Grammars and Discourse Theory to Describe and Recognize Mechanical Assemblies.
Proceedings of the Advances in Pattern Recognition, Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR 2000 and SPR 2000, [8th International Workshop on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition, 3rd International Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition], Alicante, Spain, August 30, 2000

Grapheme based speech recognition for large vocabularies.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 2000

A hybrid speech recognizer combining HMMs and polynomial classification.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 2000

Generation of utterances based on visual context information.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 2000

Integration of Regions and Contours for Object Recognition.
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2000

Structure and Process: Learning of Visual Models and Construction Plans for Complex Objects.
Proceedings of the Sensor Based Intelligent Robots, 2000

Using Speech in Visual Object Recognition.
Proceedings of the Mustererkennung 2000, 2000

Ein hybrides Bildanalyse-System für einen künstlichen Kommunikator.
Kognitionswissenschaft, 1999

A comparative study of HMM-based approaches for the automatic recognition of perceptually relevant aspects of spontaneous German speech melody.
Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 1999

Multilevel Integration of Vision and Speech Understanding Using Bayesian Networks.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision Systems, First International Conference, 1999

Disambiguation of Utterances by Visual Context Information.
Proceedings of the Mustererkennung 1999, 1999

Syntax coordination: interaction of discourse and extrapositions.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Incorporating The 7th Australian International Speech Science and Technology Conference, Sydney Convention Centre, Sydney, Australia, 30th November, 1998

A HMM-based recognition system for perceptive relevant pitch movements of spontaneous German speech.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Incorporating The 7th Australian International Speech Science and Technology Conference, Sydney Convention Centre, Sydney, Australia, 30th November, 1998

Hybrid object recognition in image sequences.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1998

Inkrementelle Verarbeitung von diskontinuierlichen Konstruktionen in gesprochener Sprache.
Proceedings of the Mustererkennung 1998, 20. DAGM-Symposium, Stuttgart, 29. September, 1998

An environment for the labelling and testing of melodic aspects of speech.
Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 1997

Schritthaltende hybride Objektdetektion.
Proceedings of the Mustererkennung 1997, 1997

Bewertungsmaße für ein wissensbasiertes System zur makromolekularen Erkennung.
Proceedings of the Mustererkennung 1997, 1997

Incremental generation of word graphs.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 1996

A robust dialogue system for making an appointment.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 1996

Talking about 3D scenes: integration of image and speech understanding in a hybrid distributed system.
Proceedings of the Proceedings 1996 International Conference on Image Processing, 1996

A Hybrid Object Recognition Architecture.
Proceedings of the Artificial Neural Networks, 1996

Repräsentation und Nutzen von Wissen in einem Spracherkennungs- und Dialogsystem.
Künstliche Intell., 1995

Semantische Netzwerksysteme in der Musteranalyse.
Künstliche Intell., 1995

With Friends like Statistics who needs Liguistics? Statistische versus wissensbasierte Sprachverarbeitung.
Künstliche Intell., 1995

Protein Docking: Combining Symbolic Descriptions of Molecular Surfaces and Grid-Based Scoring Functions.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, 1995

Generation of language models using the results of image analysis.
Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 1995

Detection of unknown words and its evaluation.
Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 1995

Robuste inkrementelle Verarbeitung gesprochener Sprache.
Proceedings of the Mustererkennung 1995, 1995

A Speech Understanding and Dialog System with a Homogeneous Linguistic Knowledge Base.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 1994

Enriching a Semantic Network Language by Integrating Qualitative Reasoning Techniques.
Proceedings of the KI-94: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 1994

Understanding of time constituents in spoken language dialogues.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 1994

A close high-level interaction scheme for recognition and interpretation of speech.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 1994

Control and explanation in a signal understanding environment.
Signal Process., 1993

An Approach for Qualitatively Predicting Relations from Relations.
Proceedings of the Fourth Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1993

Modeling of time constituents for speech understanding.
Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 1993

Speech recognition using semantic hidden Markov networks.
Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 1993

Robust interpretation of speech.
Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 1993

A Hybrid Approach to Signal Interpretation Using Neuronal and Semantic Networks.
Proceedings of the Mustererkennung 1993, 1993


The dialog module of the speech recognition and dialog system EVAR.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 1992

Semantic hidden Markov networks.
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 1992

A problem-independent control algorithm for image understanding.
Proceedings of the 11th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1992

Robuste Verarbeitung fehlerhafter Segmentierungsergebnisse.
Proceedings of the Mustererkennung 1992, 1992

Flexible Steuerung eines sprachverstehenden Systems mit homogener Wissensbasis.
PhD thesis, 1992

Integrierte daten- und erwartungsgesteuerte Analyse gesprochener Sprache.
Proceedings of the Mustererkennung 1991, 1991

ERNEST: A Semantic Network System for Pattern Understanding.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 1990

A flexible control strategy with multilevel judgements for a knowledge based speech understanding system.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1988

Werkzeuge zur modellgesteuerten Bildanalyse und Wissensakquisition.
Proceedings of the GI, 1987

Flexible Steuerung eines sprachverstehenden Systems mit Hilfe mehrkomponentiger Bewertungen.
Proceedings of the Mustererkennung 1987, 9. DAGM-Symposium, Braunschweig, 29.9., 1987
