Yasunari Shidama

Orcid: 0000-0001-5634-0838

According to our database1, Yasunari Shidama authored at least 143 papers between 1995 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:

On csauthors.net:


Integral of Continuous Three Variable Functions.
Formaliz. Math., 2024

Integral of Continuous Functions of Two Variables.
Formaliz. Math., September, 2023

Multidimensional Measure Space and Integration.
Formaliz. Math., September, 2023

On Implicit and Inverse Function Theorems on Euclidean Spaces.
Formaliz. Math., 2022

Ascoli-Arzelà TheoremThis work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP17K00182.
Formaliz. Math., 2021

Functional Space Consisted by Continuous Functions on Topological Space.
Formaliz. Math., 2021

Finite Dimensional Real Normed Spaces are Proper Metric Spaces.
Formaliz. Math., 2021

Real Vector Space and Related NotionsThis study was supported in part by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers 17K00182 and 20K19863.
Formaliz. Math., 2021

Implicit Function Theorem. Part II.
Formaliz. Math., 2019

Continuity of Multilinear Operator on Normed Linear Spaces.
Formaliz. Math., 2019

Operations of Points on Elliptic Curve in Affine Coordinates.
Formaliz. Math., 2019

Continuity of Bounded Linear Operators on Normed Linear Spaces.
Formaliz. Math., 2018

F. Riesz Theorem.
Formaliz. Math., 2017

Implicit Function Theorem. Part I.
Formaliz. Math., 2017

Isomorphism Theorem on Vector Spaces over a Ring.
Formaliz. Math., 2017

Dual Lattice of ℤ-module Lattice.
Formaliz. Math., 2017

Embedded Lattice and Properties of Gram Matrix.
Formaliz. Math., 2017

Riemann-Stieltjes Integral.
Formaliz. Math., 2016

Conservation Rules of Direct Sum Decomposition of Groups.
Formaliz. Math., 2016

The Basic Existence Theorem of Riemann-Stieltjes Integral.
Formaliz. Math., 2016

Compactness in Metric Spaces.
Formaliz. Math., 2016

Lattice of ℤ-module.
Formaliz. Math., 2016

Divisible ℤ-modules.
Formaliz. Math., 2016

Privacy Preserving Logic Formula Calculation in Cloud.
Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, 2016

Weak Convergence and Weak Convergence.
Formaliz. Math., 2015

The Orthogonal Projection and the Riesz Representation Theorem.
Formaliz. Math., 2015

Definition and Properties of Direct Sum Decomposition of Groups1.
Formaliz. Math., 2015

Equivalent Expressions of Direct Sum Decomposition of Groups1.
Formaliz. Math., 2015

Torsion Part of ℤ-module.
Formaliz. Math., 2015

Matrix of ℤ-module1.
Formaliz. Math., 2015

σ-ring and σ-algebra of Sets1.
Formaliz. Math., 2015

Continuity of approximate reasoning using fuzzy number under Łukasiewicz t-norm.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, 2015

Documentation Generator Focusing on Symbols for the HTML-ized Mizar Library.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Computer Mathematics - International Conference, 2015

Bidual Spaces and Reflexivity of Real Normed Spaces.
Formaliz. Math., 2014

Dual Spaces and Hahn-Banach Theorem.
Formaliz. Math., 2014

Topological Properties of Real Normed Space.
Formaliz. Math., 2014

Rank of Submodule, Linear Transformations and Linearly Independent Subsets of Z-module.
Formaliz. Math., 2014

Definition of Flat Poset and Existence Theorems for Recursive Call.
Formaliz. Math., 2014

Formaliz. Math., 2014

Torsion Z-module and Torsion-free Z-module.
Formaliz. Math., 2014

Continuity of Discrete-Time Fuzzy Systems.
Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing - 21st International Conference, 2014

Formalization of Definitions and Theorems Related to an Elliptic Curve Over a Finite Prime Field by Using Mizar.
J. Autom. Reason., 2013

Isomorphisms of Direct Products of Cyclic Groups of Prime Power Order.
Formaliz. Math., 2013

Isomorphisms of Direct Products of Finite Commutative Groups.
Formaliz. Math., 2013

Random Variables and Product of Probability Spaces.
Formaliz. Math., 2013

Constructing Binary Huffman Tree.
Formaliz. Math., 2013

Differential Equations on Functions from R into Real Banach Space.
Formaliz. Math., 2013

The Linearity of Riemann Integral on Functions from ℝ into Real Banach Space.
Formaliz. Math., 2013

Riemann Integral of Functions from ℝ into Real Banach Space.
Formaliz. Math., 2013

The Ck Space.
Formaliz. Math., 2013

Formulation of Cell Petri Nets.
Formaliz. Math., 2013

Submodule of free Z-module.
Formaliz. Math., 2013

Gaussian Integers.
Formaliz. Math., 2013

Isometric Differentiable Functions on Real Normed Space.
Formaliz. Math., 2013

Differentiation in Normed Spaces.
Formaliz. Math., 2013

Double Sequences and Limits.
Formaliz. Math., 2013

Formal definition of probability on finite and discrete sample space for proving security of cryptographic systems using Mizar.
Artif. Intell. Res., 2013

SIRMs fuzzy approximate reasoning using L-R fuzzy number as premise valuable.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, 2013

On L1 Space Formed by Complex-Valued Partial Functions.
Formaliz. Math., 2012

Differentiable Functions on Normed Linear Spaces.
Formaliz. Math., 2012

Banach's Continuous Inverse Theorem and Closed Graph Theorem.
Formaliz. Math., 2012

Formalization of the Data Encryption Standard.
Formaliz. Math., 2012

Extended Euclidean Algorithm and CRT Algorithm.
Formaliz. Math., 2012

The Differentiable Functions from R into <i>R</i><sup><i>n</i></sup>.
Formaliz. Math., 2012

Contracting Mapping on Normed Linear Space.
Formaliz. Math., 2012

Riemann Integral of Functions from R into <i>n</i>-dimensional Real Normed Space.
Formaliz. Math., 2012

Functional Space <i>C</i>(ω), <i>C</i><sub>0</sub>(ω).
Formaliz. Math., 2012

Free ℤ-module.
Formaliz. Math., 2012

Quotient Module of Z-module.
Formaliz. Math., 2012

Formaliz. Math., 2012

Operations of Points on Elliptic Curve in Projective Coordinates.
Formaliz. Math., 2012

Higher-Order Partial Differentiation.
Formaliz. Math., 2012

Isomorphisms of Direct Products of Finite Cyclic Groups.
Formaliz. Math., 2012

Optimization of SIRMs Fuzzy Model Using Łukasiewicz Logic.
Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing - 19th International Conference, 2012

Continuity of Defuzzification on L2 Space for Optimization of Fuzzy Control.
Proceedings of the Active Media Technology - 8th International Conference, 2012

Cartesian Products of Family of Real Linear Spaces.
Formaliz. Math., 2011

More on Continuous Functions on Normed Linear Spaces.
Formaliz. Math., 2011

Differentiable Functions into Real Normed Spaces.
Formaliz. Math., 2011

Normal Subgroup of Product of Groups.
Formaliz. Math., 2011

More on the Continuity of Real Functions.
Formaliz. Math., 2011

Riemann Integral of Functions from R into Real Normed Space.
Formaliz. Math., 2011

Banach Algebra of Bounded Complex-Valued Functionals.
Formaliz. Math., 2011

Partial Differentiation, Differentiation and Continuity on <i>n</i>-Dimensional Real Normed Linear Spaces.
Formaliz. Math., 2011

Partial Differentiation of Vector-Valued Functions on <i>n</i>-Dimensional Real Normed Linear Spaces.
Formaliz. Math., 2011

Set of Points on Elliptic Curve in Projective Coordinates.
Formaliz. Math., 2011

Formalization of Integral Linear Space.
Formaliz. Math., 2011

Optimal Control Using Functional Type SIRMs Fuzzy Reasoning Method.
Proceedings of the Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2011, 2011

Fuzzy approximate reasoning using single input rule modules in L<sup>∞</sup> space.
Proceedings of the AFRICON 2011, 2011

On L^p Space Formed by Real-Valued Partial Functions.
Formaliz. Math., 2010

Probability Measure on Discrete Spaces and Algebra of Real-Valued Random Variables.
Formaliz. Math., 2010

Riemann Integral of Functions R into C.
Formaliz. Math., 2010

Banach Algebra of Continuous Functionals and the Space of Real-Valued Continuous Functionals with Bounded Support.
Formaliz. Math., 2010

Fixpoint Theorem for Continuous Functions on Chain-Complete Posets.
Formaliz. Math., 2010

Differentiation of Vector-Valued Functions on n-Dimensional Real Normed Linear Spaces.
Formaliz. Math., 2010

Existence of Single Input Rule Modules for Optimal Fuzzy Logic Control.
Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 2010

Fuzzy Number as Input for Approximate Reasoning and Applied to Optimal Control Problem.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 2010

Compactness of Family of Fuzzy Sets in <i>L</i><sup>2</sup> Space with Application to Optimal Control.
IEICE Trans. Fundam. Electron. Commun. Comput. Sci., 2009

Complex Integral.
Formaliz. Math., 2009

The Cauchy-Riemann Differential Equations of Complex Functions.
Formaliz. Math., 2009

Complex Function Differentiability.
Formaliz. Math., 2009

Probability on Finite Set and Real-Valued Random Variables.
Formaliz. Math., 2009

Lebesgue's Convergence Theorem of Complex-Valued Function.
Formaliz. Math., 2009

The Measurability of Complex-Valued Functional Sequences.
Formaliz. Math., 2009

The Real Vector Spaces of Finite Sequences are Finite Dimensional.
Formaliz. Math., 2009

Riemann Integral of Functions from R into Rn.
Formaliz. Math., 2009

Cell Petri Net Concepts.
Formaliz. Math., 2009

Hopf Extension Theorem of Measure.
Formaliz. Math., 2009

Defuzzification Using Area Method on L<sup>∞</sup> Space.
Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 2009

Height Defuzzification Method on L<sup>∞</sup> Space.
Proceedings of the Artificial Neural Networks, 2009

Extended Riemann Integral of Functions of Real Variable and One-sided Laplace Transform.
Formaliz. Math., 2008

On L^1 Space Formed by Real-Valued Partial Functions.
Formaliz. Math., 2008

Banach Algebra of Bounded Functionals.
Formaliz. Math., 2008

Open Mapping Theorem.
Formaliz. Math., 2008

Uniform Boundedness Principle.
Formaliz. Math., 2008

Uniqueness of Factoring an Integer and Multiplicative Group Z/pZ*.
Formaliz. Math., 2008

Integral of Complex-Valued Measurable Function.
Formaliz. Math., 2008

The First Mean Value Theorem for Integrals.
Formaliz. Math., 2008

Convex Sets and Convex Combinations on Complex Linear Spaces.
Formaliz. Math., 2008

Model Checking. Part III.
Formaliz. Math., 2008

Egoroff's Theorem.
Formaliz. Math., 2008

Fatou's Lemma and the Lebesgue's Convergence Theorem.
Formaliz. Math., 2008

The Lebesgue Monotone Convergence Theorem.
Formaliz. Math., 2008

Introduction to Matroids.
Formaliz. Math., 2008

Lipschitz Continuity of Approximate Reasoning.
Proceedings of the Ninth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, 2008

Admissible Fuzzy Controller in L2 Space.
Proceedings of the New Frontiers in Applied Artificial Intelligence, 2008

Continuity of product-sum-gravity method on L<sup>2</sup> space using fuzzy number for premise variable.
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Its Applications, 2007

Continuity of Fuzzy Approximate Reasoning and Its Application to Optimization.
Proceedings of the AI 2007: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2007

Continuity of Nakamori fuzzy model and its application to optimal feedback control.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, 2005

The Learning System of Shinshu University Graduate School of Science and Technology on the Internet.
Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 2005

The design verification for the 3DES encipher chip based on an extended Petri net and XML/Java executor.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Control, 2004

Continuity of approximate reasoning using L-R fuzzy number as input.
Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2004

A High Reliability Design for Nfs Server Software By Using an Extended Petri Net.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2003, 2003

Study on a noise reduction system of CATV network upstream for data communication.
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, 2003

A high reliability design for NFS server software based on the logical coloured Petri net.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Control, 2002

The persistence of the Petri Net state-space.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Control, 2002

Minimization of quadratic performance function in T-S fuzzy model.
Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2002

Ensemble by Seven Musical Performance Robots.
J. Robotics Mechatronics, 2001

Optimization of Fuzzy Feedback Control in L_Space.
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2001

A set of time dependent fuzzy membership functions and its compactness.
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2000

State fence diagrams - A graphical representation for designing reactive systems.
Syst. Comput. Jpn., 1999

Optimizing fuzzy logic with genetic algorithm.
Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based Intelligent Electronic Systems, 1998

An Optimizing Fuzzy Logic with Genetic Algorithms.
Proceedings of 1996 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, 1996

A Formal Technique to Analyze Event Concurrent Response.
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 1995
