Vero Vanden Abeele
Orcid: 0000-0002-3031-9579Affiliations:
- KU Leuven, Belgium
According to our database1,
Vero Vanden Abeele
authored at least 103 papers
between 2006 and 2024.
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Online presence:
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact., 2024
Feedback, Control, or Explanations? Supporting Teachers With Steerable Distractor-Generating AI.
Proceedings of the 14th Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 2024
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, 2024
Proceedings of the Companion Proceedings of the 2024 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2024
Designing and Evaluating Explanations for a Predictive Health Dashboard: A User-Centred Case Study.
Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2024
Performance and Pleasure: Exploring the Perceived Usefulness and Appeal of Physical Activity Data Visualizations with Older Adults.
ACM Trans. Access. Comput., September, 2023
Proceedings of the 10th Joint Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender Systems (IntRS 2023) co-located with 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2023), 2023
Preliminary Study of the Performance of the miniPXI when Measuring Player Experience throughout Game Development.
Proceedings of the Companion Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2023
Proceedings of the Companion Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2023
Playful Reflection: Impact of Gamification on a Virtual Reality Simulation of Breastfeeding.
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023
Challenges and Opportunities for Interactive Technology to Support Parents of HIV-Positive Children in Ethiopia in the Disclosure Process.
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023
Influence of Motivational Design Techniques on Use and Acceptance of Self-Management Health Systems in Older Adults.
EAI Endorsed Trans. Pervasive Health Technol., 2022
miniPXI: Development and Validation of an Eleven-Item Measure of the Player Experience Inventory.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact., 2022
Towards Tangible Algorithms: Exploring the Experiences of Tangible Interactions with Movie Recommender Algorithms.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact., 2022
Designing and evaluating explainable AI for non-AI experts: challenges and opportunities.
Proceedings of the RecSys '22: Sixteenth ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Seattle, WA, USA, September 18, 2022
Proceedings of the Joint Proceedings of the IUI 2022 Workshops: APEx-UI, 2022
Explaining Call Recommendations in Nursing Homes: a User-Centered Design Approach for Interacting with Knowledge-Based Health Decision Support Systems.
Proceedings of the IUI 2022: 27th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Helsinki, Finland, March 22, 2022
Maker Technology and the Promise of Empowerment in a Flemish School for Disabled Children.
Proceedings of the CHI '22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New Orleans, LA, USA, 29 April 2022, 2022
The Challenge of (Non-)Disclosure: Exploring the Lived Experience of Ethiopian Adolescents with HIV and Their Attitudes Toward Technology.
Proceedings of the CHI '22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New Orleans, LA, USA, 29 April 2022, 2022
Flexible Activity Tracking for Older Adults Using Mobility Aids - An Exploratory Study on Automatically Identifying Movement Modality.
Proceedings of the 24th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 2022
Introducing Layers of Meaning (LoM): A Framework to Reduce Semantic Distance of Visualization In Humanistic Research.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 2021
Irrelevant Gadgets or a Source of Worry: Exploring Wearable Activity Trackers with Older Adults.
ACM Trans. Access. Comput., 2021
ACM Trans. Access. Comput., 2021
Recognition of Bathroom Activities in Older Adults Using Wearable Sensors: A Systematic Review and Recommendations.
Sensors, 2021
Proceedings of the TEI '21: Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, 2021
TIEVis: a Visual Analytics Dashboard for Temporal Information Extracted from Clinical Reports.
Proceedings of the IUI '21: 26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 2021
Human-centred Design of Self-management Health Systems with and for Older Adults: Challenges and Practical Guidelines.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health, 2021
Proceedings of the HCI in Games: Experience Design and Game Mechanics, 2021
Towards Predicting Hexad User Types from Mobile Banking Data: An Expert Consensus Study.
Proceedings of the CHI PLAY '21: The Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2021
Critical Reflections on Technology to Support Physical Activity among Older Adults: An Exploration of Leading HCI Venues.
ACM Trans. Access. Comput., 2020
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact., 2020
Development and validation of the player experience inventory: A scale to measure player experiences at the level of functional and psychosocial consequences.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud., 2020
ACM Trans. Comput. Heal., 2020
From Promoting Dignity to Installing Distrust: Understanding the Role of Continence Care Technology in Nursing Homes.
Proceedings of the NordiCHI '20: Shaping Experiences, 2020
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health, 2020
Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, 2020
Worriers versus Warriors: Tailoring mHealth to Address Differences in Patients with Chronic Arthritis.
Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, 2020
Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, 2020
Tailoring Gamification for Adolescents: a Validation Study of Big Five and Hexad in Dutch.
Proceedings of the CHI PLAY '20: The Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2020
Disambiguating Preferences for Gamification Strategies to Motivate Pro-Environmental Behaviour.
Proceedings of the CHI PLAY '20: The Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2020
The Player Experience Inventory Bench: Providing Games User Researchers Actionable Insight into Player Experiences.
Proceedings of the CHI PLAY '20: The Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, Virtual Event, Canada, November 2-4, 2020, 2020
Towards an Ambient Support System for Continence Management in Nursing Homes: An Exploratory Study.
Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2020), 2020
Designing a Tablet-Based Application for Self-Assessment Questionnaires with Nursing Home Residents.
Proceedings of the DIS '20: Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2020, 2020
Paradoxes in Eye Health Care in Low-Income Countries and Design Strategies for Mobile Health Technology to Overcome them.
EAI Endorsed Trans. Pervasive Health Technol., 2019
Collaborative Design Thinking (CoDeT): A co-design approach for high child-to-adult ratios.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud., 2019
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, 2019
"I Really Don't Know What 'Thumbs Up' Means": Algorithmic Experience in Movie Recommender Algorithms.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2019, 2019
Collecting Digital Biomarkers on Cognitive Health Through Computer Vision and Gameplay: an Image Processing Toolkit for Card Games.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, 2019
A Dyad of Lenses for the Motivational Design of mHealth: Bridging the Gap between Health Theory and App Design.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, 2019
Motivational Design Techniques to Increase Adherence to a Telemonitoring Therapy A Study with Adolescent Pectus Patients.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, 2019
Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Companion Extended Abstracts, 2019
Juicy Game Design: Understanding the Impact of Visual Embellishments on Player Experience.
Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2019
Age? It's in the Game: An Exploratory Study on Detection of Cognitive Aging through Card Games.
Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2019
Ageing is Not a Disease: Pitfalls for the Acceptance of Self-Management Health Systems Supporting Healthy Ageing.
Proceedings of the 21st International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 2019
Turning tables: a structured focus group method to remediate unequal power during participatory design in health care.
Proceedings of the 15th Participatory Design Conference: Short Papers, Situated Actions, Workshops and Tutorial, 2018
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, 2018
Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Companion Extended Abstracts, 2018
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud., 2017
MeViTa: Interactive Visualizations to Help Older Adults with Their Medication Intake Using a Camera-Projector System.
Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2017, 2017
Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts Publication of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2017
Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts Publication of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2017
Can Card Games Be Used to Assess Mild Cognitive Impairment?: A Study of Klondike Solitaire and Cognitive Functions.
Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts Publication of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2017
Proceedings of the Positive Gaming: Workshop on Gamification and Games for Wellbeing co-located with the ACM SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY 2017), 2017
Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2016
Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2016
New Media Soc., 2015
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Tangible, 2015
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, 2015
Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2015
Challenging group dynamics in participatory design with children: lessons from social interdependence theory.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, 2015
Int. J. Child Comput. Interact., 2014
Motivation profiles of online Poker players and the role of interface preferences: A laddering study among amateur and (semi-) professionals.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2014
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Tangible, 2014
Proceedings of the Games for Health 2014, 2014
Gradequest - Evaluating the impact of using game design techniques in an undergraduate course.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, 2014
Proceedings of the first ACM SIGCHI annual symposium on Computer-human interaction in play, Toronto, ON, Canada, October 19, 2014
Proceedings of the first ACM SIGCHI annual symposium on Computer-human interaction in play, Toronto, ON, Canada, October 19, 2014
Proceedings of the IDC '14, 2014
Measuring product liking in preschool children: An evaluation of the Smileyometer and This or That methods.
Int. J. Child Comput. Interact., 2013
The skweezee system: enabling the design and the programming of squeeze interactions.
Proceedings of the 26th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2013
DYSL-X: Design of a tablet game for early risk detection of dyslexia in preschoolers.
Proceedings of the Games for Health, 2013
More naturalness, less control: The effect of natural mapping on the co-located player experience.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, 2013
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2013
Translating preschoolers' game experiences into design guidelines via a laddering study.
Proceedings of the Interaction Design and Children 2013, 2013
Editorial: the evolving field of tangible interaction for children: the challenge of empirical validation.
Pers. Ubiquitous Comput., 2012
User eXperience Laddering with preschoolers: unveiling attributes and benefits of cuddly toy interfaces.
Pers. Ubiquitous Comput., 2012
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2012, 2012
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fun and Games, 2012
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2012
Increasing the reliability and validity of quantitative laddering data with LadderUX.
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2012
Digital games for physical therapy: fulfilling the need for calibration and adaptation.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2011, 2011
Designing intergenerational play via enactive interaction, competition and acceleration.
Pers. Ubiquitous Comput., 2010
Proceedings of the Fun and Games, 2010
Proceedings of the Fun and Games, 2010
Laddering with young children in User eXperience evaluations: theoretical groundings and a practical case.
Proceedings of the Interaction Design and Children, 2010
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2009
The Extended Likeability Framework: A Theoretical Framework for and a Practical Case of Designing Likeable Media Applications for Preschoolers.
Adv. Hum. Comput. Interact., 2008
The Unlikeability of a Cuddly Toy Interface: An Experimental Study of Preschoolers' Likeability and Usability of a 3D Game Played with a Cuddly Toy Versus a Keyboard.
Proceedings of the Fun and Games, 2008
A Soft Approach to Computer Science: Designing & Developing Computer Games for and with Senior Citizens.
J. Game Dev., 2007
Towards a likeability framework that meets child-computer interaction & communication sciences.
Proceedings of the Interaction Design and Children, 2007
Introducing human-centered research to game design: designing game concepts for and with senior citizens.
Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2006