Vincenzo Croce

Orcid: 0000-0001-5085-3755

According to our database1, Vincenzo Croce authored at least 19 papers between 2009 and 2023.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




ICT Architectures for TSO-DSO Coordination and Data Exchange: A European Perspective.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, March, 2023

Matching Mechanisms for Buildings Energy Flexibility Orders in P2P Local Markets.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information, 2023

The Social and hUman CeNtered XR: SUN XR Project.
Proceedings of the Extended Reality - International Conference, 2023

An Overview of Digital Twins Application in Smart Energy Grids.
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, 2022

The SOFIE Approach to Address the Security and Privacy of the IoT Using Interledger Technologies.
Proceedings of the Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things: Challenges and Solutions, 2019

Blockchain-Based Scalable and Tamper-Evident Solution for Registering Energy Data.
Sensors, 2019

Secure Open Federation of IoT Platforms Through Interledger Technologies - The SOFIE Approach.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Networks and Communications, 2019

Blockchain Technology for Financial Services Facilitation in RES Investments.
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Forum on Research and Technology for Society and Industry, 2018

Interactive Networks for Digital Cultural Heritage Collections - Scoping the Future of HistoGraph.
Proceedings of the Engineering the Web in the Big Data Era - 15th International Conference, 2015

histoGraph as a Demonstrator for Domain Specific Challenges to Crowd-Sourcing.
Proceedings of the Social Informatics - SocInfo 2014 International Workshops, Barcelona, 2014

Building the social graph of the History of European Integration: A pipeline for the Integration of Human and Machine Computation.
Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, 2014

The History of Europe App - A pipeline for Humanist-Machine Interaction in the Digital Humanities.
Proceedings of the 1. Tagung des Verbands Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, 2014

Building the Social Graph of the History of European Integration - A Pipeline for Humanist-Machine Interaction in the Digital Humanities.
Proceedings of the Social Informatics, 2013


One size does not fit all: multimodal search on mobile and desktop devices with the I-SEARCH search engine.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 2012

I-SEARCH: A Unified Framework for Multimodal Search and Retrieval.
Proceedings of the Future Internet, 2012

Introducing a unified framework for content object description.
Int. J. Multim. Intell. Secur., 2011

Pharos: an audiovisual search platform.
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 2009
