Steven Conrad Hauser
Orcid: 0000-0002-2337-2355
According to our database1,
Steven Conrad Hauser
authored at least 13 papers
between 2016 and 2025.
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Mechanoreceptive Aβ Primary Afferents Discriminate Naturalistic Social Touch Inputs at a Functionally Relevant Time Scale.
IEEE Trans. Affect. Comput., 2025
Faster Indentation Influences Skin Deformation To Reduce Tactile Discriminability of Compliant Objects.
IEEE Trans. Haptics, 2023
Tactile Exploration Strategies With Natural Compliant Objects Elicit Virtual Stiffness Cues.
IEEE Trans. Haptics, 2020
Identifying 3-D spatiotemporal skin deformation cues evoked in interacting with compliant elastic surfaces.
Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Haptics Symposium, 2020
Roles of Force Cues and Proprioceptive Joint Angles in Active Exploration of Compliant Objects.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE World Haptics Conference, 2019
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE World Haptics Conference, 2019
Uncovering Human-to-Human Physical Interactions that Underlie Emotional and Affective Touch Communication.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE World Haptics Conference, 2019
Force-Rate Cues Reduce Object Deformation Necessary to Discriminate Compliances Harder than the Skin.
IEEE Trans. Haptics, 2018
A Standard Methodology to Characterize the Intrinsic Material Properties of Compliant Test Stimuli.
IEEE Trans. Haptics, 2018
Imaging the 3-D deformation of the finger pad when interacting with compliant materials.
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Haptics Symposium, 2018
Signal detection effects on deep neural networks utilizing raw IQ for modulation classification.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Military Communications Conference, 2017
Measuring tactile cues at the fingerpad for object compliances harder and softer than the skin.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Haptics Symposium, 2016