Valentina Gliozzi

Orcid: 0000-0003-1045-8018

  • University of Turin, Italy

According to our database1, Valentina Gliozzi authored at least 80 papers between 1998 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



A Simple Computational Model of Semantic Priming in 18-Month-Olds.
Cogn. Sci., October, 2024

Learning Typicality Inclusions in a Probabilistic Description Logic for Concept Combination.
Proceedings of the Foundations of Intelligent Systems - 27th International Symposium, 2024

Proof Methods and Theorem Proving for Conditional Logics with Strong Centering.
Proceedings of the 38th Italian Conference on Computational Logic, 2023

A conditional, a fuzzy and a probabilistic interpretation of self-organizing maps.
J. Log. Comput., 2022

Combining neural and symbolic approaches to solve the Picasso problem: A first step.
Displays, 2022

From Common Sense Reasonig to Neural Network Models: a Conditional and Multi-preferential Approach for Explainability and Neuro-Symbolic Integration.
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning co-located with the 45th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2022), 2022

Towards a Conditional and Multi-preferential Approach to Explainability of Neural Network Models in Computational Logic (Extended Abstract).
Proceedings of the 3rd Italian Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence co-located with 21th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence(AIxIA 2022), Udine, Italy, November 28, 2022

From Common Sense Reasoning to Neural Network Models through Multiple Preferences: an overview.
CoRR, 2021

A conditional, a fuzzy and a probabilistic interpretation of self-organising maps.
CoRR, 2021

A reconstruction of multipreference closure.
Artif. Intell., 2021

A Multipreference Semantics from Common Sense Reasoning to Neural Network Models: An Overview.
Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2021 Episode VII: The Bolzano Summer of Knowledge co-located with the 12th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2021), 2021

Preferential Reasoning with Typicality and Neural Network Models (Extended Abstract).
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Formal Verification, 2021

Reasoning About Typicality and Probabilities in Preferential Description Logics.
Proceedings of the Applications and Practices in Ontology Design, 2020

Reasoning about Exceptions in Ontologies: from the Lexicographic Closure to the Skeptical Closure.
Fundam. Informaticae, 2020

Reasoning about Typicality and Probabilities in Preferential Description Logics.
CoRR, 2020

On a Plausible Concept-wise Multipreference Semantics and its Relations with Self-organising Maps.
Proceedings of the 35th Italian Conference on Computational Logic, 2020

Towards a Conditional Interpretation of Self Organizing Maps.
Proceedings of the Italian Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence co-located with 19th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, 2020

Reasoning About Exceptions in Ontologies: An Approximation of the Multipreference Semantics.
Proceedings of the Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, 2019

Taxonomic and Whole Object Constraints: A Deep Architecture.
Proceedings of the 41th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2019

Strengthening the Rational Closure for Description Logics: An Overview.
Proceedings of the 34th Italian Conference on Computational Logic, 2019

Towards a Rational Closure for Expressive Description Logics: the Case of 풮풽풾퓆.
Fundam. Informaticae, 2018

Self-organizing maps and generalization: an algorithmic description of Numerosity and Variability Effects.
CoRR, 2018

Reasoning about multiple aspects in DLs: Semantics and Closure Construction.
CoRR, 2018

A visual auditory model based on Growing Self-Organizing Maps to analyze the taxonomic response in early childhood.
Cogn. Syst. Res., 2018

Fundam. Informaticae, 2017

RAT-OWL: Reasoning with Rational Closure in Description Logics of Typicality.
Proceedings of the Joint Proceedings of the 18th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science and the 32nd Italian Conference on Computational Logic co-located with the 2017 IEEE International Workshop on Measurements and Networking (2017 IEEE M&N), 2017

An Efficient Reasoner for Description Logics of Typicality and Rational Closure.
Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Description Logics, 2017

A Neural Network Model for Taxonomic Responding with Realistic Visual Inputs.
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2017

A strengthening of rational closure in DLs: reasoning about multiple aspects.
CoRR, 2016

Reasoning about Multiple Aspects in Rational Closure for DLs.
Proceedings of the AI*IA 2016: Advances in Artificial Intelligence - XVth International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Genova, Italy, November 29, 2016

Semantic characterization of rational closure: From propositional logic to description logics.
Artif. Intell., 2015

Encoding a Preferential Extension of the Description Logic <i>SROIQ</i> into <i>SROIQ</i>.
Proceedings of the Foundations of Intelligent Systems - 22nd International Symposium, 2015

DysToPic: a Multi-Engine Theorem Prover for Preferential Description Logics.
Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Description Logics, 2015

A Multi-engine Theorem Prover for a Description Logic of Typicality.
Proceedings of the AI*IA 2015, Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2015

Logics in access control: a conditional approach.
J. Log. Comput., 2014

Minimal models for rational closure in SHIQ.
Proceedings of the 15th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, 2014

Rational Closure in SHIQ.
Proceedings of the Informal Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics, 2014

A logical analysis of typicality.
Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2014

On Rational Closure in Description Logics of Typicality
CoRR, 2013

A non-monotonic Description Logic for reasoning about typicality.
Artif. Intell., 2013

Minimal Model Semantics and Rational Closure in Description Logics.
Proceedings of the Informal Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Description Logics, Ulm, Germany, July 23, 2013

Primacy/recency effects in infant categorisation.
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2013

A Semantics for Rational Closure: Preliminary Results.
Proceedings of the 28th Italian Conference on Computational Logic, 2013

PreDeLo 1.0: A Theorem Prover for Preferential Description Logics.
Proceedings of the AI*IA 2013: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2013

A Minimal Model Semantics for Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
Proceedings of the Logics in Artificial Intelligence - 13th European Conference, 2012

Preferential Low Complexity Description Logics: Complexity Results and Proof Methods.
Proceedings of the 2012 International Workshop on Description Logics, 2012

A Modal Reconstruction of Rational Closure.
Proceedings of the 9th Italian Convention on Computational Logic, 2012

Non-classical logics for knowledge representation and reasoning.
Intelligenza Artificiale, 2011

A Tableau Calculus for a Nonmonotonic Extension of <i>EL</i><sup>^</sup>\mathcal{EL}^\bot.
Proceedings of the Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, 2011

A Conditional Constructive Logic for Access Control and Its Sequent Calculus.
Proceedings of the Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, 2011

Reasoning about Typicality in Low Complexity DLs: The Logics EL<sup>⊥</sup>T<sub>min</sub> and DL-Lite<sub>c</sub> T<sub>min</sub>.
Proceedings of the IJCAI 2011, 2011

Nonmonotonic extensions of low-complexity DLs: complexity results and proof methods.
Proceedings of the 26th Italian Conference on Computational Logic, Pescara, Italy, August 31, 2011

Verifying Compliance of Business Processes with Temporal Answer Sets.
Proceedings of the 26th Italian Conference on Computational Logic, Pescara, Italy, August 31, 2011

A Tableau Calculus for a Nonmonotonic Extension of the Description Logic $\mbox{\em DL-Lite}_{\mathit{core}}$.
Proceedings of the AI*IA 2011: Artificial Intelligence Around Man and Beyond, 2011

A Nonmonotonic Extension of KLM Preferential Logic P.
Proceedings of the Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning, 2010

Preferential vs Rational Description Logics: which one for Reasoning About Typicality?.
Proceedings of the ECAI 2010, 2010

A constructive conditional logic for access control: a preliminary report.
Proceedings of the ECAI 2010, 2010

Verifying Business Process Compliance by Reasoning about Actions.
Proceedings of the Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems, 11th International Workshop, 2010

Reasoning About Typicality in Preferential Description Logics: Preferential vs Rational Entailment.
Proceedings of the 25th Italian Conference on Computational Logic, 2010

A Constructive Conditional Logic for Access Control.
Proceedings of the 25th Italian Conference on Computational Logic, 2010

Tableau calculus for preference-based conditional logics: PCL and its extensions.
ACM Trans. Comput. Log., 2009

Analytic tableaux calculi for KLM logics of nonmonotonic reasoning.
ACM Trans. Comput. Log., 2009

ALC + T: a Preferential Extension of Description Logics.
Fundam. Informaticae, 2009

Labels as Features (Not Names) for Infant Categorization: A Neurocomputational Approach.
Cogn. Sci., 2009

Prototypical Reasoning with Low Complexity Description Logics: Preliminary Results.
Proceedings of the Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 2009

Reasoning About Typicality in ALC and EL.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2009), 2009

Reasoning about Typicality with Low Complexity Description Logics: The Logic <i>EL</i><sup>+<sup>^</sup></sup>T.
Proceedings of the AI*IA 2009: Emergent Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence, 2009

Reasoning about Typicality in Preferential Description Logics.
Proceedings of the Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 11th European Conference, 2008

KLMLean 2.0: A Theorem Prover for KLM Logics of Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
Proceedings of the Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, 2007

Preferential Description Logics.
Proceedings of the Logic for Programming, 2007

An Implementation of a Free-Variable Tableaux for KLM Preferential Logic P of Nonmonotonic Reasoning: The Theorem Prover FreeP 1.0.
Proceedings of the AI*IA 2007: Artificial Intelligence and Human-Oriented Computing, 2007

Analytic Tableau Calculi for KLM Rational Logic R.
Proceedings of the Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 10th European Conference, 2006

Automated Deduction for Logics of Default Reasoning.
Proceedings of the ECAI 2006, 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 29, 2006

Weak AGM postulates and strong Ramsey Test: A logical formalization.
Artif. Intell., 2005

Analytic Tableaux for KLM Preferential and Cumulative Logics.
Proceedings of the Logic for Programming, 2005

Tableau Calculi for Preference-Based Conditional Logics.
Proceedings of the Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, 2003

Iterated Belief Revision and Conditional Logic.
Stud Logica, 2002

Belief Revision and the Ramsey Test: A Solution.
Proceedings of the AI*IA 2001: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 2001

A Conditional Logic for Iterated Belief Revision.
Proceedings of the ECAI 2000, 2000

A Conditional Logic for Belief Revision.
Proceedings of the Logics in Artificial Intelligence, European Workshop, 1998
