Terrill L. Frantz

According to our database1, Terrill L. Frantz authored at least 15 papers between 2005 and 2020.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


On csauthors.net:


A Survey of Educational Efforts to Accelerate a Growing Quantum Workforce.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering, 2020

Neural networks: an introductory guide for social scientists by G. David Garson - Sage, London, 1998, vi+194 pp., ISBN: 0-7619-5730-8.
Comput. Math. Organ. Theory, 2018

Theories of communication networks by Peter R. Monge and Noshir S. Contractor - Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003, xxiv+406 pp., ISBN: 0-1951-6036-3.
Comput. Math. Organ. Theory, 2018

Blockmap: an interactive visualization tool for big-data networks.
Comput. Math. Organ. Theory, 2018

Neural networks in organizational research by David Scarborough and Mark John Somers.
Comput. Math. Organ. Theory, 2018

The meso-unit theory of post-merger integration.
Comput. Math. Organ. Theory, 2018

Reporting a network's most-central actor with a confidence level.
Comput. Math. Organ. Theory, 2017

Nick Crossley, Elisa Bellotti, Gemma Edwards, Martin G. Everett, Johan Koskinen, and Mark Tranmer: Social network analysis for ego-nets - 2015, xi+194pgs., London: SAGE Publications, ISBN: 978-1-4462-6776-9, 978-1-4462-6777-6 (pbk.).
Comput. Math. Organ. Theory, 2017

Garry Robins: Doing social network research: network-based research design for social scientists - SAGE Publications, London, 2015, 261 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4462-7612-9, 978-1-4462-7613-6 (pbk).
Comput. Math. Organ. Theory, 2017

Book review: The Journal of Organizational Design.
Comput. Math. Organ. Theory, 2017

Research performance and degree centrality in co-authorship networks: The moderating role of homophily.
Aslib J. Inf. Manag., 2016

Robustness of centrality measures under uncertainty: Examining the role of network topology.
Comput. Math. Organ. Theory, 2009

Information assurances and threat identification in networked organizations.
Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defense Applications, 2009

Transforming Raw-Email Data into Social-Network Information.
Proceedings of the Intelligence and Security Informatics, 2008

Communication Networks from the Enron Email Corpus "It's Always About the People. Enron is no Different".
Comput. Math. Organ. Theory, 2005
