Sumalee Chaijaroen

According to our database1, Sumalee Chaijaroen authored at least 37 papers between 2017 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of six.
  • Erdős number3 of five.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




A Study on the Current Situation, Problems and Needs Assessment for Development of Adaptive Digital Technology System for Testing Information and Communication Technology Competency and Digital Literacy Skills for Teacher and Administrator.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - 7th International Conference, 2024

The Development of Constructivist Web-based Learning Environments Model to Enhance Critical Reading and Reading Literacy.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - 5th International Conference, 2022

The Framework of Development of Constructivist Learning Environment Model to Changing Misconceptions in Science for High School Students.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - 5th International Conference, 2022

Theoretical and Designing Framework of Constructivist Learning Environment Model that Promotes Ill-Structured Problem Solving and Competence in Psychomotor Skills for Industry Students.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - 5th International Conference, 2022

The Development of Constructivist Web-Based Learning Environment Model to Enhance Solving Mathematic Problems of Statistics for High School Grade 11.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - 5th International Conference, 2022

The Framework for Development of the Constructivist Learning Environment Model to Enhance Ill-Structured Problem Solving in Industrial Automation System Supporting by Metacognition.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - 4th International Conference, 2021

Learner's Ill- Structures Problem Solving with a Constructivist Web-Based Learning Environment Model.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - 4th International Conference, 2021

Satisfaction of Engineering Design Thinking Course for High School Students.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - 4th International Conference, 2021

Resource Designing Framework of Constructivist Web-Based Learning Environment to Enhance the Problem-Solving for Robot Programming in Secondary Grade 3.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - 4th International Conference, 2021

Development of Constructivist Web-Based Learning Environment Model to Enhance Critical Thinking: Integration Between Pedagogy and Neuroscience Topic on Substance for Primary Students.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - 4th International Conference, 2021

The Validation of Constructivist Web-Based Learning Environment Model to Enhance Creativity Thinking for Undergraduate Student with Integration of Pedagogy and Neuroscience.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - 4th International Conference, 2021

Effective Utilization of the Constructivist Web-Based Learning Environment Model to Enhance Human Learning Efficiency Based on Brain-Based Learning.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - Third International Conference, 2020

The Development of Simulation Web-Based Learning Environment to Enhance Ill-Structured Problem Solving for Engineering Students.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - Third International Conference, 2020

Development of Constructivist Web-Based Learning Environment Model to Enhance Problem-Solving and Transfer of Learning on Student in Industrial: Integration Between Pedagogy and Neuroscience.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - Third International Conference, 2020

Designing Framework of Constructivist Web-Based Learning Environment Model to Enhance Creative Thinking in Engineering Design Process for Grade 8th.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - Third International Conference, 2020

Theoretical and Designing Framework of Constructivist Web-Based Learning Environment Model to Problem Solving.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - Third International Conference, 2020

Designing Framework of Constructivist Web-Based Learning Environments Model to Enhance Scientific Thinking for Secondary Students.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - Third International Conference, 2020

Theoretical and Designing Framework of Constructivist Learning Environment Model that Enhance Creative Thinking and Creative Expression of Science for Medical Illustration Students.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - Third International Conference, 2020

Outcomes of Problem-Solving Using Constructivist Learning Environment to Enhance Learners' Problem Solving.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - Third International Conference, 2020

The Development of Constructivist Web-Based Learning Environments to Enhance Learner's Information Processing and Reduce Cognitive Load.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - Third International Conference, 2020

Designing Framework of Constructivist Digital Learning Environment Model to Enhance Creative Thinking for Undergraduate Students.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - Second International Conference, 2019

Design and Development of Interactive Learning Environment Model to Enhance the Creative Problem Solving Thinking for Computer Education Students.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - Second International Conference, 2019

The Development of Simulation-Based Laboratory Lessons in Electronics Industrial Instrumentation to Enhance Ill-Structured Problem Solving for Engineering Students.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - Second International Conference, 2019

The Design and Development of Constructivist Web-Based Learning Environment Framework to Enhance Digital Literacy for Higher Education.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - Second International Conference, 2019

The Designing of Constructivist Web-Based Learning Environment to Enhance Problem Solving Process and Transfer of Learning for Computer Education Student.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - Second International Conference, 2019

Design and Development of Constructivist Augmented Reality (AR) Book Enhancing Analytical Thinking in Computer Classroom.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - Second International Conference, 2019

The Framework for Development of Constructivist Web-Based Learning Environment Model to Enhance Critical Thinking for Primary Students.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - Second International Conference, 2019

The Designing Framework of Constructivist Learning Environment Model to Enhance Information Processing and Reduce Cognitive Load for Students' Primary Grade 5.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - Second International Conference, 2019

Design and Development of Constructivist Web-Based Learning Environment with Augmented Reality to Enhance Critical Reading for First-Year Information Technology Students of Two-Year College in Cambodia.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - Second International Conference, 2019

Theoretical Framework of Constructivist Web-Based Learning Environment Model to Enhance Mathematical Problem Solving.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - Second International Conference, 2019

Learner's Creative Thinking Learning with Constructivist Web-Based Learning Environment Model: Integration Between Pedagogy and Neuroscience.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - Second International Conference, 2019

A synthesis framework of constructivist via gamification-based learning environments model to enhance self-regulation for undergraduate students.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on E-Education, 2019

Designing of the Learning Innovation Enhance Learning Potential of the Learners Using Brain-Based Learning.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - First International Conference, 2018

Using Constructivist Instructional Design for Flipped Classroom to Enhancing Cognitive Learning Performance.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - First International Conference, 2018

Design and Development of Learning Innovation Enhancing Learning Potential Using Brain-Based Learning.
Proceedings of the Innovative Technologies and Learning - First International Conference, 2018

Taxonomy for the Design and Development of Learning Environments to Enhance Digital Literacy in Higher Education.
Proceedings of the 6th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, 2017

Design and Development of Constructivist Multimedia Learning Environment Enhancing Skills in Computer Programming.
Proceedings of the 6th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, 2017
