Tobias Kober

Orcid: 0000-0001-7598-9456

According to our database1, Tobias Kober authored at least 26 papers between 2010 and 2023.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Brain morphometry in older adults with and without dementia using extremely rapid structural scans.
NeuroImage, August, 2023

Fast refacing of MR images with a generative neural network lowers re-identification risk and preserves volumetric consistency.
CoRR, 2023

Federated Learning on Heterogeneous Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Data for Acute Stroke Infarct Segmentation.
Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2023

Deep Learning for Ischemic Penumbra Segmentation from MR Perfusion Maps: Robustness to the Deconvolution Algorithm.
Proceedings of the Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injuries, 2023

Evaluating reproducibility and subject-specificity of microstructure-informed connectivity.
NeuroImage, 2022

Validation and Generalizability of Self-Supervised Image Reconstruction Methods for Undersampled MRI.
CoRR, 2022

Cortical lesions, central vein sign, and paramagnetic rim lesions in multiple sclerosis: emerging machine learning techniques and future avenues.
CoRR, 2022

Neuroimaging Harmonization Using cGANs: Image Similarity Metrics Poorly Predict Cross-Protocol Volumetric Consistency.
Proceedings of the Machine Learning in Clinical Neuroimaging - 5th International Workshop, 2022

Weighting Schemes for Federated Learning in Heterogeneous and Imbalanced Segmentation Datasets.
Proceedings of the Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injuries, 2022

Revisiting the T<sub>2</sub> spectrum imaging inverse problem: Bayesian regularized non-negative least squares.
NeuroImage, 2021

Model-informed machine learning for multi-component T2 relaxometry.
Medical Image Anal., 2021

Comparison of non-parametric T<sub>2</sub> relaxometry methods for myelin water quantification.
Medical Image Anal., 2021

FaBiAN: A Fetal Brain magnetic resonance Acquisition Numerical phantom.
CoRR, 2021

Simulated Half-Fourier Acquisitions Single-shot Turbo Spin Echo (HASTE) of the Fetal Brain: Application to Super-Resolution Reconstruction.
Proceedings of the Uncertainty for Safe Utilization of Machine Learning in Medical Imaging, and Perinatal Imaging, Placental and Preterm Image Analysis, 2021

Multi-Compartment Diffusion Mri, T2 Relaxometry And Myelin Water Imaging As Neuroimaging Descriptors For Anomalous Tissue Detection.
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2021

T2 Mapping from Super-Resolution-Reconstructed Clinical Fast Spin Echo Magnetic Resonance Acquisitions.
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2020, 2020

High Contrast T1-Weigthed Mri with Fluid and White Matter Suppression Using Mp2Rage.
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2019

Multivariate and predictive modelling of neural variability in mild cognitive impairment.
Proceedings of the 2018 International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging, 2018

Shallow vs Deep Learning Architectures for White Matter Lesion Segmentation in the Early Stages of Multiple Sclerosis.
Proceedings of the Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injuries, 2018

Segmentation of Cortical and Subcortical Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Based on Constrained Partial Volume Modeling.
Proceedings of the Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2017, 2017

Comparison of accelerated T1-weighted whole-brain structural-imaging protocols.
NeuroImage, 2016

Accuracy and Precision of Head Motion Information in Multi-Channel Free Induction Decay Navigators for Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, 2015

Quantitative comparison of cortical surface reconstructions from MP2RAGE and multi-echo MPRAGE data at 3 and 7 T.
NeuroImage, 2014

Prospective and retrospective motion correction in diffusion magnetic resonance imaging of the human brain.
NeuroImage, 2012

MP2RAGE, a self bias-field corrected sequence for improved segmentation and T<sub>1</sub>-mapping at high field.
NeuroImage, 2010

Design and compatibility of a high-performance actuation system for fMRI-based neuroscience studies.
Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2010
