Yannick Toussaint

  • INRIA, France

According to our database1, Yannick Toussaint authored at least 71 papers between 1992 and 2023.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:

On csauthors.net:


Adding Linguistic Information to Transformer Models Improves Biomedical Event Detection?
Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems, 2023

How Much do Knowledge Graphs Impact Transformer Models for Extracting Biomedical Events?
Proceedings of the 22nd Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing and BioNLP Shared Tasks, 2023

Exploring the Relationship between Alignment and Cross-lingual Transfer in Multilingual Transformers.
Proceedings of the Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023, 2023

Multilingual Clinical NER: Translation or Cross-lingual Transfer?
Proceedings of the 5th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop, 2023

Organizing and Improving a Database of French Word Formation Using Formal Concept Analysis.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2022

Multilingual Transformer Encoders: a Word-Level Task-Agnostic Evaluation.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2022

Évaluation des propriétés multilingues d'un embedding contextualisé.
Proceedings of the Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, 2022

Syntax-based transfer learning for the task of biomedical relation extraction.
J. Biomed. Semant., 2021

Handling the Deviation from Isometry Between Domains and Languages in Word Embeddings: Applications to Biomedical Text Translation.
Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing - 28th International Conference, 2021

Expérimentations autour des architectures d'apprentissage par transfert pour l'extraction de relations biomédicales.
Proceedings of the Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, 2021

Experiments on transfer learning architectures for biomedical relation extraction.
CoRR, 2020

AOC-Poset on Discourse and Argumentation Subgraphs: What Can we Learn on Their Dependencies?
Proceedings of the Fifthteenth International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications, 2020

Using Redescriptions and Formal Concept Analysis for Mining Definitions in Linked Data.
Proceedings of the Formal Concept Analysis - 15th International Conference, 2019

Redescription Mining for Learning Definitions and Disjointness Axioms in Linked Open Data.
Proceedings of the Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning, 2019

Aligning Discourse and Argumentation Structures using Subtrees and Redescription Mining.
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Argument Mining, ArgMining@ACL 2019, Florence, Italy, 2019

Trois approches pour classifier les données du web des données(Three approaches for classifying data from web of data).
Proceedings of the Actes de la Conférence Nationale d'Intelligence Artificielle et Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs en Intelligence Artificielle (CNIA+RJCIA 2018), 2018

Three Approaches for Mining Definitions from Relational Data in the Web of Data.
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop "What can FCA do for Artificial Intelligence"? co-located with International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI/ECAI 2018), 2018

Définir les catégories de DBpédia avec des règles d'associations et des redescriptions.
Proceedings of the Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, 2018

A Proposal for Classifying the Content of the Web of Data Based on FCA and Pattern Structures.
Proceedings of the Foundations of Intelligent Systems - 23rd International Symposium, 2017

Ambiguity Diagnosis for Terms in Digital Humanities.
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation LREC 2016, 2016

Contribution to the Classification of Web of Data Based on Formal Concept Analysis.
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop "What can FCA do for Artificial Intelligence"? co-located with the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2016

Building a Domain Knowledge Model Based on a Concept Lattice Integrating Expert Constraints.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications, 2016

Automatic Validation of Terminology by Means of Formal Concept Analysis.
Proceedings of the Formal Concept Analysis - 13th International Conference, 2015

Exploring Pattern Structures of Syntactic Trees for Relation Extraction.
Proceedings of the Formal Concept Analysis - 13th International Conference, 2015

Extracting Disease-Symptom Relationships by Learning Syntactic Patterns from Dependency Graphs.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing, BioNLP@IJCNLP 2015, 2015

Learning Subgraph Patterns from text for Extracting Disease - Symptom Relationships.
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Interactions between Data Mining and Natural Language Processing co-located with The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 2014

Vers un processus continu d'extraction de connaissances à partir de textes.
Proceedings of the IC 2013 : 24es Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances (Proceedings of the 24th French Knowledge Engineering Conference), 2013

A Collaborative Approach for FCA-Based Knowledge Extraction.
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications, 2013

Knowledge continuous integration process (K-CIP).
Proceedings of the 21st World Wide Web Conference, 2012

Improving Case Retrieval by Enrichment of the Domain Ontology.
Proceedings of the Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development, 2011

Mining for Reengineering: An Application to Semantic Wikis Using Formal and Relational Concept Analysis.
Proceedings of the Semanic Web: Research and Applications, 2011

Fouille de textes : des méthodes symboliques pour la construction d'ontologies et l'annotation sémantique guidée par les connaissances. (Text Mining: Symbolic methods to build ontologies and to semantically annotate texts).
, 2011

L'Analyse Formelle de Concepts au service de la construction et l'enrichissement d'une ontologie.
Proceedings of the Fouille de données complexes, 2010

Crechaindo, un système itératif et interactif de classification par treillis de concepts, pour la recherche d'information sur le web.
Document Numérique, 2010

Adverse Drug Reaction Mining in Pharmacovigilance Data Using Formal Concept Analysis.
Proceedings of the Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 2010

A Qualitative Approach to Signal Mining in Pharmacovigilance using Formal Concept Analysis.
Proceedings of the MEDINFO 2010, 2010

Text Adaptation Using Formal Concept Analysis.
Proceedings of the Case-Based Reasoning. Research and Development, 2010

Complémentarité des méthodes numériques et symboliques en pharmacovigilance.
Proceedings of the IC 2010 : 21es Journées Ingénierie des Connaissances 2010 (Proceedings of the 21st French Knowledge Engineering Conference), 2010

CreChainDo: an iterative and interactive Web information retrieval system based on lattices.
Int. J. Gen. Syst., 2009

WIKITAAABLE: A semantic wiki as a blackboard for a textual case-base reasoning system.
Proceedings of the 4th Semantic Wiki Workshop (SemWiki 2009) at the 6th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2009), 2009

Taaable: système de recherche et de création, par adaptation, de recettes de cuisine.
Proceedings of the Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2009), 2009

Mining Safety Signals in Spontaneous Reports Database Using Concept Analysis.
Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2009

Mining for Adverse Drug Events with Formal Concept Analysis.
Proceedings of the eHealth Beyond the Horizon, 2008

PACTOLE: A Methodology and a System for Semi-automatically Enriching an Ontology from a Collection of Texts.
Proceedings of the Conceptual Structures: Knowledge Visualization and Reasoning, 2008

A proposal for an Interactive Ontology Design Process based on Formal Concept Analysis.
Proceedings of the Formal Ontology in Information Systems, 2008

TAAABLE: Text Mining, Ontology Engineering, and Hierarchical Classification for Textual Case-Based Cooking.
Proceedings of the ECCBR 2008, 2008

Formal Concept Analysis: A Unified Framework for Building and Refining Ontologies.
Proceedings of the Knowledge Engineering: Practice and Patterns, 2008

Classification dynamique par treillis de concepts pour la recherche d'information sur le web.
Proceedings of the COnférence en Recherche d'Infomations et Applications, 2008

Annotation sémantique par classification.
Proceedings of the IC 2007: Ingénierie des connaissances 2007 (Proceedings of the 18th French Knowledge Engineering Conference), 2007

Construction d'une ontologie à partir d'un corpus de textes avec l'ACF.
Proceedings of the IC 2007: Ingénierie des connaissances 2007 (Proceedings of the 18th French Knowledge Engineering Conference), 2007

Construction d'ontologie à partir de corpus de textes.
Proceedings of the Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2007), 2007

Dynamical Modification of Context for an Iterative and Interactive Information Retrieval Process on the Web.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications, 2007

Towards a text mining methodology using association rule extraction.
Soft Comput., 2006

Instantiation of Relations for Semantic Annotation.
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2006), 2006

Construction d'une ontologie de descripteurs UCD en astronomie.
Proceedings of the IC 2006: Ingénierie des connaissances 2006 (Proceedings of the 17th French Knowledge Engineering Conference), 2006

Annotation sémantique de pages web.
Proceedings of the Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2006), 2006

Vers l'extraction de motifs rares.
Proceedings of the Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2006), 2006

First Elements on Knowledge Discovery Guided by Domain Knowledge (KDDK).
Proceedings of the Concept Lattices and Their Applications, 2006

Knowledge extraction from WebPages.
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Knowledge Markup and Semantic Annotation ( SemAnnot 2005 ) located at the 4rd International Semantic Web Conference ISWC 2005, 2005

Application of Text Categorization to Astronomy Field.
Proceedings of the Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, 2005

Hiérarchisation des règles d'association en fouille de textes.
Proceedings of the Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2005), 2005

Extraction de connaissances à partir de textes structurés.
Document Numérique, 2004

Knowledge-Based Selection of Association Rules for Text Mining.
Proceedings of the 16th Eureopean Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2004

Le traitement automatique de la langue contre les erreurs judiciaires : une méthodologie d'analyse systématique des textes d'un dossier d'instruction.
Proceedings of the Actes de la 10ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles. Posters, 2003

A Hybrid Classification Method for Database Contents Analysis.
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, 2003

Combining Symbolic and Numeric Techniques for DL Contents Classification and Analysis.
Proceedings of the Engineering of Intelligent Systems, 2001

Sentence Analysis by Case-Based Reasoning.
Proceedings of the Engineering of Intelligent Systems, 2001

Building and interpreting term dependencies using association rules extracted from Galois lattices.
Proceedings of the Computer-Assisted Information Retrieval (Recherche d'Information et ses Applications), 2000

Combining symbolic and numeric techniques for DL contents classificationand analysis.
Proceedings of the First DELOS Network of Excellence Workshop on Information Seeking, 2000

Quality Control of Software Specifications Written in Natural Language.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, 1994

Applying Linguistic Engineering to Spatial Software Engineering: the Traceabiiity Problem.
Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1992
