Xiangdong An

Orcid: 0000-0003-3873-6884

  • University of Tennessee at Martin, Martin, TN, USA

According to our database1, Xiangdong An authored at least 31 papers between 2003 and 2020.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:

On csauthors.net:


A causal model for type 2 diabetes and its comparison with other modelling methods.
Int. J. Electron. Heal., 2020

geNov: A new metric for measuring novelty and relevancy in biomedical information retrieval.
J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol., 2017

Towards a Formal Account of the Dynamics of Knowledge and Context in Surgical Rooms for the Practice of Surgical Safety CheckLists.
Proceedings of the AMIA 2016, 2016

Using Term Location Information to Enhance Probabilistic Information Retrieval.
Proceedings of the 38th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 2015

A statistical model for predicting power demand peaks in power systems.
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2015

How Complementary Are Different Information Retrieval Techniques? A Study in Biomedicine Domain.
Proceedings of the Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, 2014

Boosting novelty for biomedical information retrieval through probabilistic latent semantic analysis.
Proceedings of the 36th International ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in Information Retrieval, 2013

A Study on Novelty Evaluation in Biomedical Information Retrieval.
Proceedings of the String Processing and Information Retrieval, 2012

Finding best evidence for evidence-based best practice recommendations in health care: the initial decision support system design.
Knowl. Inf. Syst., 2011

Optimal IR: How Far Away?
Proceedings of the Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, 2010

Uncertain inference control in privacy protection.
Int. J. Inf. Sec., 2009

Distributed parallel compilation of MSBNs.
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., 2009

Lexical acquisition and clustering of word senses to conceptual lexicon construction.
Comput. Math. Appl., 2009

Fault-Tolerant Multi-Agent Exact Belief Propagation.
Comput. Intell., 2009

Compiling Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Networks: A Comparative Study.
Proceedings of the MICAI 2009: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2009

Dynamic multiagent probabilistic inference.
Int. J. Approx. Reason., 2008

Mining Causal Knowledge from Diagnostic Knowledge.
Proceedings of the Advanced Data Mining and Applications, 4th International Conference, 2008

York University at TREC 2007: Genomics Track.
Proceedings of The Sixteenth Text REtrieval Conference, 2007

Reasoning about obfuscated private information: who have lied and how to lie.
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society, 2006

Privacy Preserving Multiagent Probabilistic Reasoning about Ambiguous Contexts: A Case Study.
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2006), 2006

Temporal Context Lie Detection and Generation.
Proceedings of the Secure Data Management, Third VLDB Workshop, SDM 2006, Seoul, Korea, 2006

Dynamic inference control in privacy preference enforcement.
Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Privacy, 2006

Probabilistic Internal Privacy Intrusion Detection.
Proceedings of the Tenth International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium (IDEAS 2006), 2006

A Bayesian Network Approach to Detecting Privacy Intrusion.
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, 2006

Iterative Multiagent Probabilistic Inference.
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, 2006

Iterative Compilation of Multiagent Probabilistic Graphical Models.
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, 2006

Auditing and Inference Control for Privacy Preservation in Uncertain Environments.
Proceedings of the Smart Sensing and Context, First European Conference, EuroSSC 2006, 2006

Privacy intrusion detection using dynamic Bayesian networks.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Electronic Commerce: The new e-commerce, 2006

Probabilistic reasoning in dynamic multiagent systems.
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2004), 2004

Revising Markov Boundary for Multiagent Probabilistic Inference.
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT 2004), 2004

Simulation of Graphical Models for Multiagent Probabilistic Inference.
Simul., 2003
