Sergey Vereshchagin
Orcid: 0000-0003-0869-8741
According to our database1,
Sergey Vereshchagin
authored at least 7 papers
between 2015 and 2021.
Collaborative distances:
Collaborative distances:
Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Proceedings of the Supplementary Proceedings of the XXIII International Conference on Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains, 2021
Proceedings of the Selected Papers of the XXI International Conference on Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains (DAMDID/RCDL 2019), 2019
What Will Lead the Astrometry Data Accuracy Breakthrough in the Study of Star Clusters?
Proceedings of the Selected Papers of the XX International Conference on Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains (DAMDID/RCDL 2018), 2018
Накопление новых знаний о внутреннем устройстве рассеянных звездных скоплений на основе интенсивного использования данных (Accumulation of New Knowledge about the Internal Structure of an Open Star Clusters on the Basis of Intensive Use of Data).
Proceedings of the Selected Papers of the XIX International Conference on Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains (DAMDID/RCDL 2017), 2017
Aggregation of Knowledge on Star Cluster Structure and Kinematics in Data Intensive Astronomy.
Proceedings of the Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains, 2017
Звездные скопления: развитие знаний на основе интенсивного использования данных (Star Clusters: the Growth of Knowledge Based on Data Intensive Research).
Proceedings of the Selected Papers of the XVIII International Conference on Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains (DAMDID/RCDL 2016), 2016
Коллекция результатов наблюдений астероидов и комет Звенигородской астрономической обсерватории (The Collection of Asteroids and Comets Observations Results from the Zvenigorod Astronomical Observatory).
Proceedings of the Selected Papers of the XVII International Conference on Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains (DAMDID/RCDL 2015), 2015