William Ward
According to our database1,
William Ward
authored at least 7 papers
between 2003 and 2024.
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
On csauthors.net:
Dual-Wavelength Interferometric Detection Technology for Wind and Temperature Fields in the Martian Middle and Upper Atmosphere Based on LCTF.
Remote. Sens., October, 2024
Joint Verification and Refinement of Language Models for Safety-Constrained Planning.
CoRR, 2024
Fine-Tuning Language Models Using Formal Methods Feedback: A Use Case in Autonomous Systems.
Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference on Machine Learning and Systems, 2024
A hybrid soft material robotic end-effector for reversible in-space assembly of strut components.
Frontiers Robotics AI, February, 2023
Patients and providers using secure messages on the patient portal for home telemonitoring: what are the informatics challenges and how can they be managed?
Proceedings of the AMIA 2014, 2014
Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Visualization Conference, 2003