Toby J. Teorey
Affiliations:- University of Michigan, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
- University of Wisconsin-Madison (PhD 1972)
According to our database1,
Toby J. Teorey
authored at least 69 papers
between 1971 and 2008.
Collaborative distances:
Collaborative distances:
Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Online presence:
Physical Database Design: the database professional's guide to exploiting indexes, views, storage, and more
Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN: 0123693896, 2007
Proceedings of the DOLAP 2002, 2002
ACM SIGMOD Digit. Rev., 2000
Proceedings of the 1999 conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, 1999
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 1998
J. Netw. Syst. Manag., 1998
Database Modeling & Design, Third Edition
Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN: 1-55860-500-2, 1998
Proceedings of the 1996 conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, 1996
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems (FTDCS 1995), 1995
Proceedings of the 1995 Conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, 1995
Proceedings of the 1995 Conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, 1995
IEEE Trans. Commun., 1994
IBM Syst. J., 1994
Proceedings of the 1994 Conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, October 31, 1994
Database Modeling and Design - The Fundamental Principles, Second Edition.
Morgan Kaufmann series in data management systems, Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN: 978-1-55860-294-6, 1994
Proceedings of the Entity-Relationship Approach, 1993
Proceedings of the CIKM 93, 1993
Managing heterogeneous distributed computing systems: using information repositories.
Proceedings of the 1993 Conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, 1993
Proceedings of the 1993 Conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, 1993
Proceedings of the 1992 Conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, 1992
IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 1991
Time sequence ordering extensions to the Entity-Relationship model and their application to the automated manufacturing process.
Data Knowl. Eng., 1991
Distributed Programming Environment: Challenges.
Proceedings of the Open Distributed Processing: Proceedings of the IFIP TC6/WG6.4 International Workshop on Open Distributed Processing, 1991
The ORAC Model: A Unified View of Data Abstraction.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Entity-Relationship Approach (ER'91), 1991
Progessive Fragment Allocation.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Entity-Relationship Approach (ER'91), 1991
Proceedings of the 1991 Conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, 1991
Proceedings of the 1991 Conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, 1991
Proceedings of the 1991 Conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, 1991
SIGMOD Rec., 1990
ER Standards Proposal.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Entity-Relationship Approach (ER'90), 1990
MIS Q., 1989
ER Model Clustering as an Aid for User Communication and Documentation in Database Design.
Commun. ACM, 1989
A Knowledge/Based Approach to Multiple Query Processing.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 1989
IEEE Netw., 1988
Commun. ACM, 1988
Inf. Sci., 1987
A simulation model for a large interconnected local area network by decomposition techniques.
Proceedings of the 1987 Symposium on the Simulation of Computer Networks, 1987
A knowledge-based approach to multiple query processing in distributed database system.
Proceedings of the 1987 Fall Joint Computer Conference on Exploring technology: today and tomorrow, 1987
A Logical Design Methodology for Relational Databases Using the Extended Entity-Relationship Model.
ACM Comput. Surv., 1986
Systems and Techniques for Research in Physical Database Design at the University of Michigan.
IEEE Database Eng. Bull., 1982
Design of Database Structures
Prentice-Hall, 1982
ACM Comput. Surv., 1980
1978 New Orleans Data Base Design Workshop Report.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 1979
A Designer for DBMS-Processable Logical Database Structures.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 1979
An efficient job scheduling algorithm for mixed turnaround and deadline applications.
Inf. Sci., 1978
Design and Performance Tools for Improving Database Usability and Responsiveness.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Databases: Improving Usability and Responiveness, 1978
Network database evaluation using analytical modeling.
Proceedings of the American Federation of Information Processing Societies: 1978 National Computer Conference, 1978
Proceedings of the 1976 Annual Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, October 20-22, 1976, 1976
Proceedings of the 1976 Annual Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, October 20-22, 1976, 1976
Proceedings of the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 1975
Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Simulation of Computer Systems, 1975
Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Simulation of Computer Systems, 1973
Proceedings of the third annual symposium on SIGCOSIM, 1972
Proceedings of the American Federation of Information Processing Societies: Proceedings of the AFIPS '72 Fall Joint Computer Conference, December 5-7, 1972, Anaheim, California, USA, 1972
Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Operating System Principles, 1971