Yotam Hod
Orcid: 0000-0001-7353-4052
According to our database1,
Yotam Hod
authored at least 26 papers
between 2013 and 2024.
Collaborative distances:
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Online presence:
on orcid.org
On csauthors.net:
From turtle in a shell to one that wins the race: noticing identities in interactive classroom learning communities.
Interact. Learn. Environ., October, 2024
Enriching the informing cycle of Knowledge Building Communities by investigating students' interpretations of design principles.
Interact. Learn. Environ., October, 2023
Visions of the good in computer-supported collaborative learning: unpacking the ethical dimensions of design-based research.
Int. J. Comput. Support. Collab. Learn., March, 2023
Identity Artifacts: Resources that facilitate transforming participation in blended learning communities.
Internet High. Educ., 2022
Int. J. Comput. Support. Collab. Learn., 2022
Int. J. Comput. Support. Collab. Learn., 2020
Refining qualitative ethnographies using Epistemic Network Analysis: A study of socioemotional learning dimensions in a Humanistic Knowledge Building Community.
Comput. Educ., 2020
Fostering highly engaged knowledge building communities in socioemotional and sociocognitive hybrid learning spaces.
Br. J. Educ. Technol., 2020
Fixedness and Growth at Individual and Collective Levels in Knowledge Building Communities.
Proceedings of the Interdisciplinarity in the Learning Sciences: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2020
Revisiting and Revising Knowledge Building Community Design Principles: What do the Participants Have to Say?
Proceedings of the Interdisciplinarity in the Learning Sciences: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2020
Conceptualizing the designs of authentic computer-supported collaborative learning environments in schools.
Int. J. Comput. Support. Collab. Learn., 2019
Taking responsibility to support knowledge building: A constructive entanglement of spaces and ideas.
Br. J. Educ. Technol., 2019
Future learning spaces for learning communities: Perspectives from the learning sciences.
Br. J. Educ. Technol., 2019
A Wide Lens on Learning in a Networked Society: What Can We Learn by Synthesizing Multiple Research Perspectives?
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 2019
The opportunities of networks of research-practice partnerships and why CSCL should not give up on large-scale educational change.
Int. J. Comput. Support. Collab. Learn., 2018
Interconnecting Knowledge, Experience, and Self in Humanistic Knowledge Building Communities.
Proceedings of the Rethinking learning in the digital age: Making the Learning Sciences count, 2018
Taking on the Challenges of Learning in the Digital Age: Grade 5 Students' Mindsets and Strategies in Knowledge Building Communities.
Proceedings of the Rethinking learning in the digital age: Making the Learning Sciences count, 2018
Whose Culture Is It? Modeling the Designs of Authentic Learning Environments and the Cultures They Mediate.
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 2017
Proceedings of the Transforming Learning, 2016
Future Learning Spaces for Learning Communities: New Directions and Conceptual Frameworks.
Proceedings of the Transforming Learning, 2016
Students negotiating and designing their collaborative learning norms: a group developmental perspective in learning communities.
Interact. Learn. Environ., 2015
Enculturation: Contemporary Use in the Learning Sciences from a Historical Perspective.
Proceedings of the Learning and Becoming in Practice: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2014
Linked Reading and Writing Using Wikilinking: Promoting Knowledge Building within Technology- Enhanced Classroom Learning Communities.
Proceedings of the Learning and Becoming in Practice: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2014
Current Research and Practice on Learning Communities: What We Know, What are the Issues, and Where Are We Going?
Proceedings of the Learning and Becoming in Practice: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2014
Productive Subjective Failure in a Learning Community: Process of Explicating and Negotiating Norms.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 2013
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 2013