Yuta Yamaguchi
According to our database1,
Yuta Yamaguchi
authored at least 9 papers
between 2011 and 2025.
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On csauthors.net:
Designing Super-High-Resolution Liquid-Crystal Devices for Electronic Holography Based on Lateral Electric-Field Driving.
IEICE Trans. Electron., 2025
Mediating and perspective-taking manipulatives: Fostering dynamic perspective-taking by mediating dialogic thinking and bolstering empathy in role-play and reflection for microteaching.
Int. J. Comput. Support. Collab. Learn., 2022
Gender Classification Using Video Sequences of Body Sway Recorded by Overhead Camera.
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2020
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2020
Proceedings of the Frontiers of Computer Vision - 26th International Workshop, 2020
Effects of Perspective-Taking Through Tangible Puppetry in Microteaching and Reflection on the Role-Play with 3D Animation.
Proceedings of the Advances in Quantitative Ethnography - First International Conference, 2019
Proceedings of the 2016 Virtual Reality International Conference, 2016
Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, 2016
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Human Robot Interaction, 2011