Yuzo Takamatsu

According to our database1, Yuzo Takamatsu authored at least 66 papers between 1983 and 2009.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


On csauthors.net:


An Algorithm for Diagnosing Transistor Shorts Using Gate-level Simulation.
IPSJ Trans. Syst. LSI Des. Methodol., 2009

An Algorithm for Diagnosing Transistor Shorts Using Gate-level Simulation.
Inf. Media Technol., 2009

Addressing Defect Coverage through Generating Test Vectors for Transistor Defects.
IEICE Trans. Fundam. Electron. Commun. Comput. Sci., 2009

Fault Effect of Open Faults Considering Adjacent Signal Lines in a 90 nm IC.
Proceedings of the VLSI Design 2009: Improving Productivity through Higher Abstraction, 2009

A Novel Approach for Improving the Quality of Open Fault Diagnosis.
Proceedings of the VLSI Design 2009: Improving Productivity through Higher Abstraction, 2009

Diagnostic test generation for transition faults using a stuck-at ATPG tool.
Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Test Conference, 2009

New Class of Tests for Open Faults with Considering Adjacent Lines.
Proceedings of the Eighteentgh Asian Test Symposium, 2009

A Method of Locating Open Faults on Incompletely Identified Pass/Fail Information.
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 2008

Fault Diagnosis on Multiple Fault Models by Using Pass/Fail Information.
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 2008

Post-BIST Fault Diagnosis for Multiple Faults.
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 2008

Maximizing Stuck-Open Fault Coverage Using Stuck-at Test Vectors.
IEICE Trans. Fundam. Electron. Commun. Comput. Sci., 2008

Fault Simulation and Test Generation for Transistor Shorts Using Stuck-at Test Tools.
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 2008

Increasing Defect Coverage by Generating Test Vectors for Stuck-Open Faults.
Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Asian Test Symposium, 2008

Fault Coverage and Fault Efficiency of Transistor Shorts using Gate-Level Simulation and Test Generation.
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSI Design 2007), 2007

Test Generation and Diagnostic Test Generation for Open Faults with Considering Adjacent Lines.
Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault-Tolerance in VLSI Systems (DFT 2007), 2007

Timing-Aware Diagnosis for Small Delay Defects.
Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault-Tolerance in VLSI Systems (DFT 2007), 2007

Clues for Modeling and Diagnosing Open Faults with Considering Adjacent Lines.
Proceedings of the 16th Asian Test Symposium, 2007

Test Generation for Transistor Shorts using Stuck-at Fault Simulator and Test Generator.
Proceedings of the 16th Asian Test Symposium, 2007

On Finding Don't Cares in Test Sequences for Sequential Circuits.
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 2006

Effective Post-BIST Fault Diagnosis for Multiple Faults.
Proceedings of the 21th IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault-Tolerance in VLSI Systems (DFT 2006), 2006

Fanout-based fault diagnosis for open faults on pass/fail information.
Proceedings of the 15th Asian Test Symposium, 2006

Diagnosis of Transistor Shorts in Logic Test Environment.
Proceedings of the 15th Asian Test Symposium, 2006

Compaction of pass/fail-based diagnostic test vectors for combinational and sequential circuits.
Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Asia South Pacific Design Automation: ASP-DAC 2006, 2006

A method for reducing the target fault list of crosstalk faults in synchronous sequential circuits.
IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 2005

Test cost reduction for logic circuits: Reduction of test data volume and test application time.
Syst. Comput. Jpn., 2005

On the fault diagnosis in the presence of unknown fault models using pass/fail information.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2005), 2005

Generation of Test Sequences with Low Power Dissipation for Sequential Circuits.
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 2004

Enhancing BIST Based Single/Multiple Stuck-at Fault Diagnosis by Ambiguous Test Set.
Proceedings of the 13th Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2004), 2004

Failure Analysis of Open Faults by Using Detecting/Un-detecting Information on Tests.
Proceedings of the 13th Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2004), 2004

Techniques for Finding Xs in Test Sequences for Sequential Circuits and Applications to Test Length/Power Reduction.
Proceedings of the 13th Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2004), 2004

A Method to Find Don't Care Values in Test Sequences for Sequential Circuits.
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD 2003), 2003

BIST Based Fault Diagnosis Using Ambiguous Test Set.
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault-Tolerance in VLSI Systems (DFT 2003), 2003

On diagnosing multiple stuck-at faults using multiple and singlefault simulation in combinational circuits.
IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 2002

An Alternative Method of Generating Tests for Path Delay Faults Using N -Detection Test Sets.
Proceedings of the 9th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2002), 2002

Modifying Test Vectors for Reducing Power Dissipation in CMOS Circuits.
Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Electronic Design, 2002

Reduction of Target Fault List for Crosstalk-Induced Delay Faults by using Layout Constraints.
Proceedings of the 11th Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2002), 18-20 November 2002, Guam, USA, 2002

A Method to Reduce Power Dissipation during Test for Sequential Circuits.
Proceedings of the 11th Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2002), 18-20 November 2002, Guam, USA, 2002

On reducing the target fault list of crosstalk-induced delay faults in synchronous sequential circuits.
Proceedings of the Proceedings IEEE International Test Conference 2001, Baltimore, MD, USA, 30 October, 2001

Simulation-Based Diagnosis for Crosstalk Faults in Sequential Circuits.
Proceedings of the 10th Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2001), 19-21 November 2001, Kyoto, Japan, 2001

Test Generation for Double Stuck-at Faults.
Proceedings of the 10th Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2001), 19-21 November 2001, Kyoto, Japan, 2001

Identification of redundant faults in combinational circuits.
Syst. Comput. Jpn., 2000

Static test compaction for IDDQ testing of bridging faults in sequential circuits.
Syst. Comput. Jpn., 2000

Algorithms to Select IDDQ Measurement Vectors for Bridging Faults in Sequential Circuits.
J. Electron. Test., 2000

General BIST-Amenable Method of Test Generation for Iterative Logic Arrays.
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS 2000), 30 April, 2000

Test sequence compaction for sequential circuits with reset states.
Proceedings of the 9th Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2000), 4-6 December 2000, Taipei, Taiwan, 2000

Fault models and test generation for IDDQ testing: embedded tutorial.
Proceedings of ASP-DAC 2000, 2000

A New Method for Diagnosing Multiple Stuck-at Faults using Multiple and Single Fault Simulations.
Proceedings of the 17th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS '99), 1999

Multiple Fault Diagnosis in Logic Circuits Using EB Tester and Multiple/Single Fault Simulators.
Proceedings of the 8th Asian Test Symposium (ATS '99), 1999

Fault Simulation Techniques to Reduce IDDQ Measurement Vectors for Sequential Circuits.
Proceedings of the 8th Asian Test Symposium (ATS '99), 1999

Electron Beam Tester Aided Fault Diagnosis for Logic Circuits Based on Sensitized Paths.
Proceedings of the 7th Asian Test Symposium (ATS '98), 2-4 December 1998, Singapore, 1998

Diagnosis of Single Gate Delay Faults in Combinational Circuits using Delay Fault Simulation.
Proceedings of the 7th Asian Test Symposium (ATS '98), 2-4 December 1998, Singapore, 1998

Tests for small gate delay faults in combinational circuits and a test generation method.
Syst. Comput. Jpn., 1997

A Method of Generating Tests for Marginal Delays an Delay Faults in Combinational Circuits.
Proceedings of the 6th Asian Test Symposium (ATS '97), 17-18 November 1997, 1997

Design of C-Testable Multipliers Based on the Modified Booth Algorithm.
Proceedings of the 6th Asian Test Symposium (ATS '97), 17-18 November 1997, 1997

Multiple Fault Diagnosis in Sequential Circuits Using Sensitizing Sequence Pairs.
Proceedings of the Digest of Papers: FTCS-26, 1996

Multiple fault diagnosis in combinational circuits using sensitizing input-pairs.
Syst. Comput. Jpn., 1995

Test generation for sequential circuits using parallel fault simulation with random inputs.
Syst. Comput. Jpn., 1995

A Study for Testability of Redundant Faults in Combinational Circuits Using Delay Effects.
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 1995

Multiple Fault Diagnosis by Sensitizing Input Pairs.
IEEE Des. Test Comput., 1995

Enhancing multiple fault diagnosis in combinational circuits based on sensitized paths and EB testing.
Proceedings of the 4th Asian Test Symposium (ATS '95), 1995

Generation of tenacious tests for small gate delay faults in combinational circuits.
Proceedings of the 4th Asian Test Symposium (ATS '95), 1995

Extended selection of switching target faults in CONT algorithm for test generation.
J. Electron. Test., 1990

Exponetiation in Finite Fields Using Dual Basis Multiplier.
Proceedings of the Applied Algebra, 1990

CONT: a concurrent test generation system.
IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 1989

Test research in Japan.
IEEE Des. Test, 1988

Test generation for scan design circuits with tri-state modules and bidirectional terminals.
Proceedings of the 20th Design Automation Conference, 1983
