Xinya Sun
According to our database1,
Xinya Sun
authored at least 25 papers
between 2008 and 2024.
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Multi-Objective Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Energy-Aimed Train Scheduling for Urban Rail Transit Network.
Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2024
A Global Transport Capacity Risk Prediction Method for Rail Transit Based on Gaussian Bayesian Network.
CoRR, 2023
A Situation Deduction Method for Rail Transit Network Based on Dynamic Bayesian Network with Gaussian Mixture Model.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Intelligent Control, 2023
A Deep Reinforcement Learning Method for Freight Train Driving Based on Domain Knowledge and Mass Estimation Network.
Proceedings of the ICMLT 2021: 6th International Conference on Machine Learning Technologies, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, April 23, 2021
Genetic Algorithm Based Dynamic Collaborative Optimization Method for Train Dispatching and Passenger Flow Guidance.
Proceedings of the ICCMS 2021: The 13th International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, June 25, 2021
A decision optimization method for emergency maintenance of regional rail transit based on genetic algorithm.
Proceedings of the ICCMS 2021: The 13th International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, June 25, 2021
A Method for Evaluating the Importance of Regional Rail Transit Nodes under the Sense of Cascaded Failure.
Proceedings of the ICCMS 2021: The 13th International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, June 25, 2021
A Global Dynamic Capacity Risk Assessment and Prediction Method of Regional Rail Transit Network Based on Passenger Flow Monitoring.
Proceedings of the ICCMS 2021: The 13th International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, June 25, 2021
An Online Detection Algorithm of Train Coupler Impact Based on Stacked Auto-Encoders.
Proceedings of the CAA Symposium on Fault Detection, 2021
Predictive Control based on Bayesian Optimization for Station Parking of Trains with Discrete Gears.
Proceedings of the CAA Symposium on Fault Detection, 2021
Hybrid belief rule base for regional railway safety assessment with data and knowledge under uncertainty.
Inf. Sci., 2020
Knowledge-based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Train Automatic Stop Control of High-Speed Railway.
Proceedings of the MLMI 2020: The 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence, 2020
Research on Regional Rail Transit Travel Planning System Based on Passenger Flow Prediction<sup>*</sup>.
Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020
An enhanced fault detection method for railway turnouts incorporating prior faulty information.
Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020
A Dynamic Risk Analysis and Assessment Method for Traction System of Metro Train Based on Characteristic Quantity.
Proceedings of the CAA Symposium on Fault Detection, 2019
A Dynamic Risk Analysis Method for Compound Faults of Traction System of High Speed Train Based on Characteristic Variables.
Proceedings of the CAA Symposium on Fault Detection, 2019
A Dynamic Risk Analysis Method for High-speed Railway Catenary Based on Bayesian Network.
Proceedings of the CAA Symposium on Fault Detection, 2019
A Method of Dynamic Risk Analysis and Assessment for Metro Power Supply System Based on Fuzzy Reasoning.
Proceedings of the CAA Symposium on Fault Detection, 2019
A Dynamic Risk Analysis Method for Escalator of Rail Transit Hub Based on Characteristic Quantity.
Proceedings of the CAA Symposium on Fault Detection, 2019
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Automation and Computing, 2018
Intelligent Fault Detection of High-Speed Railway Turnout Based on Hybrid Deep Learning.
Proceedings of the AI 2018: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2018
An improved case-based reasoning method and its application on fault diagnosis of Tennessee Eastman process.
Neurocomputing, 2017
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2016
Random Field Modeling of Track Irregularity of Beijing-Guangzhou High-Speed Railway with Karhunen-Loève Expansion.
Int. J. Distributed Sens. Networks, 2015
A Meta-model Based Modeling Method for Geographic Information Model in CTCS Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation System.
J. Comput., 2008