Sampath Kannan

According to our database1, Sampath Kannan authored at least 138 papers between 1985 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of three.
  • Erdős number3 of two.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Algorithmic Collusion Without Threats.
CoRR, 2024

Oracle Efficient Algorithms for Groupwise Regret.
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations, 2024

Wealth Dynamics Over Generations: Analysis and Interventions.
Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE Conference on Secure and Trustworthy Machine Learning, 2023

Reconstructing Ultrametric Trees from Noisy Experiments.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory, 2023

Pipeline Interventions.
Math. Oper. Res., November, 2022

Best vs. All: Equity and Accuracy of Standardized Test Score Reporting.
Proceedings of the FAccT '22: 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, Seoul, Republic of Korea, June 21, 2022

Packet Scheduling with Optional Client Privacy.
Proceedings of the CCS '21: 2021 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Virtual Event, Republic of Korea, November 15, 2021

Private resource allocators and their applications.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch., 2020

Near-Perfect Recovery in the One-Dimensional Latent Space Model.
Proceedings of the WWW '20: The Web Conference 2020, Taipei, Taiwan, April 20-24, 2020, 2020

Quantifying the Burden of Exploration and the Unfairness of Free Riding.
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2020

Fair Prediction with Endogenous Behavior.
Proceedings of the EC '20: The 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 2020

Sublinear Algorithms and Lower Bounds for Metric TSP Cost Estimation.
Proceedings of the 47th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 2020

Service in Your Neighborhood: Fairness in Center Location.
Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Foundations of Responsible Computing, 2020

Locating Errors in Faulty Formulas.
ACM Trans. Algorithms, 2019

A Center in Your Neighborhood: Fairness in Facility Location.
CoRR, 2019

A Retrospective Look at the Monitoring and Checking (MaC) Framework.
Proceedings of the Runtime Verification - 19th International Conference, 2019

Downstream Effects of Affirmative Action.
Proceedings of the Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, 2019

Private Pareto Optimal Exchange.
ACM Trans. Economics and Comput., 2018

Graph Reconstruction and Verification.
ACM Trans. Algorithms, 2018

A Smoothed Analysis of the Greedy Algorithm for the Linear Contextual Bandit Problem.
Proceedings of the Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2018, 2018

Linear Sketching over F_2.
Proceedings of the 33rd Computational Complexity Conference, 2018

Game Theory in AI, Logic, and Algorithms (Dagstuhl Seminar 17111).
Dagstuhl Reports, 2017

Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis for the Federal Statistical Agencies.
CoRR, 2017

Fairness Incentives for Myopic Agents.
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 2017

DASHR: database of small human noncoding RNAs.
Nucleic Acids Res., 2016

Optimal Provision-After-Wait in Healthcare.
Math. Oper. Res., 2016

Detecting Character Dependencies in Stochastic Models of Evolution.
J. Comput. Biol., 2016

Linear Sketching over 𝔽<sub>2</sub>.
Electron. Colloquium Comput. Complex., 2016

Linear Sketching over $\mathbb F_2$.
CoRR, 2016

Hedging Bets in Markov Decision Processes.
Proceedings of the 25th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic, 2016

Approximately Stable, School Optimal, and Student-Truthful Many-to-One Matchings (via Differential Privacy).
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2015

Near-Linear Query Complexity for Graph Inference.
Proceedings of the Automata, Languages, and Programming - 42nd International Colloquium, 2015

Graph Verification and Reconstruction via Distance Oracles.
CoRR, 2014

Finding Optimal 1-Endpoint-Crossing Trees.
Trans. Assoc. Comput. Linguistics, 2013

AS-CRED: Reputation and Alert Service for Interdomain Routing.
IEEE Syst. J., 2013

On the Complexity of Shortest Path Problems on Discounted Cost Graphs.
Proceedings of the Language and Automata Theory and Applications, 2013

The Exponential Mechanism for Social Welfare: Private, Truthful, and Nearly Optimal.
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 2012

Dynamic Programming for Higher Order Parsing of Gap-Minding Trees.
Proceedings of the 2012 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning, 2012

Improved Hardness Results for Profit Maximization Pricing Problems with Unlimited Supply.
Proceedings of the Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques, 2012

Variance on the Leaves of a Tree Markov Random Field: Detecting Character Dependencies in Phylogenies
CoRR, 2011

AS-TRUST: A Trust Quantification Scheme for Autonomous Systems in BGP.
Proceedings of the Trust and Trustworthy Computing - 4th International Conference, 2011

Algorithms for the Generalized Sorting Problem.
Proceedings of the IEEE 52nd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 2011

ToMaTo: a trustworthy code mashup development tool.
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Web APIs and Service Mashups, 2011

On Sampling from Multivariate Distributions.
Proceedings of the Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques, 2011

STiki: an anti-vandalism tool for Wikipedia using spatio-temporal analysis of revision metadata.
Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration, 2010

Spatio-temporal analysis of Wikipedia metadata and the STiki anti-vandalism tool.
Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration, 2010

Detecting Wikipedia vandalism via spatio-temporal analysis of revision metadata?
Proceedings of the Third European Workshop on System Security, 2010

Dynamic Trust Management.
Computer, 2009

Reconstructing Numbers from Pairwise Function Values.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Computation, 20th International Symposium, 2009

QuanTM: a quantitative trust management system.
Proceedings of the Second European Workshop on System Security, 2009

Graph Distances in the Data-Stream Model.
SIAM J. Comput., 2008

STCON in Directed Unique-Path Graphs.
Proceedings of the IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, 2008

Efficient Enumeration of Phylogenetically Informative Substrings.
J. Comput. Biol., 2007

Checking and Spot-Checking the Correctness of Priority Queues.
Proceedings of the Automata, Languages and Programming, 34th International Colloquium, 2007

Randomized Pursuit-Evasion with Local Visibility.
SIAM J. Discret. Math., 2006

Security Protocols with Isotropic Channels.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch., 2006

Simulation-Based Graph Similarity.
Proceedings of the Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 2006

Weighted isotonic regression under the <i>L</i><sub>1</sub> norm.
Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2006

Randomized pursuit-evasion in a polygonal environment.
IEEE Trans. Robotics, 2005

On graph problems in a semi-streaming model.
Theor. Comput. Sci., 2005

Steering of Discrete Event Systems: Control Theory Approach.
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Runtime Verification, 2005

Better Alternatives to OSPF Routing.
Algorithmica, 2005

Computing Diameter in the Streaming and Sliding-Window Models.
Algorithmica, 2005

Graph distances in the streaming model: the value of space.
Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2005

More on reconstructing strings from random traces: insertions and deletions.
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2005

Approximating the Best-Fit Tree Under L<sub>p</sub> Norms.
Proceedings of the Approximation, 2005

A bound on the capacity of backoff and acknowledgment-based protocols.
SIAM J. Comput., 2004

VC-Dimension of Exterior Visibility.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 2004

Guest Editors' foreword.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci., 2004

Java-MaC: A Run-Time Assurance Approach for Java Programs.
Formal Methods Syst. Des., 2004

Polyhedral Flows in Hybrid Automata.
Formal Methods Syst. Des., 2004

Locating and Capturing an Evader in a Polygonal Environment.
Proceedings of the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics VI, 2004

Genome Identification and Classification by Short Oligo Arrays.
Proceedings of the Algorithms in Bioinformatics, 4th International Workshop, 2004

Randomized pursuit-evasion with limited visibility.
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2004

Reconstructing strings from random traces.
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2004

Sampling based sensor-network deployment.
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Sendai, Japan, September 28, 2004

Inferring Mixtures of Markov Chains.
Proceedings of the Learning Theory, 17th Annual Conference on Learning Theory, 2004

Selection with monotone comparison cost.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2003

Local exploration: online algorithms and a probabilistic framework.
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2003

An Approximate L1-Difference Algorithm for Massive Data Streams.
SIAM J. Comput., 2002

Thresholds and optimal binary comparison search trees.
J. Algorithms, 2002

Computational Analysis of Run-time Monitoring - Fundamentals of Java-MaC.
Proceedings of the Runtime Verification 2002, 2002

Testing and Spot-Checking of Data Streams.
Algorithmica, 2002

Java-MaC: a Run-time Assurance Tool for Java Programs.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Runtime Verification, 2001

J. Comput. Syst. Sci., 2000

Testing and spot-checking of data streams (extended abstract).
Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2000

A Bound on the Capacity of Backoff and Acknowledgement-Based Protocols.
Proceedings of the Automata, Languages and Programming, 27th International Colloquium, 2000

The Relationship between Public Key Encryption and Oblivious Transfer.
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 2000

Information Structures.
Proceedings of the Handbook of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics., 1999

Efficient Algorithms for Inverting Evolution.
J. ACM, 1999

The Complexity of Problems on Graphs Represented as OBDDs.
Chic. J. Theor. Comput. Sci., 1999

Steering of real-time systems based on monitoring and checking.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems, 1999

Runtime Assurance Based On Formal Specifications.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, 1999

Communicating Hierarchical State Machines.
Proceedings of the Automata, 1999

An Approximate L<sup>1</sup>-Difference Algorithm for Massive Data Streams.
Proceedings of the 40th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 1999

Formally specified monitoring of temporal properties.
Proceedings of the 11th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 1999), 1999

Computing the Local Consensus of Trees.
SIAM J. Comput., 1998

Register Allocation in Structured Programs.
J. Algorithms, 1998

On the Complexity and Approximation of Syntenic Distance.
Discret. Appl. Math., 1998

A Formal Framework for Evaluating Heuristic Programs.
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell., 1998

Complexity of Problems on Graphs Represented as OBDDs (Extended Abstract).
Proceedings of the STACS 98, 1998

A Fast Algorithm for the Computation and Enumeration of Perfect Phylogenies.
SIAM J. Comput., 1997

A Quasi-Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Sampling Words from a Context-Free Language.
Inf. Comput., 1997

Group testing problems with sequences in experimental molecular biology.
Proceedings of the Compression and Complexity of SEQUENCES 1997, 1997

Nearly Tight Bounds on the Learnability of Evolution.
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 1997

An Algorithm for Locating Nonoverlapping Regions of Maximum Alignment Score.
SIAM J. Comput., 1996

Oracles and Queries That Are Sufficient for Exact Learning.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci., 1996

Determining the Evolutionary Tree Using Experiments.
J. Algorithms, 1996

Tree Reconstruction from Partial Orders.
SIAM J. Comput., 1995

Hen's Teeth and Whale's Feet: Generalized Characters and Their Compatibility.
J. Comput. Biol., 1995

Designing Programs that Check Their Work.
J. ACM, 1995

A Robust Model for Finding Optimal Evolutionary Trees.
Algorithmica, 1995

Computing the Local Consensus of Trees.
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 1995

A Fast Algorithm for the Computation and Enumeration of Perfect Phylogenies when the Number of Character States is Fixed.
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 1995

Counting and Random Generation of Strings in Regular Languages.
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 1995

Minimizing Space Usage in Evaluation of Expression Trees.
Proceedings of the Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, 1995

Of Chicken Teeth and Mouse Eyes, or Generalized Character Compatibility.
Proceedings of the Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 6th Annual Symposium, 1995

Short Communication: Correction to 'Producing Good Code for the <tt> case </tt> Statement'.
Softw. Pract. Exp., 1994

Inferring Evolutionary History from DNA Sequences.
SIAM J. Comput., 1994

Checking the Correctness of Memories.
Algorithmica, 1994

Matching Nuts and Bolts.
Proceedings of the Fifth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. 23-25 January 1994, 1994

Call Forwarding: A Simple Interprocedural Optimization Technique for Dynamically Typed Languages.
Proceedings of the Conference Record of POPL'94: 21st ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 1994

Oracles and Queries that are Sufficient for Exact Learning (Extended Abstract).
Proceedings of the Seventh Annual ACM Conference on Computational Learning Theory, 1994

Two Probabilistic Results on Merging.
SIAM J. Comput., 1993

An Algorithm for Locating Non-Overlapping Regions of Maximum Alignment Score.
Proceedings of the Combinatorial Pattern Matching, 4th Annual Symposium, 1993

On the Query Complexity of Learning.
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual ACM Conference on Computational Learning Theory, 1993

Triangulating 3-Colored Graphs.
SIAM J. Discret. Math., 1992

Implicit Representation of Graphs.
SIAM J. Discret. Math., 1992

Tiling Polygons with Parallelograms.
Discret. Comput. Geom., 1992

Weighted Decision Trees.
Proceedings of the Logic Programming, 1992

Triangulating Three-Colored Graphs.
Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM/SIGACT-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 1991

Program Checkers for Probability Generation.
Proceedings of the Automata, Languages and Programming, 18th International Colloquium, 1991

Determining the Evolutionary Tree.
Proceedings of the First Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 1990

Inferring Evolutionary History from DNA Sequences (Extended Abstract)
Proceedings of the 31st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 1990

Lower Bounds on Random-Self-Reducibility.
Proceedings of the Proceedings: Fifth Annual Structure in Complexity Theory Conference, 1990

Program checkers for algebraic problems.
PhD thesis, 1989

The Generation of Random Permutations on the Fly.
Inf. Process. Lett., 1988

A Framework for the Study of Cryptographic Protocols.
Proceedings of the Advances in Cryptology, 1985
