Yajie Chen

Orcid: 0009-0001-3036-6527

According to our database1, Yajie Chen authored at least 19 papers between 2006 and 2025.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


On csauthors.net:


Cross-dimensional global interactive transformer for traffic forecasting.
Digit. Signal Process., 2025

EVA-X: A Foundation Model for General Chest X-ray Analysis with Self-supervised Learning.
CoRR, 2024

Confidence-weighted mutual supervision on dual networks for unsupervised cross-modality image segmentation.
Sci. China Inf. Sci., November, 2023

Robust feature mining transformer for occluded person re-identification.
Digit. Signal Process., September, 2023

A New Method for Diagnosing Motor Bearing Faults Based on Gramian Angular Field Image Coding and Improved CNN-ELM.
IEEE Access, 2023

CoTrain: Efficient Scheduling for Large-Model Training upon GPU and CPU in Parallel.
Proceedings of the 52nd International Conference on Parallel Processing, 2023

Cell Localization and Counting Using Direction Field Map.
IEEE J. Biomed. Health Informatics, 2022

Faster-LIO: Lightweight Tightly Coupled Lidar-Inertial Odometry Using Parallel Sparse Incremental Voxels.
IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett., 2022

SeA: Selective Attention for Fine-grained Visual Categorization.
Proceedings of the 33rd British Machine Vision Conference 2022, 2022

Research on Dynamic Probability Mechanism of Rebroadcasting for UAV Swarm.
Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), 2020

Relay Selection Based on Trajectory Prediction for UAV Networks.
Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), 2020

Pay More Attention to Discontinuity for Medical Image Segmentation.
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2020, 2020

Relay Selection Based on Location Prediction in Collaborative Communication.
Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology, 2020

Research on signal modulation and processing for incoherent scattering radar.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information, 2015

A Solid-State Neuron for Spiking Neural Network Implementation.
Eng. Lett., 2008

A programmable facilitating synapse device.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2008

Analog Spiking Neuron with Charge-Coupled Synapses.
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, 2007

A Silicon Synapse Based on a Charge Transfer Device for Spiking Neural Network Application.
Proceedings of the Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2006, Third International Symposium on Neural Networks, Chengdu, China, May 28, 2006

On the Design of a Low Power Compact Spiking Neuron Cell Based on Charge-Coupled Synapses.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2006
