Vinod K. Agarwal

According to our database1, Vinod K. Agarwal authored at least 73 papers between 1977 and 1999.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of two.


IEEE Fellow

IEEE Fellow 1992, "For contributions to built-in self-tests of digital systems and fault-tolerant computing".



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




VTS 1999 Keynote Address Embedded Test OR External Test.
Proceedings of the 17th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS '99), 1999

Invited Talk: Embedded Test for Systems-on-a-Chip.
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSI Design 1999), 1999

Diagnosis of clustered faults and wafer testing.
IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 1998

Correct Diagnosis of Almost All Faulty Units in a Multiprocessor System.
J. Circuits Syst. Comput., 1998

Embedded Test and Measurement Critical for Deep Submicron Technology.
Proceedings of the 6th Asian Test Symposium (ATS '97), 17-18 November 1997, 1997

A Diagnosis Algorithm for Constant Degree Structures and Its Application to VLSI Circuit Testing.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 1995

Fast signature computation for BIST linear compactors.
IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 1995

A quasi-optimal scheduling of intermediate signatures for multiple signature analysis compaction testing schemes.
J. Electron. Test., 1995

VTS 1994 Panel Report on BIST for Consumer Products.
IEEE Des. Test Comput., 1995

A Specification-Driven Architectural Design Environment.
Computer, 1995

Distributed Probabilistic Diagnosis of MCMs on Large Area.
Proceedings of the Proceedings IEEE International Test Conference 1995, 1995

Almost Sure Diagnosis of Almost Every Good Element.
IEEE Trans. Computers, 1994

Diagnosis of t/(t+1)-Diagnosable Systems.
SIAM J. Comput., 1994

Performance of Interconnection Network in Multithreaded Architectures.
Proceedings of the PARLE '94: Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe, 1994

VAMP: A Hierarchical Framework for Design for Manufacturability.
Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 1994, London, England, UK, May 30, 1994

A Comparative Study of Multiprocessor List Scheduling Heuristics.
Proceedings of the 27th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-27), 1994

DASE: An Environment for System Level Telecommunication Design Exploration and Modelling.
Proceedings of the Computer Aided System Theory, 1994

Multiprocessor Fault Diagnosis Under Local Constraints.
IEEE Trans. Computers, 1993

Distributed Fault diagnosis of a Ring of Processors.
Parallel Process. Lett., 1993

Built-In Self-Diagnosis for Repairable Embedded RAMs.
IEEE Des. Test Comput., 1993

Analysis of Multithreaded Multiprocessors with Distributed Shared Memory.
Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, 1993

The design of a library support system for a telecommunication system synthesis environment.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping, 1993

Fault Location Algorithms for Repairable Embedded.
Proceedings of the Proceedings IEEE International Test Conference 1993, Designing, Testing, and Diagnostics, 1993

A Novel Methodology Using Genetic Algorithms for the Design of Caches and Cache Replacement Policy.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, 1993

Computing the probability of undetected error for shortened cyclic codes.
IEEE Trans. Commun., 1992

Using an asymmetric error model to study aliasing in signature analysis registers.
IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 1992

BIST of PCB interconnects using boundary-scan architecture.
IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 1992

Distributed Diagnosis Algorithms for Regular Interconnected Structures.
IEEE Trans. Computers, 1992

A system level synthesis framework for computer architectures.
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping, 1992

Performance Evaluation of Latency Tolerant Architectures.
Proceedings of the Computing and Information, 1992

Wafer Testing with Pairwise Comparisons.
Proceedings of the Digest of Papers: FTCS-22, 1992

Iterative algorithms for computing aliasing probabilities.
IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 1991

Diagnosis of T/S-Diagnosable Systems.
J. Circuits Syst. Comput., 1991

Fast Signature Computation for Linear Compactors.
Proceedings of the Proceedings IEEE International Test Conference 1991, 1991

Optimizing error masking in BIST by output data modification.
J. Electron. Test., 1990

Serial Interfacing for Embedded-Memory Testing.
IEEE Des. Test Comput., 1990

A new procedure for weighted random built-in self-test.
Proceedings of the Proceedings IEEE International Test Conference 1990, 1990

An analysis of the probabilistic behavior of linear feedback signature registers.
IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 1989

On the Complexity of Single Fault Set Diagnosability and Diagnosis Problems.
IEEE Trans. Computers, 1989

t/s-Diagnosable Systems: A Characterization and Diagnosis Algorithm.
Proceedings of the Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 1989

: Experiments on Aliasing in Signature Analysis Registers.
Proceedings of the Proceedings International Test Conference 1989, 1989

Testing of Glue Logic Interconnects Using Boundary Scan Architecture.
Proceedings of the Proceedings International Test Conference 1989, 1989

A diagnosis method using pseudo-random vectors without intermediate signatures.
Proceedings of the 1989 IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 1989

Distributed syndrome decoding for regular interconnected structures.
Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, 1989

Dynamic testability measures for ATPG.
IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 1988

A Reconfiguration Scheme for Yield Enhancement of Large Area Binary Tree Architectures.
IEEE Trans. Computers, 1988

Testing and Diagnosis of Interconnects Using Boundary Scan Architecture.
Proceedings of the Proceedings International Test Conference 1988, 1988

On Multiple Fault Coverage and Aliasing Probability Measures.
Proceedings of the Proceedings International Test Conference 1988, 1988

Aliasing probability of non-exhaustive randomized syndrome tests.
Proceedings of the 1988 IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 1988

An iterative technique for calculating aliasing probability of linear feedback signature registers.
Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, 1988

A New Built-In Self-Test Design for PLA's with High Fault Coverage and Low Overhead.
IEEE Trans. Computers, 1987

A Generalized Theory for System Level Diagnosis.
IEEE Trans. Computers, 1987

Testing and Applications of Inverter-Free PLAs.
IEEE Des. Test, 1987

McBOOLE: A New Procedure for Exact Logic Minimization.
IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 1986

A Fault-Tolerant Modular Architecture for Binary Trees.
IEEE Trans. Computers, 1986

A Theory for the Design of Soft-Error-Tolerant VLSI Circuits.
IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 1986

Testability Measures : What Do They Do for ATPG ?
Proceedings of the Proceedings International Test Conference 1986, 1986

An Efficient Unsorted VLSI Dictionary Machine.
IEEE Trans. Computers, 1985

Implementing a Built-In Self-Test PLA Design.
IEEE Des. Test, 1985

Testing Properties and Applications of Inverter-Free PLA's.
Proceedings of the Proceedings International Test Conference 1985, 1985

The McBOOLE logic minimizer.
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM/IEEE conference on Design automation, 1985

Data Flow Anomaly Detection.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 1984

Higher Certainty of Error Coverage by Output Data Modification.
Proceedings of the Proceedings International Test Conference 1984, 1984

A Design for Machines with Built-In Tolerance to Soft Errors.
Proceedings of the Proceedings International Test Conference 1984, 1984

An Efficient VLSI Dictionary Machine.
Proceedings of the 11th Annual Symposium on Computer Architecture, 1984

Non-Stuck-At Fault Detection in nMOS Circuits by Region Analysis.
Proceedings of the Proceedings International Test Conference 1983, 1983

Multiple Fault Testing of Large Circuits by Single Fault Test Sets.
IEEE Trans. Computers, 1981

Generic Fault Characterizations for Table Look-Up Coverage Bounding.
IEEE Trans. Computers, 1980

Multiple Fault Detection in Programmable Logic Arrays.
IEEE Trans. Computers, 1980

A microprocessor based tea dryer controller.
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSMALL symposium and the first SIGPC symposium on Small systems, 1980

A Functional Form Approach to Test Set Coverage in Tree Networks.
IEEE Trans. Computers, 1979

Recursive Coverage Projection of Test Sets.
IEEE Trans. Computers, 1979

Resolution-Oriented Fault Interrelationships in Combinational Logic Networks.
IEEE Trans. Computers, 1977
