Xiaotang Zhou

Orcid: 0000-0003-1003-3239

According to our database1, Xiaotang Zhou authored at least 17 papers between 2014 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:

On csauthors.net:


Multi-objective optimization-based and fault localization-oriented test case generation for novice programs.
J. Softw. Evol. Process., October, 2024

Fusing sentiment knowledge and inter-aspect dependency based on gated mechanism for aspect-level sentiment classification.
Neurocomputing, September, 2023

Medical image fusion using bilateral texture filtering.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control., August, 2023

Dynamic multichannel fusion mechanism based on a graph attention network and BERT for aspect-based sentiment classification.
Appl. Intell., March, 2023

Applying Faulty Statement Category Frequency to Localize Faults for Student Programs.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Science & Education, 2021

Extracting Topics with Simultaneous Word Co-occurrence and Semantic Correlation Graphs: Neural Topic Modeling for Short Texts.
Proceedings of the Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021, 2021

Fault Localization-Guided Test Data Generation Approach for Novice Programs.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications, 2021

A more time-efficient gibbs sampling algorithm based on SparseLDA for latent dirichlet allocation.
Intell. Data Anal., 2018

Two time-efficient gibbs sampling inference algorithms for biterm topic model.
Appl. Intell., 2018

Labelset topic model for multi-label document classification.
J. Intell. Inf. Syst., 2016

A kernel-based centroid classifier using hypothesis margin.
J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell., 2016

Sparse Hybrid Variational-Gibbs Algorithm for Latent Dirichlet Allocation.
Proceedings of the 2016 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 2016

Centroid prior topic model for multi-label classification.
Pattern Recognit. Lett., 2015

Group topic model: organizing topics into groups.
Inf. Retr. J., 2015

Supervised topic models for multi-label classification.
Neurocomputing, 2015

Supervised labeled latent Dirichlet allocation for document categorization.
Appl. Intell., 2015

Adaptive Centroid-Based Clustering Algorithm for Text Document Data.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, 2014
