Shealtiel William Sta. Maria Chan
According to our database1,
Shealtiel William Sta. Maria Chan
authored at least 2 papers
in 2022.
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In silico investigation of oxindole alkaloids from Uncaria perrottetii and Uncaria lanosa f. philippinensis for COVID-19 therapy: a ligand affinity and characterization study.
Proceedings of the ICBET 2022: 12th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Tokyo, Japan, April 20, 2022
In silico investigation of oxindole alkaloids from Uncaria perrottetii and Uncaria lanosa f. philippinensis for COVID-19 therapy: binding site prediction and molecular docking.
Proceedings of the ICBET 2022: 12th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Tokyo, Japan, April 20, 2022