Yongjian Nian
Orcid: 0000-0001-6779-0850
According to our database1,
Yongjian Nian
authored at least 25 papers
between 2006 and 2023.
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On csauthors.net:
What Matters in Radiological Image Segmentation? Effect of Segmentation Errors on the Diagnostic Related Features.
J. Imaging Inform. Medicine, 2023
PAM-DenseNet: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Computer-Aided COVID-19 Diagnosis.
IEEE Trans. Cybern., 2022
Multi-branch fusion auxiliary learning for the detection of pneumonia from chest X-ray images.
Comput. Biol. Medicine, 2022
Optimum target range bin selection method for time-frequency analysis to detect falls using wideband radar and a lightweight network.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 2022
Reconstruction of Hyperspectral Images From Spectral Compressed Sensing Based on a Multitype Mixing Model.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens., 2020
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens., 2020
Adaptive Separation of Respiratory and Heartbeat Signals among Multiple People Based on Empirical Wavelet Transform Using UWB Radar.
Sensors, 2020
Superpixel-Based Mixed Noise Estimation for Hyperspectral Images Using Multiple Linear Regression.
Remote. Sens., 2020
IEEE Access, 2020
Uncertainty measures of rough sets based on discernibility capability in information systems.
Soft Comput., 2017
An Improved Azimuth Reconstruction Method for Multichannel SAR Using Vandermonde Matrix.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., 2017
Distributed lossy compression for hyperspectral images based on multilevel coset codes.
Int. J. Wavelets Multiresolution Inf. Process., 2017
Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 2017
Int. J. Wavelets Multiresolution Inf. Process., 2016
Lossless and near-lossless compression of hyperspectral images based on distributed source coding.
J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent., 2015
Medical high-resolution image sharing and electronic whiteboard system: A pure-web-based system for accessing and discussing lossless original images in telemedicine.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., 2015
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 2015
Comput. Electr. Eng., 2014
Suppression of Cross-Channel Interference Based on the Fractional Fourier Transform in Polarimetric Radar.
IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., 2013
Near lossless compression of hyperspectral images based on distributed source coding.
Sci. China Inf. Sci., 2012
Improved Clutter Suppression Algorithm for Atmospheric Target Detection Using Polarimetric Doppler Radar.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens., 2011
Polarimetric extraction technique of atmospheric targets based on double sLdr and morphology.
Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2011
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2006), 2006