Xuefeng Liu

Orcid: 0000-0002-7343-6302

  • Xidian University, State Key Laboratory of Integrated Services Networks, School of Cyber Engineering, China

According to our database1, Xuefeng Liu authored at least 36 papers between 2010 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:

On csauthors.net:


Confidential Distributed Ledgers for Online Syndicated Lending.
IEEE Trans. Serv. Comput., 2024

PrivGrid: Privacy-Preserving Individual Load Forecasting Service for Smart Grid.
IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Secur., 2024

Lightweight Federated Learning for Large-Scale IoT Devices With Privacy Guarantee.
IEEE Internet Things J., February, 2023

PrivFace: Fast Privacy-Preserving Face Authentication With Revocable and Reusable Biometric Credentials.
IEEE Trans. Dependable Secur. Comput., 2022

Efficient distributed privacy-preserving collaborative outlier detection.
Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl., 2020

Sparser: Secure Nearest Neighbor Search with Space-filling Curves.
Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 2020

Privacy-Preserving Reputation Management for Edge Computing Enhanced Mobile Crowdsensing.
IEEE Trans. Serv. Comput., 2019

A Privacy-Preserving Edge Computation-Based Face Verification System for User Authentication.
IEEE Access, 2019

An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Bidirectional Friends Matching Scheme in Mobile Social Networks.
Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications, 2019

DAPS: A Decentralized Anonymous Payment Scheme with Supervision.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, 2019

Efficient Privacy Preserving Cross-Datasets Collaborative Outlier Detection.
Proceedings of the Cyberspace Safety and Security - 11th International Symposium, 2019

EGHR: Efficient group-based handover authentication protocols for mMTC in 5G wireless networks.
J. Netw. Comput. Appl., 2018

Several classes of negabent functions over finite fields.
Sci. China Inf. Sci., 2018

A Novel Trust Evaluation Mechanism for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems.
IEEE Access, 2018

A Practical Privacy-Preserving Face Authentication Scheme with Revocability and Reusability.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, 2018

Publicly Verifiable Inner Product Evaluation over Outsourced Data Streams under Multiple Keys.
IEEE Trans. Serv. Comput., 2017

One-tag checker: Message-locked integrity auditing on encrypted cloud deduplication storage.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 2017

Efficient quantum dialogue using entangled states and entanglement swapping without information leakage.
Quantum Inf. Process., 2016

SVC: Secure VANET-Assisted Remote Healthcare Monitoring System in Disaster Area.
KSII Trans. Internet Inf. Syst., 2016

New complementary sets of length 2<sup>m</sup> and size 4.
Adv. Math. Commun., 2016

A privacy preserving authentication scheme for roaming services in global mobility networks.
Secur. Commun. Networks, 2015

Lightweight handover authentication with location privacy-preserving in mobile wireless networks.
Int. J. Embed. Syst., 2015

Catch you if you lie to me: Efficient verifiable conjunctive keyword search over large dynamic encrypted cloud data.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 2015

Using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to establish a credible spectrum sensing and allocation model.
Secur. Commun. Networks, 2014

Preserving identity privacy on multi-owner cloud data during public verification.
Secur. Commun. Networks, 2014

An anonymous data aggregation scheme for smart grid systems.
Secur. Commun. Networks, 2014

Efficient public verification on the integrity of multi-owner data in the cloud.
J. Commun. Networks, 2014

Mona: Secure Multi-Owner Data Sharing for Dynamic Groups in the Cloud.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 2013

A privacy-preserving acceleration authentication protocol for mobile pay-TV systems.
Secur. Commun. Networks, 2013

A New Roaming Authentication Framework For Wireless Communication.
KSII Trans. Internet Inf. Syst., 2013

A Lightweight Three-Party Privacy-preserving Authentication Key Exchange Protocol Using Smart Card.
KSII Trans. Internet Inf. Syst., 2013

A new framework against privilege escalation attacks on android.
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2013

An efficient handover authentication scheme with location privacy preserving for EAP-based wireless networks.
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2012

A lightweight roaming authentication protocol for anonymous wireless communication.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2012

A Privacy Preserving Handover Authentication Scheme for EAP-Based Wireless Networks.
Proceedings of the Global Communications Conference, 2011

A Fast Handover Authentication Mechanism Based on Ticket for IEEE 802.16m.
IEEE Commun. Lett., 2010
