Shane G. Henderson

Orcid: 0000-0003-1004-4034

According to our database1, Shane G. Henderson authored at least 106 papers between 1997 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Modeling the Risk of In-Person Instruction During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
INFORMS J. Appl. Anal., 2024

Evaluating Solvers for Linearly Constrained Simulation Optimization.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2024

SPT optimality (mostly) via linear programming.
Oper. Res. Lett., January, 2023

SimOpt: A Testbed for Simulation-Optimization Experiments.
INFORMS J. Comput., 2023

Diagnostic Tools for Evaluating and Comparing Simulation-Optimization Algorithms.
INFORMS J. Comput., 2023

Practical Impact and Academia are not Antonyms.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2023

Stochastic Constraints: How Feasible Is Feasible?
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2023

How should volunteers be dispatched to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest cases?
Queueing Syst. Theory Appl., 2022

Minimizing Multimodular Functions and Allocating Capacity in Bike-Sharing Systems.
Oper. Res., 2022

Posterior-Based Stopping Rules for Bayesian Ranking-and-Selection Procedures.
INFORMS J. Comput., 2022

Scheduling with Predictions.
CoRR, 2022

Automatic Differentiation for Gradient Estimators in Simulation.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2022

Fixed-Confidence, Fixed-Tolerance Guarantees for Ranking-and-Selection Procedures.
ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul., 2021

Safe Blues: The case for virtual safe virus spread in the long-term fight against epidemics.
Patterns, 2021

Reflections On Simulation Optimization.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2021

Estimating the Probability that a Function Observed with Noise Is Convex.
INFORMS J. Comput., 2020

Biased Gradient Estimators in Simulation Optimization.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2020

Predicting the Simulation Budget in Ranking and Selection Procedures.
ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul., 2019

Probabilistic Bisection Converges Almost as Quickly as Stochastic Approximation.
Math. Oper. Res., 2019

Analytics and Bikes: Riding Tandem with Motivate to Improve Mobility.
INFORMS J. Appl. Anal., 2019

Redesigning a Testbed of Simulation-Optimization Problems and Solvers for Experimental Comparisons.
Proceedings of the 2019 Winter Simulation Conference, 2019

Reusing Search Data in Ranking and Selection: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul., 2018

Guarantees on the Probability of Good Selection.
Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference, 2018

Efficient Ranking and Selection in Parallel Computing Environments.
Oper. Res., 2017

Bayes-Optimal Entropy Pursuit for Active Choice-Based Preference Learning.
CoRR, 2017

Teaching undergraduate simulation - 4 questions for 4 experienced instructors.
Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, 2017

An efficient fully sequential selection procedure guaranteeing probably approximately correct selection.
Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, 2017

History of seeking better solutions, AKA simulation optimization.
Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, 2017

Empirically comparing the finite-time performance of simulation-optimization algorithms.
Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, 2017

Coupled bisection for root ordering.
Oper. Res. Lett., 2016

The Vehicle Mix Decision in Emergency Medical Service Systems.
Manuf. Serv. Oper. Manag., 2016

Large-network travel time distribution estimation for ambulances.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2016

Simulation optimization for a large-scale bike-sharing system.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2016

Challenges in applying ranking and selection after search.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2016

How Hard are Steady-State Queueing Simulations?
ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul., 2015

Comparing message passing interface and mapreduce for large-scale parallel ranking and selection.
Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference, 2015

An introduction to simulation optimization.
Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference, 2015

Predicting Bike Usage for New York City's Bike Sharing System.
Proceedings of the Computational Sustainability, 2015

Guest editors' introduction to special issue on the third INFORMS simulation society research workshop.
ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul., 2014

A Bound on the Performance of an Optimal Ambulance Redeployment Policy.
Oper. Res., 2014

Multisection: parallelized bisection.
Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, 2014

A comparison of two parallel ranking and selection procedures.
Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, 2014

Sequential detection of convexity from noisy function evaluations.
Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, 2014

Simulation optimization: a panel on the state of the art in research and practice.
Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, 2014

Bisection Search with Noisy Responses.
SIAM J. Control. Optim., 2013

Mathematical Programming Guides Air-Ambulance Routing at Ornge.
Interfaces, 2013

Ranking and selection in a high performance computing environment.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulations Conference: Simulation Making Decisions in a Complex World, 2013

A Framework for Selecting a Selection Procedure.
ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul., 2012

Simulating Multivariate Nonhomogeneous Poisson Processes Using Projections.
ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul., 2012

Sharpening comparisons via gaussian copulas and semidefinite programming.
ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul., 2012

Exploring bounds on ambulance deployment policy performance.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2012

Teaching an advanced simulation topic.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2012

A Bayesian approach to stochastic root finding.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2011, 2011

SimOpt: a library of simulation optimization problems.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2011, 2011

Approximate Dynamic Programming for Ambulance Redeployment.
INFORMS J. Comput., 2010

Performance measures for Ranking and Selection procedures.
Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, 2010

Identifying effective policies in approximate dynamic programming: Beyond regression.
Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, 2010

Corrigendum: Behavior of the NORTA method for correlated random vector generation as the dimension increases.
ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul., 2009

Efficient fair algorithms for message communication.
Simul. Model. Pract. Theory, 2009

Ambulance Redeployment: An Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach.
Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference, 2009

Estimating the Probability that the Game of Monopoly never ends.
Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference, 2009

Optimizing Call Center Staffing Using Simulation and Analytic Center Cutting-Plane Methods.
Manag. Sci., 2008

The mathematics of continuous-variable simulation optimization.
Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference, Global Gateway to Discovery, 2008

Staying sane on the tenure track.
Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference, Global Gateway to Discovery, 2008

Comparing two systems: Beyond common random numbers.
Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference, Global Gateway to Discovery, 2008

Adaptive Control Variates for Finite-Horizon Simulation.
Math. Oper. Res., 2007

Non-linear control variates for regenerative steady-state simulation.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2007

Finite-sample performance guarantees for one-dimensional stochastic root finding.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2007

A testbed of simulation-optimization problems.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference WSC 2006, 2006

American options from MARS.
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference WSC 2006, 2006

Chapter 1 Stochastic Computer Simulation.
Proceedings of the Simulation, 2006

Proceedings of the Simulation, 2006

Chapter 2 Mathematics for Simulation.
Proceedings of the Simulation, 2006

Performance measures for service systems with a random arrival rate.
Proceedings of the 37th Winter Simulation Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, December 4-7, 2005, 2005

Should we model dependence and nonstationarity, and if so how?
Proceedings of the 37th Winter Simulation Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, December 4-7, 2005, 2005

Adaptive control variates for American option pricing.
Proceedings of the 37th Winter Simulation Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, December 4-7, 2005, 2005

Convergence in Probability of Compressed Annealing.
Math. Oper. Res., 2004

A Simulation Model for Predicting Yacht Match Race Outcomes.
Oper. Res., 2004

Call Center Staffing with Simulation and Cutting Plane Methods.
Ann. Oper. Res., 2004

Adaptive Control Variates.
Proceedings of the 36th conference on Winter simulation, 2004

Behavior of the NORTA method for correlated random vector generation as the dimension increases.
ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul., 2003

Nonexistence of a class of variate generation schemes.
Oper. Res. Lett., 2003

Estimation for nonhomogeneous Poisson processes from aggregated data.
Oper. Res. Lett., 2003

Performance Evaluation and Policy Selection in Multiclass Networks.
Discret. Event Dyn. Syst., 2003

Simulation input modeling: a kernel approach to estimating the density of a conditional expectation.
Proceedings of the 35th Winter Simulation Conference: Driving Innovation, 2003

Input modeling: input model uncertainty: why do we care and what should we do about it?
Proceedings of the 35th Winter Simulation Conference: Driving Innovation, 2003

Customer relations management: service operations: using simulation to approximate subgradients of convex performance measures in service systems.
Proceedings of the 35th Winter Simulation Conference: Driving Innovation, 2003

Fairness and efficiency in web server protocols.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Measurements and Modeling of Computer Systems, 2003

Approximating Martingales for Variance Reduction in Markov Process Simulation.
Math. Oper. Res., 2002

Chessboard Distributions and Random Vectors with Specified Marginals and Covariance Matrix.
Oper. Res., 2002

Advanced input modeling: properties of the NORTA method in higher dimensions.
Proceedings of the 34th Winter Simulation Conference: Exploring New Frontiers, 2002

Panel discussion on current issues in input modeling: panel on current issues in simulation input modeling.
Proceedings of the 34th Winter Simulation Conference: Exploring New Frontiers, 2002

Regenerative steady-state simulation of discrete-event systems.
ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul., 2001

Computing Densities for Markov Chains via Simulation.
Math. Oper. Res., 2001

Two Issues in Setting Call Centre Staffing Levels.
Ann. Oper. Res., 2001

Simulation mathematics and random number generation: mathematics for simulation.
Proceedings of the 33nd conference on Winter simulation, 2001

Chessboard distributions.
Proceedings of the 33nd conference on Winter simulation, 2001

Generating "dependent" quasi-random numbers.
Proceedings of the 32nd conference on Winter simulation, 2000

Mathematics and hybrid modeling: mathematics for simulation.
Proceedings of the 32nd conference on Winter simulation, 2000

Derandomizing Variance Estimators.
Oper. Res., 1999

Estimating ambulance requirements in Auckland, New Zealand.
Proceedings of the 31st conference on Winter simulation: Simulation, 1999

Can the regenerative method be applied to discrete-event simulation?
Proceedings of the 31st conference on Winter simulation: Simulation, 1999

Rostering by Iterating Integer Programming and Simulation.
Proceedings of the 30th conference on Winter simulation, 1998

Estimation of Stationary Densities for Markov Chains.
Proceedings of the 30th conference on Winter simulation, 1998

Efficient Simulation of Multiclass Queueing Networks.
Proceedings of the 29th conference on Winter simulation, 1997

Computational Efficiency Evaluation in Output Analysis.
Proceedings of the 29th conference on Winter simulation, 1997
