Sami Faïz
Affiliations:- Higher Institute of Multimedia Arts of Manouba (ISAMM), LTSIRS, Tunisia
According to our database1,
Sami Faïz
authored at least 105 papers
between 2001 and 2024.
Collaborative distances:
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Online presence:
Int. J. Bus. Process. Integr. Manag., 2024
Proceedings of the Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2024, 2024
Proceedings of the Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching co-located with the 23rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2024), 2024
Proceedings of the Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 2024
Serv. Oriented Comput. Appl., September, 2023
A hybrid approach: Uncertain configurable QoT-IoT composition based on fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm.
Int. J. Hybrid Intell. Syst., 2023
Proceedings of the Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching, 2023
Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems: Proceedings of the 27th International Conference KES-2023, 2023
Creating a Personalized Recommendation Framework in Smart Shopping by Using IoT Devices.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Internet of Things, 2023
Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2023
A Journey to Enhance Tabular Data FAIRness : From Annotation to Repair and Augmentation.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2023
Personalized Recommendation: A novel approach based on Hybrid methods and fog computing architecture.
Proceedings of the 8th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Big Data, 2023
Proceedings of the 20th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, 2023
Proceedings of the 20th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, 2023
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., 2022
Proceedings of the Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching, 2022
An Entropy-Based Approach: Handling Uncertainty in IoT Configurable Composition Reference Model (CCRM).
Proceedings of the Advances in Model and Data Engineering in the Digitalization Era, 2022
Proceedings of the Model and Data Engineering: 11th International Conference, 2022
Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference KES-2022, 2022
Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference KES-2022, 2022
Towards an Efficient FAIRification Approach of Tabular Data with Knowledge Graph Models.
Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference KES-2022, 2022
Proceedings of the Intelligent Systems and Pattern Recognition, 2022
Proceedings of the Intelligent Systems Design and Applications - 22nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2022) Held December 12-14, 2022, 2022
R-Secure: A system based on crowdsourcing platforms to improve road safety in the smart city.
Proceedings of the International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications, 2022
Uncertain Integration and Composition Approach of Data from Heterogeneous WoT Health Services.
Proceedings of the Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2022, 2022
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Control, 2022
A New Methodology for Storing Consistent Fuzzy Geospatial Data in Big Data Environment.
IEEE Trans. Big Data, 2021
Word embeddings and deep learning for location prediction: tracking Coronavirus from British and American tweets.
Soc. Netw. Anal. Min., 2021
Building natural language responses from natural language questions in the spatio-temporal context.
Int. J. Intell. Inf. Database Syst., 2021
Proceedings of the Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching co-located with the 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2021), 2021
Spatial Role Labeling based on Improved Pre-trained Word Embeddings and Transfer Learning.
Proceedings of the Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference KES-2021, 2021
Proceedings of the Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2021
Proceedings of the Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2021
A Novel Component of Decision-Making for Context-Aware Applications in Pervasive Environments.
Proceedings of the Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications, 2021
Proceedings of the Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2021
Estimating Forest Losses Using Spatio-temporal Pattern-based Sequence Classification Approach.
Appl. Artif. Intell., 2020
Proceedings of the Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching (SemTab 2020) co-located with the 19th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2020), 2020
Proceedings of the SAC '20: The 35th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, online event, [Brno, Czech Republic], March 30, 2020
A Flexible Semantic Integration Framework for Fully-integrated EHR based on FHIR Standard.
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 2020
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, 2020
A novel approach for high-velocity big geo-data handling using iterative and feature learning algorithms.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing, 2020
Int. J. Web Based Communities, 2019
Balancing Timing and Accuracy Requirements in Human Activity Recognition Mobile Applications.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence, 2019
Une approche à base d'heuristiques pour la génération des requêtes spatio-temporelles à partir des questions en langage naturel.
Proceedings of the Actes du XXXVIIème Congrès INFORSID, Paris, France, June 11-14, 2019., 2019
Proceedings of the Business Information Systems - 22nd International Conference, 2019
Int. J. Intell. Inf. Database Syst., 2018
Estimating Forest Fire Losses Using Stochastic Approach: Case Study of the Kroumiria Mountains (Northwestern Tunisia).
Appl. Artif. Intell., 2018
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart City Applications, 2018
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2018
Real-Time Data Stream Partitioning over a Sliding Window in Real-Time Spatial Big Data.
Proceedings of the Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, 2018
Trans. GIS, 2017
Int. J. Knowl. Soc. Res., 2017
Modélisation et génération de bases de données géographiques imprécises pour les systèmes relationnels - Extension de F-Perceptory et dérivation automatique de modèles.
Proceedings of the Actes du XXXVème Congrès INFORSID, Toulouse, France, May 30, 2017
A Smart IoT Platform for Personalized Healthcare Monitoring Using Semantic Technologies.
Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2017
Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2017
Real-Time Event Localization and Detection Over Social Networks Using Apache Intelligence.
Proceedings of the 14th IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, 2017
Proceedings of the 14th IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, 2017
A Speculative Concurrency Control in Real-Time Spatial Big Data Using Real-Time Nested Spatial Transactions and Imprecise Computation.
Proceedings of the 14th IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, 2017
Towards a Real-Time Big GeoData Geolocation System Based on Visual and Textual Features.
Proceedings of the Computational Collective Intelligence - 8th International Conference, 2016
Proceedings of the GISTAM 2016, 2016
SAFFIET : un système d'extraction de règles d'associations spatiales et fonctionnelles dans les séries de données géographiques.
Proceedings of the 16ème Journées Francophones Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, 2016
Mining spatiotemporal association rules from spatiotemporal databases between two different fixed dates.
Int. J. Knowl. Eng. Data Min., 2015
An approach based on the clustering of spatial requirements' models and MDA to design spatial data warehouses.
Int. J. Data Min. Model. Manag., 2015
Modélisation conceptuelle d'objets géographiques imprécis et multiples : une approche basée F-Perceptory.
Proceedings of the Actes de la 11ème conférence internationale annuelle Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics, 2015
MASIR: A Multi-agent System for Real-Time Information Retrieval from Microblogs During Unexpected Events.
Proceedings of the Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications, 2015
A Classification Model for the Identification of Prominent Microblogs Users during a Disaster.
Proceedings of the 12th Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 2015
A Comparative Study of Microblogs Features Effectiveness for the Identification of Prominent Microblog Users During Unexpected Disaster.
Proceedings of the Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Mediterranean Countries, 2015
A new QoS Management Approach in real-time GIS with heterogeneous real-time geospatial data using a feedback control scheduling.
Proceedings of the 19th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium, 2015
Identification of Microblogs Prominent Users during Events by Learning Temporal Sequences of Features.
Proceedings of the 24th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 2015
Prominent Users Detection during Specific Events by Learning On- and Off-topic Features of User Activities.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, 2015
An Association Rules Based Approach to Predict Semantic Land Use Evolution in the French City of Saint-Denis.
Int. J. Data Warehous. Min., 2014
Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2014
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, 2014
Proceedings of the 14èmes Journées Francophones Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, 2014
Proceedings of the 14èmes Journées Francophones Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, 2014
Towards a Decision Making Support System for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem.
Int. J. Decis. Support Syst. Technol., 2013
Proceedings of the Advances in Conceptual Modeling, 2013
Querying and Mining Spatiotemporal Association Rules.
Proceedings of the KDIR 2011, 2011
Proceedings of the Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, 2010
Proceedings of the Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2010), 2010
Apport de la technique de fouille de données spatiales dans la prédiction des risques engendrés par les changements climatiques.
Proceedings of the Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2010), 2010
Proceedings of the 8th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, 2010
Apport des règles d'association spatiales pour l'alimentation automatique des bases de données géographiques.
Rev. Int. Géomatique, 2009
Caractérisation de la densité de trafic et de son évolution à partir de trajectoires d'objets mobiles.
Proceedings of the Actes des 5èmes journées francophones Mobilité et Ubiquité 2009, 2009
Characterizing the Traffic Density and Its Evolution through Moving Object Trajectories.
Proceedings of the KDIR 2009 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval, Funchal, 2009
Proceedings of the Headway in Spatial Data Handling, 2008
Proceedings of the Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2008), 2008
L'outil SDET pour le complètement des données descriptives liées aux bases de données géographiques.
Proceedings of the Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2007), 2007
Proceedings of the Advanced Internet Based Systems and Applications, 2006
L'apport de l'information spatiale pour l'enrichissement des bases de données.
Proceedings of the Actes du XXIVème Congrès INFORSID, Hammamet, Tunisie, 31 mai, 2006
Une approche distribuée pour l'extraction de connaissances: application à l'enrichissement de l'aspect factuel des BDG.
Proceedings of the Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2006), 2006
A Framework for Data Mining Based Multi-Agent: An Application to Spatial Data.
Proceedings of the Third World Enformatika Conference, 2005
RASMA : Une approche multi-agent pour l'amélioration de l'algorithme des règles d'associations spatiales.
Proceedings of the Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2005), 2005
Extraction des connaissances pour l'enrichissement des bases de données géographiques.
Proceedings of the Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2005), 2005
Proceedings of the Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications, 2005
Proceedings of the Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications, 2005
Proceedings of the Design and Management of Data Warehouses 2003, 2003
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Bridging the Digital Divide, Yasmine Hammamet, Tunisia, October 6-9, 2002, 2002
Exploration Techniques of the Spatial Data Warehouses: Overview and Application to Incendiary Domain.
Proceedings of the 2001 ACS / IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2001), 2001