Sridhar R. Tayur

Orcid: 0000-0002-8008-400X

  • Carnegie Mellon University, Tepper School of Business, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

According to our database1, Sridhar R. Tayur authored at least 60 papers between 1992 and 2025.

Collaborative distances:



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



A Systematic Mapping Study on Quantum and Quantum-inspired Algorithms in Operations Research.
ACM Comput. Surv., March, 2025

Implementing innovations in US transplantation system.
Decis. Sci., June, 2024

Vehicle-to-Vehicle Charging: Model, Complexity, and Heuristics.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2024

Quantum annealing research at CMU: algorithms, hardware, applications.
Frontiers Comput. Sci., 2023

Pneumonia detection by binary classification: classical, quantum, and hybrid approaches for support vector machine (SVM).
Frontiers Comput. Sci., 2023

Optimal Entanglement Distillation Policies for Quantum Switches.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering, 2023

Effective Online Order Acceptance Policies for Omnichannel Fulfillment.
Manuf. Serv. Oper. Manag., 2022

Unital Qubit Queue-channels: Classical Capacity and Product Decoding.
CoRR, 2021

Queue-Channel Capacities with Generalized Amplitude Damping.
CoRR, 2021

Causal Inference with Selectively Deconfounded Data.
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2021

OM Forum - Healthcare Operations Management: A Snapshot of Emerging Research.
Manuf. Serv. Oper. Manag., 2020

Integer Programming Techniques for Minor-Embedding in Quantum Annealers.
Proceedings of the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research, 2020

Combating Child Labor: Incentives and Information Disclosure in Global Supply Chains.
Manuf. Serv. Oper. Manag., 2019

Driving inventory system simulations with limited demand data: Insights from the newsvendor problem.
J. Simulation, 2019

The Topology of Mutated Driver Pathways.
CoRR, 2019

GAMA: A Novel Algorithm for Non-Convex Integer Programs.
CoRR, 2019

Minimizing polynomial functions on quantum computers.
CoRR, 2019

Graver Bases via Quantum Annealing with Application to Non-Linear Integer Programs.
CoRR, 2019

A Novel Algebraic Geometry Compiling Framework for Adiabatic Quantum Computations.
CoRR, 2018

OM Forum - An Essay on Operations Management.
Manuf. Serv. Oper. Manag., 2017

Imaging Room and Beyond: The Underlying Economics Behind Physicians' Test-Ordering Behavior in Outpatient Services.
Manuf. Serv. Oper. Manag., 2017

OrganJet: Overcoming Geographical Disparities in Access to Deceased Donor Kidneys in the United States.
Manag. Sci., 2017

Integer and Constraint Programming for Batch Annealing Process Planning.
Proceedings of the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, 2017

Managing Rentals with Usage-Based Loss.
Manuf. Serv. Oper. Manag., 2016

Demand fulfillment probability under parameter uncertainty.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2016

Combating Strategic Counterfeiters in Licit and Illicit Supply Chains.
Manuf. Serv. Oper. Manag., 2015

A simulation-based support tool for data-driven decision making: operational testing for dependence modeling.
Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, 2014

Near optimality guarantees for data-driven newsvendor with temporally dependent demand: A Monte Carlo approach.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulations Conference: Simulation Making Decisions in a Complex World, 2013

A simulation-based approach to capturing autocorrelated demand parameter uncertainty in inventory management.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2012

Improved Inventory Targets in the Presence of Limited Historical Demand Data.
Manuf. Serv. Oper. Manag., 2011

OR PRACTICE - Scheduling of Dynamic In-Game Advertising.
Oper. Res., 2011

OR Practice - Production Planning with Patterns: A Problem from Processed Food Manufacturing.
Oper. Res., 2011

OR Practice - Implementing Seasonal Logistics Tactics for Finished Goods Distribution at Deere & Company's C&CE Division.
Oper. Res., 2010

Editorial: How to Monetize the Value of OR.
Interfaces, 2010

Vehicle Routing for Food Rescue Programs: A Comparison of Different Approaches.
Proceedings of the Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, 2010

Quantity Discounts Under Demand Uncertainty.
Manag. Sci., 2008

Aircraft and crew scheduling for fractional ownership programs.
Ann. Oper. Res., 2008

Building Efficient Product Portfolios at John Deere and Company.
Oper. Res., 2007

Reliable Due-Date Setting in a Capacitated MTO System with Two Customer Classes.
Oper. Res., 2007

Effective Heuristics for Multiproduct Partial Shipment Models.
Oper. Res., 2006

Caterpillar's Building Construction Products Division Improves and Stabilizes Product Availability.
Interfaces, 2006

Medium-Term Pricing and Operations Planning in Intermodal Transportation.
Transp. Sci., 2005

Improving Asset Management and Order Fulfillment at Deere & Company's C&CE Division.
Interfaces, 2005

Models for Supply Chains in E-Business.
Manag. Sci., 2003

Enterprise-Wide Optimization of Total Landed Cost at a Grocery Retailer.
Oper. Res., 2003

Tactical Planning Models for Supply Chain Management.
Proceedings of the Supply Chain Management: Design, Coordination and Operation, 2003

Scheduling and Reliable Lead-Time Quotation for Orders with Availability Intervals and Lead-Time Sensitive Revenues.
Manag. Sci., 2001

On Bipartite and Multipartite Clique Problems.
J. Algorithms, 2001

Special Issue: OR/MS and E-Business: Quantitative Analysis for Internet-Enabled Supply Chains.
Interfaces, 2001

Development of a Rapid-Response Supply Chain at Caterpillar.
Oper. Res., 2000

Improving Operations and Quoting Accurate Lead Times in a Laminate Plant.
Interfaces, 2000

Managing a Customer Following a Target Reverting Policy.
Manuf. Serv. Oper. Manag., 1999

Scheduling of Time-Shared Jet Aircraft.
Transp. Sci., 1998

A Capacitated Production-Inventory Model with Periodic Demand.
Oper. Res., 1998

Managing Stochastic Multiproduct Systems: Model, Measures, and Analysis.
Oper. Res., 1998

An algebraic geometry algorithm for scheduling in presence of setups and correlated demands.
Math. Program., 1995

A Randomized Algorithm to Optimize Over Certain Convex Sets.
Math. Oper. Res., 1995

A single server queue with cyclically indexed arrival and service rates.
Queueing Syst. Theory Appl., 1994

The Stability of a Capacitated, Multi-Echelon Production-Inventory System Under a Base-Stock Policy.
Oper. Res., 1994

Properties of serial kanban systems.
Queueing Syst. Theory Appl., 1992
