Sanjay K. Sahay
Affiliations:- Goa Campus, BITS, Pilani, India
According to our database1,
Sanjay K. Sahay
authored at least 75 papers
between 2012 and 2025.
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Online presence:
CoRR, January, 2025
SEASHA3: Secure and Efficient Encryption for the IoT Data by Replacing Subkeys of AES with SHA3.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2024
Deep Reinforcement Learning in the Advanced Cybersecurity Threat Detection and Protection.
Inf. Syst. Frontiers, April, 2023
Towards Adversarially Superior Malware Detection Models: An Adversary Aware Proactive Approach using Adversarial Attacks and Defenses.
Inf. Syst. Frontiers, April, 2023
Adversarial superiority in android malware detection: Lessons from reinforcement learning based evasion attacks and defenses.
Forensic Sci. Int. Digit. Investig., March, 2023
An investigation of two-step cascaded CNN for the detection of gravitational wave signal from two different astronomical sources.
Proceedings of the International Neural Network Society Workshop on Deep Learning Innovations and Applications, 2023
Breaking the Anti-malware: EvoAAttack Based on Genetic Algorithm Against Android Malware Detection Systems.
Proceedings of the Computational Science - ICCS 2023, 2023
Proceedings of the Computational Science - ICCS 2023, 2023
Are Malware Detection Classifiers Adversarially Vulnerable to Actor-Critic based Evasion Attacks?
EAI Endorsed Trans. Scalable Inf. Syst., 2022
Pattern Recognit. Lett., 2022
SAMPARK: Secure and lightweight communication protocols for smart parking management.
J. Inf. Secur. Appl., 2022
GreenForensics: Deep hybrid edge-cloud detection and forensics system for battery-performance-balance conscious devices.
Digit. Investig., 2022
Neural AutoForensics: Comparing Neural Sample Search and Neural Architecture Search for malware detection and forensics.
Digit. Investig., 2022
Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events, 2022
Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM 2022, 2022
Deep CounterStrike: Counter Adversarial Deep Reinforcement Learning for Defense Against Metamorphic Ransomware Swarm Attack.
Proceedings of the Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems, 2022
Proceedings of the Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems, 2022
Android Malware Detection Based on Static Analysis and Data Mining Techniques: A Systematic Literature Review.
Proceedings of the Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems, 2022
Inf. Syst. Frontiers, 2021
Robust Android Malware Detection System Against Adversarial Attacks Using Q-Learning.
Inf. Syst. Frontiers, 2021
Privacy-Preserving Mutual Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme for Multi-Server Healthcare System.
Inf. Syst. Frontiers, 2021
Digit. Investig., 2021
ADVERSARIALuscator: An Adversarial-DRL Based Obfuscator and Metamorphic Malware SwarmGenerator.
CoRR, 2021
DRo: A data-scarce mechanism to revolutionize the performance of Deep Learning based Security Systems.
CoRR, 2021
DRLDO: A novel DRL based De-ObfuscationSystem for Defense against Metamorphic Malware.
CoRR, 2021
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Cybersecurity Threat Detection and Protection: A Review.
Proceedings of the Secure Knowledge Management In The Artificial Intelligence Era, 2021
Proceedings of the Secure Knowledge Management In The Artificial Intelligence Era, 2021
Are CNN based Malware Detection Models Robust?: Developing Superior Models using Adversarial Attack and Defense.
Proceedings of the SenSys '21: The 19th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, Coimbra, Portugal, November 15, 2021
Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events, 2021
DRo: A data-scarce mechanism to revolutionize the performance of DL-based Security Systems.
Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, 2021
Proceedings of the Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2021
Proceedings of the IPSN '21: The 20th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, 2021
ADVERSARIALuscator: An Adversarial-DRL based Obfuscator and Metamorphic Malware Swarm Generator.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2021
LSTM Hyper-Parameter Selection for Malware Detection: Interaction Effects and Hierarchical Selection Approach.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2021
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2021
Designing Adversarial Attack and Defence for Robust Android Malware Detection Models.
Proceedings of the 51st Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, 2021
Duplicates in the Drebin Dataset and Reduction in the Accuracy of the Malware Detection Models.
Proceedings of the 26th IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, 2021
Assessment of the Relative Importance of different hyper-parameters of LSTM for an IDS.
Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2020
How robust are malware detection models for Android smartphones against adversarial attacks?: poster abstract.
Proceedings of the SenSys '20: The 18th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, 2020
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Annual International Symposium on Personal, 2020
DOOM: a novel adversarial-DRL-based op-code level metamorphic malware obfuscator for the enhancement of IDS.
Proceedings of the UbiComp/ISWC '20: 2020 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and 2020 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 2020
A Novel Spatial-Spectral Framework for the Classification of Hyperspectral Satellite Imagery.
Proceedings of the 21st EANN (Engineering Applications of Neural Networks) 2020 Conference, 2020
Detection of Malicious Android Applications: Classical Machine Learning vs. Deep Neural Network Integrated with Clustering.
Proceedings of the Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems, 2020
Proceedings of the Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems, 2020
Group-Wise Classification Approach to Improve Android Malicious Apps Detection Accuracy.
Int. J. Netw. Secur., 2019
Secure Communication Protocol for Smart Transportation Based on VC]Secure Communication Protocol for Smart Transportation Based on Vehicular Cloud.
CoRR, 2019
Proceedings of the Secure Knowledge Management In Artificial Intelligence Era, 2019
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 2019
Comparison of Deep Learning and the Classical Machine Learning Algorithm for the Malware Detection.
Proceedings of the 19th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, 2018
Proceedings of the Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2018
Proceedings of the Big Data Analytics - 6th International Conference, 2018
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, 2018
Improving the detection accuracy of unknown malware by partitioning the executables in groups.
CoRR, 2016
CoRR, 2016
CoRR, 2016
A communication efficient and scalable distributed data mining for the astronomical data.
Astron. Comput., 2016
K-means and Wordnet Based Feature Selection Combined with Extreme Learning Machines for Text Classification.
Proceedings of the Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, 2016
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2016
Automated Document Indexing via Intelligent Hierarchical Clustering: A Novel Approach.
CoRR, 2015
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Women in Computing and Informatics, 2015
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, 2015
Hybrid Approach for Inductive Semi Supervised Learning Using Label Propagation and Support Vector Machine.
Proceedings of the Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, 2015
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Advances in Computing, 2015
CoRR, 2014
An Effective Approach for Web Document Classification using the Concept of Association Analysis of Data Mining.
CoRR, 2014