Sebastian Herwig

Orcid: 0000-0003-0488-386X

According to our database1, Sebastian Herwig authored at least 20 papers between 2008 and 2018.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Support structures to facilitate the dissemination and implementation of a national standard for research information - the German case of the Research Core Dataset.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems, 2018

Eine wirtschaftsinformatische Standortbestimmung von Forschungsinformationssystemen.
Proceedings of the 46. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2016

"All roads lead to Rome": Establishing Best Practices for the Implementation and Introduction of a CRIS: Insights and Experiences from a CRIS Project at the University of M.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems, 2012

A Generic Multi-purpose Conceptual Model Analysis Approach - Conceptual Specification and Application.
Proceedings of the Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures, 2011

Pattern Specification and Matching in Conceptual Models - A Generic Approach Based on Set Operations.
Enterp. Model. Inf. Syst. Archit. Int. J. Concept. Model., 2010

Ein automatisiertes Verfahren zur Sicherstellung der konventionsgerechten Bezeichnung von Modellelementen im Rahmen der konzeptionellen Modellierung.
Proceedings of the Modellierung 2010, 24.-26. März 2010, Klagenfurt, Österreich, 2010

Supporting Distributed Conceptual Modelling through Naming Conventions - A Tool-based Linguistic Approach.
Enterp. Model. Inf. Syst. Archit. Int. J. Concept. Model., 2009

Unified Enterprise Knowledge Representation with Conceptual Models - Capturing Corporate Language in Naming Conventions.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 2009

Funktionale Gestaltungsoptionen von Online-Bewertungssystemen.
Proceedings of the 39. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Im Focus das Leben, INFORMATIK 2009, Lübeck, Germany, September 28, 2009

Formalizing Linguistic Conventions for Conceptual Models.
Proceedings of the Conceptual Modeling, 2009

A Generic Set Theory-Based Pattern Matching Approach for the Analysis of Conceptual Models.
Proceedings of the Conceptual Modeling, 2009

Pattern Matching in Conceptual Modes - A Formal Cross-Modelling Language Approach.
Proceedings of the Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures; Ulm, 2009

Discussion of functional design options for online rating systems: A state-of-the-art analysis.
Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Information Systems, 2009

A conceptual modeling approach for supply chain event management (SCEM).
Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Information Systems, 2009

Towards increased comparability of conceptual models - Enforcing naming conventions through domain thesauri and linguistic grammars.
Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Information Systems, 2009

Enabling Widespread Configuration of Conceptual Models - An XML Approach.
Proceedings of the Business Process Management Workshops, 2009

Pattern-Based Model Comparison.
Proceedings of the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2009

Eine Methode zur formalen Spezifikation und Umsetzung von Bezeichnungskonventionen für fachkonzeptionelle Informationsmodelle.
Proceedings of the Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme - Modellierung zwischen SOA und Compliance Management, 2008

Ein Konfiguratives Metamodellierungswerkzeug.
Proceedings of the Workshops colocated with the MobIS2008 Conference: Including EPK2008, 2008

Bewertungsmechanismen zur beruflichen Weiterqualifizierung in sozialen Web 2.0-Netzwerken.
Proceedings of the 38. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Beherrschbare Systeme, 2008
