Tsuhan Chen

Orcid: 0000-0003-3951-7931

  • National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2015 - 2017)
  • Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA (2009 - 2013)
  • Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (1997 - 2009)
  • AT&T Bell Labs, Holmdel, NJ, USA (1993 - 1997)
  • California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA (PhD 1993)

According to our database1, Tsuhan Chen authored at least 361 papers between 1992 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.


IEEE Fellow

IEEE Fellow 2007, "For contributions to multidisciplinary multimedia signal processing".



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:

On csauthors.net:


FSL Model can Score Higher as It Is.
CoRR, 2024

FSL-QuickBoost: Minimal-Cost Ensemble for Few-Shot Learning.
Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia, MM 2024, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 28 October 2024, 2024

MaxEnt Loss: Constrained Maximum Entropy for Calibration under Out-of-Distribution Shift.
Proceedings of the Thirty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2024

Multimedia Signal Processing: A history of the Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee.
IEEE Signal Process. Mag., June, 2023

FER-C: Benchmarking Out-of-Distribution Soft Calibration for Facial Expression Recognition.
CoRR, 2023

DSAC-C: Constrained Maximum Entropy for Robust Discrete Soft-Actor Critic.
CoRR, 2023

Large-Scale Facial Expression Recognition Using Dual-Domain Affect Fusion for Noisy Labels.
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2023

Recent advances in convolutional neural networks.
Pattern Recognit., 2018

Stack-Captioning: Coarse-to-Fine Learning for Image Captioning.
Proceedings of the Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018

Querying Users as Oracles in Tag Engines for Personalized Image Tagging.
IEEE Multim., 2017

An Empirical Study of Language CNN for Image Captioning.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2017

Recurrent Highway Networks with Language CNN for Image Captioning.
CoRR, 2016

Toward correlating and solving abstract tasks using convolutional neural networks.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2016

QUOTE: "Querying" Users as Oracles in Tag Engines a Semi-Supervised Learning Approach to Personalized Image Tagging.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, 2016

Who ordered this?: Exploiting implicit user tag order preferences for personalized image tagging.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops, 2016

Where do emotions come from? Predicting the Emotion Stimuli Map.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2016

In the Shadows, Shape Priors Shine: Using Occlusion to Improve Multi-region Segmentation.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2016

Robust Low-Dose CT Perfusion Deconvolution via Tensor Total-Variation Regularization.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 2015

3D Reasoning from Blocks to Stability.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 2015

Towards Understanding User Preferences from User Tagging Behavior.
CoRR, 2015

Deep Neural Network for Real-Time Autonomous Indoor Navigation.
CoRR, 2015

Sparsity techniques in medical imaging.
Comput. Medical Imaging Graph., 2015

Towards Understanding User Preferences from User Tagging Behavior for Personalization.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, 2015

A framework of extracting multi-scale features using multiple convolutional neural networks.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2015

Cross-layer features in convolutional neural networks for generic classification tasks.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2015

You are Here: Mimicking the Human Thinking Process in Reading Floor-Plans.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2015

A mixed bag of emotions: Model, predict, and transfer emotion distributions.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2015

Personalized Travel Navigation and Photo-Shooting Navigation Using Large-Scale Geotags.
Proceedings of the Multimodal Location Estimation of Videos and Images, 2015

Improving low-dose blood-brain barrier permeability quantification using sparse high-dose induced prior for Patlak model.
Medical Image Anal., 2014

Putting the User in the Loop for Image-Based Modeling.
Int. J. Comput. Vis., 2014

Tensor Total-Variation Regularized Deconvolution for Efficient Low-Dose CT Perfusion.
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2014, 2014

An efficient method for human pointing estimation for robot interaction.
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2014

A framework of changing image emotion using emotion prediction.
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2014

GPS Refinement and Camera Orientation Estimation from a Single Image and a 2D Map.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2014

Facial Trait Code.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., 2013

Towards robust deconvolution of low-dose perfusion CT: Sparse perfusion deconvolution using online dictionary learning.
Medical Image Anal., 2013

Human Attribute Analysis Using a Top-View Camera Based on Two-Stage Classification.
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 2013

Classification of Cerebral Lymphomas and Glioblastomas Featuring Luminance Distribution Analysis.
Comput. Math. Methods Medicine, 2013

Personalized intra- and inter-city travel recommendation using large-scale geotags.
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM international workshop on Geotagging and its applications in multimedia, 2013

Tissue-Specific Sparse Deconvolution for Low-Dose CT Perfusion.
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2013, 2013

Differentiating cerebral lymphomas and GBMs featuring luminance distribution analysis.
Proceedings of the Medical Imaging 2013: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 2013

Face-graph matching for classifying groups of people.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2013

A visual dictionary attack on Picture Passwords.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2013

Cameras and gravity: Estimating planar object orientation.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2013

Learning boundaries with color and depth.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2013

Kinship classification by modeling facial feature heredity.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2013

Spoken Attributes: Mixing Binary and Relative Attributes to Say the Right Thing.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2013

Incorporating Cloud Distribution in Sky Representation.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2013

Efficient graph based spatial face context representation and matching.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2013

A latent social approach to YouTube popularity prediction.
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2013

Not Everybody's Special: Using Neighbors in Referring Expressions with Uncertain Attributes.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2013

It's Not Polite to Point: Describing People with Uncertain Attributes.
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2013

Revisiting Depth Layers from Occlusions.
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2013

3D-Based Reasoning with Blocks, Support, and Stability.
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2013

Geotag-based travel route recommendation featuring seasonal and temporal popularity.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information, 2013

Opportunistic Retransmission in WLANs.
IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput., 2012

Exploring Tiny Images: The Roles of Appearance and Contextual Information for Machine and Human Object Recognition.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 2012

Toward Holistic Scene Understanding: Feedback Enabled Cascaded Classification Models.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 2012

GrowCut-based fast tumor segmentation for 3D magnetic resonance images.
Proceedings of the Medical Imaging 2012: Image Processing, 2012

Sparsity-Based Deconvolution of Low-Dose Perfusion CT Using Learned Dictionaries.
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2012, 2012

Sparsity-based deconvolution of low-dose brain perfusion CT in subarachnoid hemorrhage patients.
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2012

Highly Efficient Performance Portable Tracking of Evolving Surfaces.
Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2012

Confidence-assisted classification result refinement for object recognition featuring TopN-Exemplar-SVM.
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2012

Face Recognition Challenge: Object Recognition Approaches for Human/Avatar Classification.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, 2012

Wide area video surveillance with spatial-temporal constraints.
Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2012

Hierarchical object groups for scene classification.
Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2012

Recovering depth of a dynamic scene using real world motion prior.
Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2012

Camera free 3-dimensional virtual touch display with multi-user identification.
Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2012

An example-based face relighting.
Proceedings of the Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 2012, 2012

Spatio-Temporal Phrases for Activity Recognition.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision - ECCV 2012, 2012

Combining Monocular Geometric Cues with Traditional Stereo Cues for Consumer Camera Stereo.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision - ECCV 2012. Workshops and Demonstrations, 2012

Learning to Segment a Video to Clips Based on Scene and Camera Motion.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision - ECCV 2012, 2012

Efficient inference for fully-connected CRFs with stationarity.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2012

Image description with a goal: Building efficient discriminating expressions for images.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2012

Automatic discovery of groups of objects for scene understanding.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2012

A learning-based framework for depth ordering.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2012

Light weight multiview capturing.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 2012

Comparative study of interactive seed generation for growcut-based fast 3D MRI segmentation.
Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference, 2012

Spatial statistics for spatial pyramid matching based image recognition.
Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference, 2012

Beyond Spatial Pyramid Matching: Spatial Soft Voting for Image Classification.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision - ACCV 2012 Workshops, 2012

Interactive Co-segmentation of Objects in Image Collections.
Springer Briefs in Computer Science, Springer, ISBN: 978-1-4614-1915-0, 2011

Prioritized Flow Optimization With Multi-Path and Network Coding Based Routing for Scalable Multirate Multicasting.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., 2011

Interactively Co-segmentating Topically Related Images with Intelligent Scribble Guidance.
Int. J. Comput. Vis., 2011

$\theta$-MRF: Capturing Spatial and Semantic Structure in the Parameters for Scene Understanding.
Proceedings of the Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24: 25th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2011. Proceedings of a meeting held 12-14 December 2011, 2011

Segmentation of Liver Tumor Using Efficient Global Optimal Tree Metrics Graph Cuts.
Proceedings of the Abdominal Imaging. Computational and Clinical Applications, 2011

Robotic Object Detection: Learning to Improve the Classifiers Using Sparse Graphs for Path Planning.
Proceedings of the IJCAI 2011, 2011

Object color categorization in surveillance videos.
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2011

Pictorial structures for object recognition and part labeling in drawings.
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2011

Joint optimization of background subtraction and object detection for night surveillance.
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2011

Scribble based interactive 3D reconstruction via scene co-segmentation.
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2011

Dense interpolation of 3D points based on surface and color.
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2011

Semi-supervised learning with kernel locality-constrained linear coding.
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2011

Extracting adaptive contextual cues from unlabeled regions.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2011

Multi-view 3D reconstruction for scenes under the refractive plane with known vertical direction.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2011

Image retrieval with geometry-preserving visual phrases.
Proceedings of the 24th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2011

Active learning for piecewise planar 3D reconstruction.
Proceedings of the 24th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2011

High Performance Stereo Vision Designed for Massively Data Parallel Platforms.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., 2010

A Hierarchical Visual Model for Video Object Summarization.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 2010

Reinterpreting the Application of Gabor Filters as a Manipulation of the Margin in Linear Support Vector Machines.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 2010

Robust wireless video streaming using hybrid spatial/temporal retransmission.
IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 2010

Malicious web content detection by machine learning.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2010

Towards Holistic Scene Understanding: Feedback Enabled Cascaded Classification Models.
Proceedings of the Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23: 24th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2010. Proceedings of a meeting held 6-9 December 2010, 2010

Scene Location Guide by Image-Based Retrieval.
Proceedings of the Advances in Multimedia Modeling, 2010

Towards aesthetics: a photo quality assessment and photo selection system.
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Multimedia 2010, 2010

Improving object color categorization with shapes.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2010

Fast bilateral filtering by adapting block size.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2010

Fast and robust active contours for image segmentation.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2010

3D augmented Markov random field for object recognition.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2010

Landmark recognition: A unary approach.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2010

Aesthetic quality assessment of consumer photos with faces.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2010

Video categorization using object of interest detection.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2010

Towards computational models of kinship verification.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2010

Improving subpixel stereo matching with segment evolution.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2010

Object-driven image group annotation.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2010

A Unified QoS Optimization for Scalable Video Multirate Multicast over Hybrid Coded Network.
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2010

Prior-based vanishing point estimation through global perspective structure matching.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2010

Camera-based clear path detection.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2010

A Generic Model to Compose Vision Modules for Holistic Scene Understanding.
Proceedings of the Trends and Topics in Computer Vision, 2010

iModel: Interactive Co-segmentation for Object of Interest 3D Modeling.
Proceedings of the Trends and Topics in Computer Vision, 2010

iCoseg: Interactive co-segmentation with intelligent scribble guidance.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Third IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2010

Beyond trees: MRF inference via outer-planar decomposition.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Third IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2010

Fast image alignment in the Fourier domain.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Third IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2010

Implicit Shape Kernel for Discriminative Learning of the Hough Transform Detector.
Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, 2010

Weakly Supervised Object Recognition and Localization with Invariant High Order Features.
Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, 2010

A general boosting-based framework for active object recognition.
Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, 2010

Aesthetic Visual Quality Assessment of Paintings.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Signal Process., 2009

The painful face - Pain expression recognition using active appearance models.
Image Vis. Comput., 2009

Using Context to Recognize People in Consumer Images.
IPSJ Trans. Comput. Vis. Appl., 2009

A collaborative anti-spam system.
Expert Syst. Appl., 2009

Unsupervised Modeling of Objects and Their Hierarchical Contextual Interactions.
EURASIP J. Image Video Process., 2009

Patches in Vision.
EURASIP J. Image Video Process., 2009

Subgraphs Matching-Based Side Information Generation for Distributed Multiview Video Coding.
EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process., 2009

Video retrieval based on object discovery.
Comput. Vis. Image Underst., 2009

Semi-supervised co-training and active learning based approach for multi-view intrusion detection.
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2009

Design, implementation and evaluation of an efficient opportunistic retransmission protocol.
Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, 2009

CHARQ: Cooperative Hybrid ARQ for wireless video streaming.
Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2009

Classification-Based relay selection for video streaming over wireless multihop networks.
Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2009

Finding rows of people in group images.
Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2009

Real time stereo vision using exponential step cost aggregation on GPU.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2009

Parking space detection from video by augmenting training dataset.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2009

Motion-focusing key frame extraction and video summarization for lane surveillance system.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2009

Mean shift feature space warping for relevance feedback.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2009

Seed Image Selection in interactive cosegmentation.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2009

Joint spatial-temporal alignment of networked cameras.
Proceedings of the Third ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, 2009

Active view selection for object and pose recognition.
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, 2009

Jointly estimating demographics and height with a calibrated camera.
Proceedings of the IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 2009, Kyoto, Japan, September 27, 2009

Prioritized Flow Optimization with Generalized Routing for Scalable Multirate Multicasting.
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2009

Graph Matching Based Side Information Generation for Distributed Multi-View Video Coding.
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2009

Efficient Kernels for identifying unbounded-order spatial features.
Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2009), 2009

Unsupervised learning of hierarchical spatial structures in images.
Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2009), 2009

Understanding images of groups of people.
Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2009), 2009

Cutout-search: Putting a name to the picture.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009

DISCOV: A Framework for Discovering Objects in Video.
IEEE Trans. Multim., 2008

A Subspace Model-Based Approach to Face Relighting Under Unknown Lighting and Poses.
IEEE Trans. Image Process., 2008

Data Fusion and Cost Minimization for Intrusion Detection.
IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Secur., 2008

Active Multicamera Networks: From Rendering to Surveillance.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Signal Process., 2008

A Viewpoint Invariant, Sparsely Registered, Patch Based, Face Verifier.
Int. J. Comput. Vis., 2008

FlexMAC: a wireless protocol development and evaluation platform based on commodity hardware.
Proceedings of the Third ACM Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, 2008

Using commodity hardware platform to develop and evaluate CSMA protocols.
Proceedings of the Third ACM Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, 2008

Image annotation using personal calendars as context.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Multimedia 2008, 2008

Facial Trait Code and Its Application to Face Recognition.
Proceedings of the Advances in Visual Computing, 4th International Symposium, 2008

Communication-Aware Face Detection Using Noc Architecture.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision Systems, 6th International Conference, 2008

Object discovery with perceptual grouping.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2008

Bringing diverse classifiers to common grounds: dtransform.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2008

A Bayesian hierarchical detection framework for parking space detection.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2008

Determining Patch Saliency Using Low-Level Context.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision, 2008

VideoCut: Removing Irrelevant Frames by Discovering the Object of Interest.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision, 2008

From appearance to context-based recognition: Dense labeling in small images.
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2008), 2008

Integrated feature selection and higher-order spatial feature extraction for object categorization.
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2008), 2008

Image authentication by detecting traces of demosaicing.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008

Estimating age, gender, and identity using first name priors.
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2008), 2008

Clothing cosegmentation for recognizing people.
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2008), 2008

Learning class-specific affinities for image labelling.
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2008), 2008

Learning patch correspondences for improved viewpoint invariant face recognition.
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2008), 2008

Semi-Supervised Clustering via Learnt Codeword Distances.
Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2008, Leeds, UK, September 2008, 2008

Investigating useful and distinguishing features around the eyelash region.
Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop, 2008

Defending On-Line Web Application Security with User-Behavior Surveillance.
Proceedings of the The Third International Conference on Availability, 2008

A time-based adaptive retry strategy for video streaming in 802.11 WLANs.
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput., 2007

Active Rearranged Capturing of Image-Based Rendering Scenes-Theory and Practice.
IEEE Trans. Multim., 2007

Reconstructing Dense Light Field From Array of Multifocus Images for Novel View Synthesis.
IEEE Trans. Image Process., 2007

Multiview Imaging and 3DTV.
IEEE Signal Process. Mag., 2007

Integrating monolithic and free-parts representations for improved face verification in the presence of pose mismatch.
Pattern Recognit. Lett., 2007

Search and Retrieval of 3D Content and Associated Knowledge Extraction and Propagation.
EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process., 2007

Feature-based Part Retrieval for Interactive 3D Reassembly.
Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2007), 2007

Adaptive e-mail intention finding mechanism based on e-mail words social networks.
Proceedings of the 2007 Workshop on Large Scale Attack Defense, 2007

Robust Self-calibration from Single Image Using RANSAC.
Proceedings of the Advances in Visual Computing, Third International Symposium, 2007

The painful face: pain expression recognition using active appearance models.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, 2007

Robust Parking Space Detection Considering Inter-Space Correlation.
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2007

Time-Aware Opportunistic Relay for Video Streaming Over WLANs.
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2007

A Probabilistic Framework for Geometry Reconstruction using Prior Information.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2007

Background Cutout with Automatic Object Discovery.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2007

Real-Time Pedestrian Detection using Eigenflow.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2007

Using a Markov Network to Recognize People in Consumer Images.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2007

Hierarchical Semantics of Objects (hSOs).
Proceedings of the IEEE 11th International Conference on Computer Vision, 2007

Unsupervised Image Categorization and Object Localization using Topic Models and Correspondences between Images.
Proceedings of the IEEE 11th International Conference on Computer Vision, 2007

Profile View Lip Reading.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2007

A 1000-word vocabulary, speaker-independent, continuous live-mode speech recognizer implemented in a single FPGA.
Proceedings of the ACM/SIGDA 15th International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, 2007

Unsupervised Learning of Hierarchical Semantics of Objects (hSOs).
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2007), 2007

A Topic-Motion Model for Unsupervised Video Object Discovery.
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2007), 2007

Using Group Prior to Identify People in Consumer Images.
Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2007), 2007

Accurate self-calibration of two cameras by observations of a moving person on a ground plane.
Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2007

A journey from signal processing to surveillance.
Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2007

Unsupervised Identification of Multiple Objects of Interest from Multiple Images: dISCOVER.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision, 2007

Face Mosaicing for Pose Robust Video-Based Recognition.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision, 2007

Pedestrian Detection Using Global-Local Motion Patterns.
Proceedings of the Computer Vision, 2007

Light Field Sampling
Synthesis Lectures on Image, Video, and Multimedia Processing, Morgan & Claypool Publishers, ISBN: 978-3-031-02241-8, 2006

Special issue on multi-view image processing and its application in image-based rendering.
Signal Process. Image Commun., 2006

Adaptive Markov Random Fields for Example-Based Super-resolution of Faces.
EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process., 2006

Moving speech recognition from software to silicon: the in silico vox project.
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 2006

Latent Layout Analysis for Discovering Objects in Images.
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2006), 2006

CMUseum: A Location-aware Wireless Video Streaming System.
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2006

Content-Free Image Retrieval using Bayesian Product Rule.
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2006

Video-Based Rendering using Feature Point Evolution.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2006

Unsupervised Image Layout Extraction.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Processing, 2006

Object Detection in Video with Graphical Models.
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, 2006

In silico vox: Towards speech recognition in silicon.
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Hot Chips 18 Symposium (HCS), 2006

Adaptive Environment Map for Relighting: Using Cameras and Projected Light.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2006

Learning Patch Dependencies for Improved Pose Mismatched Face Verification.
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2006), 2006

Optimal Pose for Face Recognition.
Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2006), 2006

Semantic-Shift for Unsupervised Object Detection.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2006

Integration strategies for audio-visual speech processing: applied to text-dependent speaker recognition.
IEEE Trans. Multim., 2005

Directional Feature Detection and Correspondence.
Proceedings of the Advances in Multimedia Information Processing, 2005

From Low-Level Features to High-Level Semantics: Are We Bridging the Gap?.
Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2005), 2005

Video Streaming Over 802.11 WLAN with Content-Aware Adaptive Retry.
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2005

Light field capturing with lensless cameras.
Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Image Processing, 2005

Generalized optimal thresholding for biometric key generation using face images.
Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Image Processing, 2005

Direct filtering method for image based rendering.
Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Image Processing, 2005

A statistical framework for image-based relighting.
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2005

Probabilistic Relevance Feedback with Binary Semantic Feature Vectors.
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2005

Online Modeling and Tracking of Pose-Varying Faces in Video.
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2005), 2005

Pose-Robust Face Recognition Using Geometry Assisted Probabilistic Modeling.
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2005), 2005

Using Overlapping Distributions to Deal with Face Pose Mismatch.
Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2005, Oxford, UK, September 2005, 2005

The CMU Face In Action (FIA) Database.
Proceedings of the Analysis and Modelling of Faces and Gestures, 2005

A survey on image-based rendering - representation, sampling and compression.
Signal Process. Image Commun., 2004

Fine-Grained Rate Shaping for Video Streaming over Wireless Networks.
EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process., 2004

A self-reconfigurable camera array.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2004

All-focused light field rendering.
Proceedings of the 15th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering Techniques, 2004

Non-Uniform Sampling for Image-Based Rendering: Convergence of Image, Vision, and Graphic.
Proceedings of the 10th International Multimedia Modeling Conference (MMM 2004), 2004

Reconstructing dense light field from a multi-focus images array.
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2004

Biometrics-based cryptographic key generation.
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2004

Semantic propagation from relevance feedbacks.
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2004

Security analysis for key generation systems using face images.
Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Image Processing, 2004

Optimal thresholding for key generation based on biometrics.
Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Image Processing, 2004

View-dependent non-uniform sampling for image-based rendering.
Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Image Processing, 2004

Soft shape context for iterative closest point registration.
Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Image Processing, 2004

Virtual view synthesis through linear processing without geometry.
Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Image Processing, 2004

A GMM Parts Based Face Representation for Improved Verification through Relevance Adaptation.
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2004), with CD-ROM, 27 June, 2004

On Probability Density for Modeling Video Traffic.
J. VLSI Signal Process., 2003

Spectral analysis for sampling image-based rendering data.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., 2003

Error concealment aware rate shaping for wireless video transport.
Signal Process. Image Commun., 2003

Eigenspace updating for non-stationary process and its application to face recognition.
Pattern Recognit., 2003

Face authentication for multiple subjects using eigenflow.
Pattern Recognit., 2003

A Multi-User 3-D Virtual Environment with Interactive Collaboration and Shared Whiteboard Technologies.
Multim. Tools Appl., 2003

Color image sharpening based on collective time-evolution of simultaneous nonlinear reaction-diffusion.
Proceedings of the Visual Communications and Image Processing 2003, 2003

Nonuniform sampling of image-based rendering data with the position-interval-error (PIE) function.
Proceedings of the Visual Communications and Image Processing 2003, 2003

Improved speaker verification through probabilistic subspace adaptation.
Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, EUROSPEECH 2003, 2003

Personal authentication based on generalized symmetric max minimal distance in subspace.
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2003

A system for active image-based rendering.
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2003

An investigation into subspace rapid speaker adaptation for verification.
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2003

Hierarchical matching for retrieval of hand-drawn sketches.
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2003

Shaping for video with frame dependency.
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2003

Annotating retrieval database with active learning.
Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Image Processing, 2003

Geometry-assisted statistical modeling for face mosaicing.
Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Image Processing, 2003

Fast, Accurate Static Analysis for Fixed-Point Finite-Precision Effects in DSP Designs.
Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 2003

Surface plenoptic function: a tool for the sampling analysis of image-based rendering.
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2003

On generalized sampling for image-based rendering data.
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2003

Retrieval of hand-drawn sketches with partial matching.
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2003

Floating-point error analysis based on affine arithmetic.
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2003

Watermarking 2D/3D graphics for copyright protection.
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2003

Toward efficient static analysis of finite-precision effects in DSP applications via affine arithmetic modeling.
Proceedings of the 40th Design Automation Conference, 2003

Classification Based on Symmetric Maximized Minimal Distance in Subspace (SMMS).
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2003), 2003

Video-Based Face Recognition Using Adaptive Hidden Markov Models.
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2003), 2003

Improved Audio-Visual Speaker Recognition via the Use of a Hybrid Combination Strategy.
Proceedings of the Audio-and Video-Based Biometrie Person Authentication, 2003

Second-generation error concealment for video transport over error-prone channels.
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput., 2002

An active learning framework for content-based information retrieval.
IEEE Trans. Multim., 2002

Model-based error concealment for wireless video.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., 2002

Lightweight Floating-Point Arithmetic: Case Study of Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform.
EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process., 2002

Life after Video Coding Standards: Rate Shaping and Error Concealment.
Proceedings of the Recent Advances in Visual Information Systems, 2002

Hand Tracking Using Spatial Gesture Modeling and Visual Feedback for a Virtual DJ System.
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI 2002), 2002

Trademark retrieval using contour-skeleton stroke classification.
Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2002

Face recognition using mixtures of principal components.
Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Image Processing, 2002

Updating mixture of principal components for error concealment.
Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Image Processing, 2002

Retrieval of sketches based on spatial relation between strokes.
Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Image Processing, 2002

Principle component analysis and its variants for biometrics.
Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Image Processing, 2002

Retrieval of 3D protein structures.
Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Image Processing, 2002

Feature space warping: an approach to relevance feedback.
Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Image Processing, 2002

Towards optimal least square filters using the eigenfilter approach.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2002

Shot boundary detection using temporal statistics modeling.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2002

User-independent retrieval of free-form hand-drawn sketches.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2002

Floating-point bit-width optimization for low-power signal processing applications.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2002

Adaptive joint source-channel coding using rate shaping.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2002

eMeeting: a multimedia application for interactive meeting and seminar.
Proceedings of the Global Telecommunications Conference, 2002

On Modeling Variations for Face Authentication.
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FGR 2002), 2002

Classification based mode decisions for video over network.
IEEE Trans. Multim., 2001

Estimation and mode decision for spatially correlated motion sequences.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., 2001

A low bit-rate video codec based on two-dimensional mesh motion compensation with adaptive interpolation.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., 2001

Creating a multiuser 3-D virtual environment.
IEEE Signal Process. Mag., 2001

Audiovisual speech processing.
IEEE Signal Process. Mag., 2001

Consideration of Lombard effect for speechreading.
Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 2001

A framework for optimal blind watermark detection.
Proceedings of the 4th workshop on Multimedia & Security: New Challenges, 2001

Indexing and retrieval of 3D models aided by active learning.
Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Multimedia 2001, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, September 30, 2001

Immersive Whiteboards In a Networked Collaborative Environment.
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2001

Efficient feature extraction for 2D/3D objects in mesh representation.
Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Image Processing, 2001

I/P frame selection using classification based mode decision.
Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Image Processing, 2001

Principal component analysis for facial animation.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2001

Modeling of dynamic video traffic.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2000

Activity-Adaptive Modeling of Dynamic Multimedia Traffic.
Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2000

Realistic Video Avatar.
Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2000

Networked Intelligent Collaborative Environment (NetICE).
Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2000

Compression with Mosaic Prediction for Image-Based Rendering Applications.
Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2000

Tracking of Multiple Faces for Human-Computer Interfaces and Virtual Environments.
Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2000

Progressive Image Watermarking.
Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2000

Gesture-Enhanced Information Retrieval and Presentation in a Distributed Learning Environment.
Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2000

Joint Geometry/Texture Progressive Coding of 3D Models.
Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Image Processing, 2000

From Image and Video Compression to Computer Graphics.
Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Image Processing, 2000

Pose Invariant Face Recognition.
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2000), 2000

Progressive browsing of 3D models.
Proceedings of the Third IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 1999

Technologies for Building Networked Collaborative Environments.
Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on Image Processing, 1999

Audio Feature Extraction and Analysis for Scene Segmentation and Classification.
J. VLSI Signal Process., 1998

Structures for anticausal inverses and application in multirate filter banks.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 1998

Audio-to-visual conversion for multimedia communication.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 1998

VLSI design and implementation fuels the signal-processing revolution.
IEEE Signal Process. Mag., 1998

The past, present, and future of speech processing.
IEEE Signal Process. Mag., 1998

The past, present, and future of image and multidimensional signal processing.
IEEE Signal Process. Mag., 1998

Audio-visual integration in multimodal communication.
Proc. IEEE, 1998

Networked collaborative environment with animated 3D avatars.
Proceedings of the Second IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 1998

Real-time lip-synch face animation driven by human voice.
Proceedings of the Second IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 1998

Guest Editors' Introduction.
J. VLSI Signal Process., 1997

Coding of subregions for content-based scalable video.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., 1997

Audio-visual interaction in multimodal communication.
IEEE Signal Process. Mag., 1997

Using HMMs in audio-to-visual conversion.
Proceedings of the First IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 1997

Audio feature extraction and analysis for scene classification.
Proceedings of the First IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 1997

2-D mesh motion compensation with adaptive interpolation.
Proceedings of the First IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, 1997

Vector Valved Sigma Delta modulators Color Image Applications.
Proceedings of the Proceedings 1997 International Conference on Image Processing, 1997

An adaptive interpolation scheme for 2-D mesh motion compensation.
Proceedings of the Proceedings 1997 International Conference on Image Processing, 1997

Audio-visual interaction in multimedia communication.
Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 1997

An approach to region coding for content-based scalable video.
Proceedings of the Proceedings 1996 International Conference on Image Processing, 1996

Compression of medical volumetric data in a video-codec framework.
Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 1996

Cross-modal prediction in audio-visual communication.
Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 1996

On efficient implementation of multidimensional multirate filters derived from one-dimensional filters.
Proceedings of the 8th European Signal Processing Conference, 1996

Role of anticausal inverses in multirate filter-banks .II. The FIR case, factorizations, and biorthogonal lapped transforms.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 1995

Role of anticausal inverses in multirate filter-banks .I. System-theoretic fundamentals.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 1995

Finding commutative multidimensional downsamplers and upsamplers.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 1995

Lip synchronization using speech-assisted video processing.
IEEE Signal Process. Lett., 1995

Structures for Time Reversed Inversion in Filter Banks.
Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 1995, Seattle, Washington, USA, April 30, 1995

A new frame interpolation scheme for talking head sequences.
Proceedings of the Proceedings 1995 International Conference on Image Processing, 1995

Speech-assisted lip synchronization in audio-visual communications.
Proceedings of the Proceedings 1995 International Conference on Image Processing, 1995

Defocus-based image segmentation.
Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Acoustics, 1995

Vector space framework for unification of one- and multidimensional filter bank theory.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 1994

A New Blocking Scheme for Transform Coding of Multidimensional Signals.
Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 1994, London, England, UK, May 30, 1994

Elimination of Subband-Coding Artifacts using the Dithering Technique.
Proceedings of the Proceedings 1994 International Conference on Image Processing, 1994

Phase linearization of filters in analysis/synthesis filter banks.
Proceedings of ICASSP '94: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 1994

Multidimensional multirate filters and filter banks derived from one-dimensional filters.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 1993

The role of integer matrices in multidimensional multirate systems.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 1993

Recent developments in multidimensional multirate systems.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., 1993

Considerations in multidimensional filter bank design.
Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1993

Nonuniform decimation and reconstruction of generalized-bandlimited MD signals.
Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1993

Unified eigentilter approach: With applications to spectral/spatial filtering.
Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1993

On the choice of rational decimation systems for multidimensional signals.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 1993

Commutativity of D-dimensional decimation and expansion matrices, and application to rational decimation systems.
Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 1992
