Sergio Pinna
According to our database1,
Sergio Pinna
authored at least 18 papers
between 2012 and 2020.
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, 2020
Thermal Impedance and Gain Switching of 1550 nm Room Temperature Continuous-Wave Electrically Pumped Laser Diode Monolithically Grown on Silicon.
Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, 2020
Efficiency of Waveguide Uni-Traveling-Carrier Photodiodes for Microwave Signal Generation.
Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, 2019
Proceedings of the Device Research Conference, 2019
Waveguide Uni-Traveling-Carrier Photodiodes for mmW Signal Generation: Space-Charge Impedance and Efficiency Limitations.
Proceedings of the Device Research Conference, 2019
Fast and Linear Photonic Integrated Microwave Phase-Shifter for 5G Beam-Steering Applications.
Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exposition, 2018
Proceedings of the 76th Device Research Conference, 2018
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Technology Symposium (BCICTS), 2018
A beam-forming network for 5G systems based on precise optical clock and phase shifting.
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling, 2016
Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, 2015
Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication, 2015
Photonic ultra-wideband software-defined RF receiver for electronic spectrum measurements.
Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, 2014
Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, 2014
Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, 2014
Proceedings of the 2013 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC), 2013
Proceedings of the Optical Supercomputing - 4th International Workshop, 2012
Defragmentation and grooming on 85.4 Gb/s by simultaneous format and wavelength conversion in an integrated quad SOA-MZI.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling, 2012