Rudy Setiono
Orcid: 0000-0003-2708-7727Affiliations:
- National University of Singapore (NUS)
According to our database1,
Rudy Setiono
authored at least 90 papers
between 1994 and 2018.
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Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Online presence:
Neural network rule extraction for gaining insight into the characteristics of poverty.
Neural Comput. Appl., 2018
Neurocomputing, 2016
Proceedings of the 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2016
Using Sample Selection to Improve Accuracy and Simplicity of Rules Extracted from Neural Networks for Credit Scoring Applications.
Int. J. Comput. Intell. Appl., 2015
Gene selection for cancer classification using a hybrid of univariate and multivariate feature selection methods.
CoRR, 2015
Proceedings of the 2014 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2014
Proceedings of the 2014 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2014
Proceedings of the 2012 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2012
Proceedings of the IEEE 24th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2012
IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 2011
Int. J. Neural Syst., 2011
Understanding consumer heterogeneity: A business intelligence application of neural networks.
Knowl. Based Syst., 2010
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Feature Selection in Data Mining, 2010
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Feature Selection in Data Mining, 2010
Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2010
Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2010
J. Oper. Res. Soc., 2009
A note on knowledge discovery using neural networks and its application to credit card screening.
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2009
Proceedings of the Soft Computing for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2008
Rule Extraction from Support Vector Machines: An Overview of Issues and Application in Credit Scoring.
Proceedings of the Rule Extraction from Support Vector Machines, 2008
IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part B, 2008
IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 2008
Greedy rule generation from discrete data and its use in neural network rule extraction.
Neural Networks, 2008
Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2008
Knowledge acquisition and revision using neural networks: an application to a cross-national study of brand image perception.
J. Oper. Res. Soc., 2006
Greedy rule generation from discrete data and its use in neural network rule extraction.
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2006
Risk Management and Regulatory Compliance: A Data Mining Framework Based on Neural Network Rule Extraction.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 2006
Separating core and noncore knowledge: an application of neural network rule extraction to a cross-national study of brand image perception.
IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part C, 2005
IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part C, 2005
Automatic knowledge extraction from survey data: learning <i>M</i>-of-<i>N</i> constructs using a hybrid approach.
J. Oper. Res. Soc., 2005
From Knowledge Discovery to Implementation: A Business Intelligence Approach Using Neural Network Rule Extraction and Decision Tables.
Proceedings of the Professional Knowledge Management, Third Biennial Conference, 2005
Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2005
Proc. IEEE, 2004
Eur. J. Oper. Res., 2004
Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2004
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2004
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2004
Using Neural Network Rule Extraction and Decision Tables for Credit - Risk Evaluation.
Manag. Sci., 2003
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 2003
Building Intelligent Credit Scoring Systems Using Decision Tables.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2003, 2003
IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 2002
Int. J. Artif. Intell. Tools, 2002
Comput. Biol. Medicine, 2002
A Comparative Study of Centroid-Based, Neighborhood-Based and Statistical Approaches for Effective Document Categorization.
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2002
Generating Linear Regression Rules from Neural Networks Using Local Least Squares Approximation.
Proceedings of the Connectionist Models of Neurons, 2001
An Effective Method for Generating Multiple Linear Regression Rules from Artificial Neural Networks.
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2001
Building Credit-Risk Evaluation Expert Systems Using Neural Network Rule Extraction and Decision Tables.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 2001
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2001
IEEE Trans. Neural Networks Learn. Syst., 2000
J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Informatics, 2000
Artif. Intell. Medicine, 2000
A comparison between two neural network rule extraction techniques for the diagnosis of hepatobiliary disorders.
Artif. Intell. Medicine, 2000
Appl. Intell., 2000
Proceedings of the PRICAI 2000, Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 6th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Melbourne, Australia, August 28, 2000
Proceedings of the IEEE-INNS-ENNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2000
Opening the neural network black box: an algorithm for extracting rules from function approximating artificial neural networks.
Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Information Systems, 2000
Proceedings of the Geometric Modeling and Processing 2000, 2000
IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part B, 1999
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference Neural Networks, 1999
Symbolic rule extraction from neural networks: An application to identifying organizations adopting IT.
Inf. Manag., 1998
Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 1998
Proceedings of the Discovery Science, 1998
Neural Comput., 1997
Neural Comput., 1997
On the solution of the parity problem by a single hidden layer feedforward neural network.
Neurocomputing, 1997
Proceedings of the Machine Learning: ECML-97, 1997
Artif. Intell. Medicine, 1996
Feature Selection and Classification - A Probabilistic Wrapper Approach.
Proceedings of the Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, 1996
A Probabilistic Approach to Feature Selection - A Filter Solution.
Proceedings of the Machine Learning, 1996
IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 1995
Connect. Sci., 1995
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1995
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 1995
Towards Effective Classfication Rule Extraction (Abstract).
Proceedings of the DOOD 1995 Post-Conference Workshops on Integration of Knowledge Discovery in Databases with Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases (KDOOD) and Temporal Reasoning in Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases (TDOOD), 1995
Neural Comput. Appl., 1994