Rung-Bin Lin

According to our database1, Rung-Bin Lin authored at least 71 papers between 1991 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




Routing Intent Aware Pin Access Point Selection for Standard Cell Designs.
Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, 2024

Sub-10nm Standard Cell Library Design Methodology for On-Grid Pin Accesses.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2024

Engineering ASAP7 PDK with Buried Power Rail and Backside Metal Technologies.
Proceedings of the IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 2024

Standard Cells with Inverted Inputs in 7nm Technology.
Proceedings of the IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 2024

Improving Pin Accessibility of Standard Cells under Power/Ground Stripes.
Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Interregional NEWCAS Conference, 2023

Improving Pin Accessibility of Standard Cell Libraries in 7nm Technology.
Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, 2022

Six-track Standard Cell Libraries with Fin Depopulation, Contact over Active Gate, and Narrower Diffusion Break in 7nm Technology.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, 2021

Engineering a Standard Cell Library for an Industrial Router with ASAP7 PDK.
Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, 2020

Morphed Standard Cell Layouts for Pin Length Reduction.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, 2019

Impact of Double-Row Height Standard Cells on Placement and Routing.
Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, 2019

A Maze Routing-Based Methodology With Bounded Exploration and Path-Assessed Retracing for Constrained Multilayer Obstacle-Avoiding Rectilinear Steiner Tree Construction.
ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst., 2018

Designing and Benchmarking of Double-Row Height Standard Cells.
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, 2018

Recognition of regular layout structures.
Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, 2018

On Benchmarking Pin Access for Nanotechnology Standard Cells.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, 2017

Overview of the 2017 CAD contest at ICCAD: Invited paper.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 2017

A Maze Routing-Based Algorithm for ML-OARST with Pre-Selecting and Re-Building Steiner Points.
Proceedings of the on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2017, 2017

Design Space Exploration of FinFETs with Double Fin Heights for Standard Cell Library.
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, 2016

Overview of the 2016 CAD contest at ICCAD.
Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 2016

Practical ILP-based routing of standard cells.
Proceedings of the 2016 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, 2016

Multiple-patterning lithography-aware routing for standard cell layout synthesis.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 2016

A router for via configurable structured ASIC with standard cells and relocatable IPs.
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, 2015

Overview of the 2015 CAD Contest at ICCAD.
Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 2015

Simultaneous transistor pairing and placement for CMOS standard cells.
Proceedings of the 2015 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, 2015

Transition inversion coding with parity check for off-chip serial transmission.
Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 2014

Logic block and design methodology for via-configurable structured ASIC using dual supply voltages.
Proceedings of the Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2014, GLSVLSI '14, Houston, TX, USA - May 21, 2014

Relocatable and resizable SRAM synthesis for via configurable structured ASIC.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, 2013

Slack budgeting and slack to length converting for multi-bit flip-flop merging.
Proceedings of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 2013

Standard Cell Like Via-Configurable Logic Blocks for Structured ASIC in an Industrial Design Flow.
IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst., 2012

$2^{n}$ Pattern Run-Length for Test Data Compression.
IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 2012

Design and analysis of via-configurable routing fabrics for structured ASICs.
Proceedings of the 2012 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, 2012

Rover: routing on via-configurable fabrics for standard-cell-like structured ASICs.
Proceedings of the 21st ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2010, 2011

Clock gating optimization with delay-matching.
Proceedings of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 2011

Deterministic built-in self-test using multiple linear feedback shift registers for test power and test volume reduction.
IET Comput. Digit. Tech., 2010

Clock routing for structured ASICs with via-configurable fabrics.
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Quality of Electronic Design (ISQED 2010), 2010

Via configurable three-input lookup-tables for structured ASICs.
Proceedings of the 20th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2009, 2010

Power gating design for standard-cell-like structured ASICs.
Proceedings of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 2010

Context-aware Post Routing Redundant Via Insertion.
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, 2009

Deterministic Built-In Self-Test Using Multiple Linear Feedback Shift Registers for Low-Power Scan Testing.
Proceedings of the Eighteentgh Asian Test Symposium, 2009

A Multi-dimensional Pattern Run-Length Method for Test Data Compression.
Proceedings of the Eighteentgh Asian Test Symposium, 2009

Chip placement in a reticle for multiple-project wafer fabrication.
ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst., 2008

Inter-Wire Coupling Reduction Analysis of Bus-Invert Coding.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap., 2008

Finding Dicing Plans for Multiple Project wafers fabricated with Shuttle Mask.
J. Circuits Syst. Comput., 2008

Power Reduction during Scan Testing Based on Multiple Capture Technique.
IEICE Trans. Electron., 2008

Variable-sized object packing and its applications to instruction cache design.
Comput. Electr. Eng., 2008

Standard Cell Like Via-Configurable Logic Block for Structured ASICs.
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, 2008

Router and cell library co-development for improving redundant via insertion at pins.
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computer Design, 2008

Reticle Design for Minimizing Multiproject Wafer Production Cost.
IEEE Trans Autom. Sci. Eng., 2007

Conjugate conflict continuation graphs for multi-layer constrained via minimization.
Inf. Sci., 2007

Reticle Exposure Plans for Multi-Project Wafers.
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Workshop on Design & Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS 2007), 2007

Double-via-driven standard cell library design.
Proceedings of the 2007 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exposition, 2007

Is more redundancy better for on-chip bus encoding.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2006), 2006

Design space exploration for minimizing multi-project wafer production cost.
Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Asia South Pacific Design Automation: ASP-DAC 2006, 2006

A Comparative Study on Dicing of Multiple Project Wafers.
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI 2005), 2005

Reticle Floorplanning and Wafer Dicing for Multiple Project Wafers.
Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Quality of Electronic Design (ISQED 2005), 2005

Multiple project wafers for medium-volume IC production.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2005), 2005

Coupling reduction analysis of bus-invert coding.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2005), 2005

A divide-and-conquer approach to estimating minimum/maximum leakage current.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2005), 2005

Reticle floorplanning of flexible chips for multi-project wafers.
Proceedings of the 15th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2005, 2005

Multi-layer constrained via minimization with conjugate conflict continuation graphs.
Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2004

A Low Power-Delay Product Page-Based Address Bus Coding Method.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSI Design 2003), 2003

Theoretical analysis of bus-invert coding.
IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst., 2002

Comments on "Filling algorithms and analyses for layout density control".
IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 2002

An Adaptive Interconnect-Length Driven Placer.
Proceedings of the 7th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2002), 2002

Weight-Based Bus-Invert Coding for Low-Power Applications.
Proceedings of the 7th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2002), 2002

Benchmark Circuits Improve the Quality of a Standard Cell Library.
Proceedings of the 1999 Conference on Asia South Pacific Design Automation, 1999

Low Power CMOS Off-Chip Drivers with Slew-rate Difference.
Proceedings of the 1999 Conference on Asia South Pacific Design Automation, 1999

A New Statistical Approach to Timing Analysis of VLSI Circuits.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSI Design 1991), 1998

Fuzzy logic approach to VLSI placement.
IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst., 1994

An adaptive timing-driven placement for high performance VLSIs.
IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 1993

Fuzzy Logic Approach to Placement Problem.
Proceedings of the 29th Design Automation Conference, 1992

Bounds on Net Delays for Physical Design of Fast Circuits.
Proceedings of the VLSI 91, 1991
