Shaiful Alam Chowdhury

Orcid: 0000-0003-2301-6104

According to our database1, Shaiful Alam Chowdhury authored at least 26 papers between 2012 and 2025.

Collaborative distances:



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Impact of methodological choices on the analysis of code metrics and maintenance.
J. Syst. Softw., 2025

Method-level Bug Prediction: Problems and Promises.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., May, 2024

Revisiting the debate: Are code metrics useful for measuring maintenance effort?
Empir. Softw. Eng., 2022

An Empirical Study on Maintainable Method Size in Java.
Proceedings of the 19th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2022

CodeShovel: A Reusable and Available Tool for Extracting Source Code Histories.
Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings, 2021

CodeShovel: Constructing Method-Level Source Code Histories.
Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, 2021

GreenScaler: training software energy models with automatic test generation.
Empir. Softw. Eng., 2019

What do developers know about machine learning: a study of ML discussions on StackOverflow.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2019

Syntax and Stack Overflow: A Methodology for Extracting a Corpus of Syntax Errors and Fixes.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, 2019

GreenBundle: an empirical study on the energy impact of bundled processing.
Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Software Engineering, 2019

An exploratory study on assessing the energy impact of logging on Android applications.
Empir. Softw. Eng., 2018

Did I make a mistake? Finding the impact of code change on energy regression.
PeerJ Prepr., 2017

Deep Green: Modelling Time-Series of Software Energy Consumption.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, 2017

GreenScaler: Automatically training software energy models with big data.
PeerJ Prepr., 2016

Client-Side Energy Efficiency of HTTP/2 for Web and Mobile App Developers.
Proceedings of the IEEE 23rd International Conference on Software Analysis, 2016

Characterizing energy-aware software projects: are they different?
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2016

GreenOracle: estimating software energy consumption with energy measurement corpora.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2016

Is HTTP/2 more energy efficient than HTTP/1.1 for mobile users?
PeerJ Prepr., 2015

Mining StackOverflow to Filter Out Off-Topic IRC Discussion.
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE/ACM Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2015

A system-call based model of software energy consumption without hardware instrumentation.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference, 2015

Community-based forwarding for low-capacity pocket switched networks.
Proceedings of the 17th ACM International Conference on Modeling, 2014

Category-based user interaction with online user-generated videos: workload characterization.
Proceedings of 24th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2014

Category-Based YouTube Request Pattern Characterization.
Proceedings of the Web Information Systems and Technologies - 9th International Conference, 2013

Popularity Growth Patterns of YouTube Videos - A Category-based Study.
Proceedings of the WEBIST 2013, 2013

Characterizing Videos and Users in YouTube: A Survey.
Proceedings of the 2012 Seventh International Conference on Broadband, 2012

Performance Evaluation of Yahoo! S4: A First Look.
Proceedings of the 2012 Seventh International Conference on P2P, 2012
