Takuya Matsuzaki
According to our database1,
Takuya Matsuzaki
authored at least 74 papers
between 2003 and 2024.
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On csauthors.net:
An Experimental Framework for Designing Document Structure for Users' Decision Making: An Empirical Study of Recipes.
Proceedings of the Sustainability and Empowerment in the Context of Digital Libraries, 2024
Absolute Position Embedding Learns Sinusoid-like Waves for Attention Based on Relative Position.
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2023
Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2023
Proceedings of the Automated Reasoning - 11th International Joint Conference, 2022
Appraising Science Textbooks through Quantitative Text Analysis and Psychometric Results of Students' Reading Skills.
Proceedings of the 42th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2020
Can an A.I. win a medal in the mathematical olympiad? - Benchmarking mechanized mathematics on pre-university problems.
AI Commun., 2018
Proceedings of the 13th NTCIR Conference, 2017
Automated Historical Fact-Checking by Passage Retrieval, Word Statistics, and Virtual Question-Answering.
Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, 2017
Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, 2017
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2017
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2017
SML Question-Answering System for World History Essay and Multiple-choice Exams at NTCIR-12 QA@Lab-2.
Proceedings of the 12th NTCIR Conference on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies, 2016
Translation Errors and Incomprehensibility: a Case Study using Machine-Translated Second Language Proficiency Tests.
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation LREC 2016, 2016
An Automated Deduction and Its Implementation for Solving Problem of Sequence at University Entrance Examination.
Proceedings of the Mathematical Software - ICMS 2016, 2016
An Information-Processing Account of Representation Change: International Mathematical Olympiad Problems are Hard not only for Humans.
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2016
Proceedings of the Automated Reasoning - 8th International Joint Conference, 2016
Integrating Multiple Dependency Corpora for Inducing Wide-Coverage Japanese CCG Resources.
ACM Trans. Asian Low Resour. Lang. Inf. Process., 2015
Proceedings of the Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences, 2015
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing, 2015
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, 2014
Proceedings of the Proceeding of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education, 2014
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2014
The Most Uncreative Examinee: A First Step toward Wide Coverage Natural Language Math Problem Solving.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2014
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 2013
Probabilistic Chinese word segmentation with non-local information and stochastic training.
Inf. Process. Manag., 2013
Future Gener. Comput. Syst., 2013
BnO at NTCIR-10 RITE: A Strong Shallow Approach and an Inference-based Textual Entailment Recognition System.
Proceedings of the 10th NTCIR Conference on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies, 2013
World History Ontology for Reasoning Truth/Falsehood of Sentences: Event Classification to Fill in the Gaps Between Knowledge Resources and Natural Language Texts.
Proceedings of the New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2013
Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, 2013
Proceedings of the Seventh SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing, 2013
Statistical Extraction and Comparison of Pivot Words for Bilingual Lexicon Extension.
ACM Trans. Asian Lang. Inf. Process., 2012
BMC Bioinform., 2012
Proceedings of the EACL 2012, 2012
Akamon: An Open Source Toolkit for Tree/Forest-Based Statistical Machine Translation.
Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2012
Incremental Joint Approach to Word Segmentation, POS Tagging, and Dependency Parsing in Chinese.
Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference, July 8-14, 2012, Jeju Island, Korea, 2012
Nat. Lang. Eng., 2011
Proceedings of the 9th NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies: Information Retrieval, 2011
Proceedings of the 9th NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies: Information Retrieval, 2011
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Parsing Technologies, 2011
Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, 2011
Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, 2011
Proceedings of the Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, 2011
Proceedings of the Fifth Linguistic Annotation Workshop, 2011
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, 2011
Learning the Optimal Use of Dependency-parsing Information for Finding Translations with Comparable Corpora.
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora: Comparable Corpora and the Web, 2011
Extracting Protein Interactions from Text with the Unified AkaneRE Event Extraction System.
IEEE ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. Bioinform., 2010
Mach. Transl., 2010
Inf. Media Technol., 2010
Bioinform., 2010
Proceedings of the Human Language Technologies: Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association of Computational Linguistics, 2010
Averaged Stochastic Gradient Descent with Feedback: An Accurate, Robust, and Fast Training Method.
Proceedings of the ICDM 2010, 2010
Semi-automatically Developing Chinese HPSG Grammar from the Penn Chinese Treebank for Deep Parsing.
Proceedings of the COLING 2010, 2010
Proceedings of the Fourth Linguistic Annotation Workshop, 2010
Proceedings of the ACL 2010, 2010
Proceedings of the Trends in Parsing Technology, 2010
Evaluating contributions of natural language parsers to protein-protein interaction extraction.
Bioinform., 2009
Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, 2009
A Discriminative Latent Variable Chinese Segmenter with Hybrid Word/Character Information.
Proceedings of the Human Language Technologies: Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association of Computational Linguistics, Proceedings, May 31, 2009
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation: Evaluation Campaign@IWSLT 2009, 2009
The UOT system: improve string-to-tree translation using head-driven phrase structure grammar and predicate-argument structures.
Proceedings of the 2009 International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, 2009
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT-2009), 2009
Proceedings of the IJCAI 2009, 2009
Deterministic Shift-Reduce Parsing for Unification-Based Grammars by Using Default Unification.
Proceedings of the EACL 2009, 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference, Athens, Greece, March 30, 2009
BMC Bioinform., 2008
Comparative Parser Performance Analysis across Grammar Frameworks through Automatic Tree Conversion using Synchronous Grammars.
Proceedings of the COLING 2008, 2008
Proceedings of the ACL 2008, 2008
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Parsing Technologies, 2007
Proceedings of the IJCAI 2007, 2007
Proceedings of the EMNLP 2006, 2006
Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Natural Language Learning, 2003