Seungil You
Orcid: 0000-0002-1984-9077
According to our database1,
Seungil You
authored at least 28 papers
between 2012 and 2021.
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ACM J. Emerg. Technol. Comput. Syst., 2021
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, 2020
IEEE Access, 2020
Optimization with Non-Differentiable Constraints with Applications to Fairness, Recall, Churn, and Other Goals.
J. Mach. Learn. Res., 2019
Demand Forecasting from Spatiotemporal Data with Graph Networks and Temporal-Guided Embedding.
CoRR, 2019
Training Well-Generalizing Classifiers for Fairness Metrics and Other Data-Dependent Constraints.
Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2019
CoRR, 2018
Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning, 2018
IEEE Trans. Autom. Control., 2017
Proceedings of the Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2017, 2017
IEEE Trans Autom. Sci. Eng., 2016
Dual Link Algorithm for the Weighted Sum Rate Maximization in MIMO Interference Channels.
CoRR, 2016
A new algorithm for the weighted sum rate maximization in MIMO interference networks.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2015
Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2015
Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2015
Proceedings of the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2015
A non-convex alternating direction method of multipliers heuristic for optimal power flow.
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications, 2014
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications, 2014
Convex-concave procedure for weighted sum-rate maximization in a MIMO interference network.
Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2014
Proceedings of the Conference on Systems Engineering Research, 2014
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2014
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2014
The Weighted Sum Rate Maximization in MIMO Interference Networks: The Minimax Lagrangian Duality and Algorithm.
CoRR, 2013
Proceedings of the 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2013
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 2012
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 2012