Tianyu Xiao
This page is a disambiguation page, it actually contains mutiple papers from persons of the same or a similar name.
Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Network Intelligence and Digital Content, 2023
The effects of a progressive scaffolding approach on middle school students'computational thinking skills and self-efficacy.
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers, 2023
Efficient and Accurate Abdominal Multi-Organ Segmentation using Cross Pseudo-based Semi-Supervised Learning.
Proceedings of the 2023 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, 2023
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2021
Instrumentation of Surface Plasmon Microscopy: Complete Scheme of Signal Extractions.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2021
Int. J. Intell. Syst., 2021
Research on Text Error Correction Algorithm after Automatic Speech Recognition Based on Pragmatic Information.
Proceedings of the CCRIS 2020: International Conference on Control, 2020