Si Liu

This page is a disambiguation page, it actually contains mutiple papers from persons of the same or a similar name.


A Linear Mapping Dispersion Compensation Method for Debonding Detection of Honeycomb Sandwich Structure Based on Air-Coupled Ultrasound.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2025

DMSC-GAN: A c-GAN-Based Framework for Super-Resolution Reconstruction of SAR Images.
Remote. Sens., January, 2024

Comparison of Pixel-Level and Feature-Level Image Fusion Networks for Slow-Moving Landslide Detection.
Proceedings of the IGARSS 2024, 2024

A Hybrid DCT/DST Based Embedding Framework for Video Steganography in H.265/HEVC.
Proceedings of the Advanced Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications, 2024

Communication-Efficient Collaborative Perception via Information Filling with Codebook.
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2024

Neural network models for sequence-based TCR and HLA association prediction.
PLoS Comput. Biol., November, 2023

A novel dual-fusion algorithm of single image dehazing based on anisotropic diffusion and Gaussian filter.
Int. J. Comput. Sci. Eng., 2023

An Effective Dynamic Reweighting Method for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation.
Proceedings of the Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision - 6th Chinese Conference, 2023

Detecting Transactional Bugs in Database Engines via Graph-Based Oracle Construction.
Proceedings of the 17th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 2023

MARBLE: Music Audio Representation Benchmark for Universal Evaluation.
Proceedings of the Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2023, 2023

Super-resolution of SAR images using residual four-channel large kernel attention.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, 2023

LyricWhiz: Robust Multilingual Zero-Shot Lyrics Transcription by Whispering to ChatGPT.
Proceedings of the 24th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 2023

Sparse Dense Fusion for 3D Object Detection.
IROS, 2023

A High-Performance Steganography Algorithm Based on HEVC Standard.
Proceedings of the Advanced Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications, 2023

A Distributed MPC to Exploit Reactive Power V2G for Real-Time Voltage Regulation in Distribution Networks.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, 2022

PAC Guarantees and Effective Algorithms for Detecting Novel Categories.
J. Mach. Learn. Res., 2022

U-Shaped Relation between Negative Emotions and Customer Creativity in Corporate Innovation Context.
J. Inf. Knowl. Manag., 2022

A Novel DCT-Based Video Steganography Algorithm for HEVC.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Computing Methodologies - 18th International Conference, 2022

Blockchain Adoption in University Archives Data Management.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Computing Methodologies - 18th International Conference, 2022

Calibration of AC Vector Magnetometer Based on Ellipsoid Fitting.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2021

A Practicable Method for Calibrating a Magnetic Sensor Array.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 2021

Dynamic channel decision-making of fresh agricultural product companies considering consumer convenience preferences.
RAIRO Oper. Res., 2021

Preparing Frontera for Texascale Days.
Comput. Sci. Eng., 2021

A Video Steganography Method Based on Transform Block Decision for H.265/HEVC.
IEEE Access, 2021

Practice Guideline for Heavy I/O Workloads with Lustre File Systems on TACC Supercomputers.
Proceedings of the PEARC '21: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, 2021

Tools and Guidelines for Job Bundling on Modern Supercomputers.
Proceedings of the PEARC '21: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, 2021

Best practice of IO workload management in containerized environments on supercomputers.
Proceedings of the PEARC '21: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, 2021

Optimizing GPU-Enhanced HPC System and Cloud Procurements for Scientific Workloads.
Proceedings of the High Performance Computing - 36th International Conference, 2021

Magic Mirror Stealth: Interactive Automatic Picture Editing System.
Proceedings of the PRICAI 2021: Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 2021

An Efficient Video Steganography Method Based on HEVC.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Computing Theories and Application, 2021

Research on Application of Blockchain Technology in Higher Education in China.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Computing Theories and Application, 2021

Automatic segmentation of dermoscopy images using saliency combined with adaptive thresholding based on wavelet transform.
Multim. Tools Appl., 2020

Video coding and processing: A survey.
Neurocomputing, 2020

Dynamic channel choice of mobile phone companies by considering the time preference of consumers.
Comput. Ind. Eng., 2020

Competition and cooperation in a community of autonomous agents.
Auton. Robots, 2020

Modern tools for supercomputers.
Proceedings of the PEARC Companion '20: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, 2020

Blockchain Privacy Data Protection Method Based on HEVC Video Steganography.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart BlockChain, 2020

OOOPS: An Innovative Tool for IO Workload Management on Supercomputers.
Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2020

A HEVC Steganography Method Based on QDCT Coefficient.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Computing Methodologies - 16th International Conference, 2020

A Skin Lesion Segmentation Method Based on Saliency and Adaptive Thresholding in Wavelet Domain.
Proceedings of the Cognitive Internet of Things: Frameworks, Tools and Applications, 2019

A new data hiding method for H.265/HEVC video streams without intra-frame distortion drift.
Multim. Tools Appl., 2019

Impact of referral reward program on innovative customers' follow-up e-referral.
Inf. Technol. People, 2019

Video steganography: A review.
Neurocomputing, 2019

High-Performance End-to-End Integrity Verification on Big Data Transfer.
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 2019

The video intelligent car based on wireless sensor.
Clust. Comput., 2019

Classification of melanoma based on feature similarity measurement for codebook learning in the bag-of-features model.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control., 2019

Tools for Monitoring CPU Usage and Affinity in Multicore Supercomputers.
Proceedings of the Tools and Techniques for High Performance Computing, 2019

DCCL: A Benchmark for Cervical Cytology Analysis.
Proceedings of the Machine Learning in Medical Imaging - 10th International Workshop, 2019

Anomaly Subgraph Mining in Large-Scale Social Networks.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications, 2019

Privacy Protection Oriented Video Data Hiding Method.
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud, 2019

A Robust and Improved Visual Quality Data Hiding Method for HEVC.
IEEE Access, 2018

Hiding Bitcoin Transaction Information Based on HEVC.
Proceedings of the Smart Blockchain - First International Conference, 2018

Open Category Detection with PAC Guarantees.
Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2018

Can We Achieve Open Category Detection with Guarantees?
Proceedings of the Workshops of the The Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018

Performance Prediction of HPC Applications on Intel Processors.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, 2017

A Data Hiding Method for H.265 Without Intra-frame Distortion Drift.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Computing Methodologies - 13th International Conference, 2017

A Reversible Data Hiding Method Based on HEVC Without Distortion Drift.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Computing Methodologies - 13th International Conference, 2017

Enabling versatile analysis of large scale traffic video data with deep learning and HiveQL.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2017), 2017

Self-Calibration Method Based on Surface Micromaching of Light Transceiver Focal Plane for Optical Camera.
Remote. Sens., 2016

Sanity Tool: Lightweight Diagnostics for Individual User Accounts on Supercomputer Systems.
Proceedings of the 2016 Third International Workshop on HPC User Support Tools, 2016

Event Space-Correlation Analysis Algorithm Based on Ant Colony Optimization.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Computing Theories and Application, 2016

Towards optimizing large-scale data transfers with end-to-end integrity verification.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2016), 2016

Visualization and Adaptive Subsetting of Earth Science Data in HDFS: A Novel Data Analysis Strategy with Hadoop and Spark.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conferences on Big Data and Cloud Computing (BDCloud), 2016

Advanced user environment design and implementation on integrated multi-architecture supercomputers.
Proceedings of the 2015 XSEDE Conference: Scientific Advancements Enabled by Enhanced Cyberinfrastructure, St. Louis, MO, USA, July 26, 2015

Tales from the trenches: can user support tools make a difference?
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on HPC User Support Tools, 2015

Visualization of High-Resolution Weather Model Data.
Proceedings of the 15th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, 2015

A Framework for Multitasking Data-Intensive Management Services in High Performance Computing Environments.
Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications, 2015

A Hadoop-based visualization and diagnosis framework for earth science data.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2015), Santa Clara, CA, USA, October 29, 2015

A User-Friendly Approach for Tuning Parallel File Operations.
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, 2014

Complex Network Construction Method of Disaster Regional Association Based on Optimized Compressive Sensing.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Computing Methodologies - 10th International Conference, 2014

Community Detection Method of Complex Network Based on ACO Pheromone of TSP.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Computing Methodologies - 10th International Conference, 2014

System-level monitoring of floating-point performance to improve effective system utilization.
Proceedings of the Conference on High Performance Computing Networking, Storage and Analysis, 2011

The NWSC benchmark suite using scientific throughput to measure supercomputer performance.
Proceedings of the Conference on High Performance Computing Networking, Storage and Analysis, 2011
