Tim J. Brailsford

According to our database1, Tim J. Brailsford authored at least 42 papers between 2001 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


On csauthors.net:


Exploring the Unexplored: Understanding the Impact of Layer Adjustments on Image Classification.
CoRR, 2024

Towards Idea Mining: Problem-Solution Phrase Extraction from Text.
Proceedings of the Advanced Data Mining and Applications - 18th International Conference, 2022

On the Turing Completeness of the Semantic Web.
Theory Comput. Syst., 2015

Towards Computation of Novel Ideas from Corpora of Scientific Text.
Proceedings of the Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 2015

AnswerPro: Designing to Motivate Interaction.
Int. J. Mob. Blended Learn., 2014

The ethical and social implications of personalization technologies for e-learning.
Inf. Manag., 2014

Translation techniques in cross-language information retrieval.
ACM Comput. Surv., 2012

Designing a mobile academic peer support system.
Proceedings of the BCS-HCI '12 Proceedings of the 26th Annual BCS Interaction Specialist Group Conference on People and Computers, 2012

Does Mobile Technology Support Peer Learning for Key Stage 3 Children?
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 2011

Hyperorders and transclusion: understanding dimensional hypertext.
SIGWEB Newsl., 2010

The CAE-L Cultural Framework: Definition, Instances and Web Service.
Proceedings of the ICALT 2010, 2010

Evaluating Learning Style Personalization in Adaptive Systems: Quantitative Methods and Approaches.
IEEE Trans. Learn. Technol., 2009

Generating unambiguous URL clusters from web search.
Proceedings of the 2009 workshop on Web Search Click Data, 2009

Personal Services: Debating the Wisdom of Personalisation.
Proceedings of the Advances in Web Based Learning, 2009

A Hybrid Technique for English-Chinese Cross Language Information Retrieval.
ACM Trans. Asian Lang. Inf. Process., 2008

CAE-L: An Ontology Modelling Cultural Behaviour in Adaptive Education.
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization, 2008

G<sup>con</sup>: a graph-based technique for resolving ambiguity in query translation candidates.
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2008

Llama-b: automatic hyperlink authoring in the blogosphere.
Proceedings of the HYPERTEXT 2008, 2008

Are we talking about the same structure?: a unified approach to hypertext links, xml, rdf and zigzag.
Proceedings of the HYPERTEXT 2008, 2008

WHURLE 2.0: Adaptive Learning Meets Web 2.0.
Proceedings of the Times of Convergence. Technologies Across Learning Contexts, 2008

Cultural Artefacts in Education: Analysis, Ontologies and Implementation.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2008

Real users, real results: examining the limitations of learning styles within AEH.
SIGWEB Newsl., 2007

Adaptive Hypermedia System Interoperability: a 'real world' evaluation.
J. Digit. Inf., 2007

Measuring financial synergies in cross-border M&A transactions using diffusion processes.
Int. J. Serv. Technol. Manag., 2007

NTCIR-6 Experiments using Pattern Matched Translation Extraction.
Proceedings of the 6th NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies: Information Retrieval, 2007

LLAMA: automatic hypertext generation utilizing language models.
Proceedings of the HYPERTEXT 2007, 2007

Revealing the hidden rationality of user browsing behaviour.
Proceedings of the HYPERTEXT 2007, 2007

Ambiguity and Unknown Term Translation in CLIR.
Proceedings of the Working Notes for CLEF 2007 Workshop co-located with the 11th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL 2007), 2007

Disambiguation and Unknown Term Translation in Cross Language Information Retrieval.
Proceedings of the Advances in Multilingual and Multimodal Information Retrieval, 2007

Effectiveness of high interest rate policy on exchange rates: A reexamination of the Asian financial crisis.
Adv. Decis. Sci., 2006

Causality detection on US mutual fund movements using evolutionary subset time-series.
Int. J. Serv. Stand., 2006

Reappraising cognitive styles in adaptive web applications.
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on World Wide Web, 2006

A User-Oriented Design for Business Workflow Systems.
Proceedings of the Trends in Enterprise Application Architecture, 2006

Adapting for Visual and Verbal Learning Styles in AEH.
Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2006

Patterns in Authoring of Adaptive Educational Hypermedia: A Taxonomy of Learning Styles.
J. Educ. Technol. Soc., 2005

Unified Hyperstructures for Bioinformatics: Escaping the Application Prison.
J. Digit. Inf., 2004

Practical applitudes: case studies of applications of the ZigZag hypermedia system.
Proceedings of the HYPERTEXT 2004, 2004

"Pluggable" user models for adaptive hypermedia in education.
Proceedings of the HYPERTEXT 2003, 2003

User modelling, and adaptive hypermedia frameworks for education (Technical note).
New Rev. Hypermedia Multim., 2002

The Hybrid Model for Adaptive Educational Hypermedia.
Proceedings of the Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, 2002

Towards a Framework to Effective Web-based Distributed Learning.
Proceedings of the Poster Proceedings of the Tenth International World Wide Web Conference, 2001

Personally tailored teaching in WHURLE using conditional transclusion.
Proceedings of the HYPERTEXT 2001, 2001
