Ronaldo dos Santos Mello

Orcid: 0000-0003-4262-5474

  • Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Department of Informatics and Statistics

According to our database1, Ronaldo dos Santos Mello authored at least 71 papers between 2001 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



A survey on the computation of representative trajectories.
GeoInformatica, October, 2024

SQL2Neo: Uma Interface de Acesso SQL para o Neo4j.
Proceedings of the 38th Brazilian Symposium on Databases, 2023

Towards A Representativeness Measure For Summarized Trajectories With Multiple Aspects.
Proceedings of the XXIV Brazilian Symposium on Geoinformatics, 2023

A Method For Computing Representative Data For Multiple Aspect Trajectories Based On Data Summarization.
Proceedings of the XXIV Brazilian Symposium on Geoinformatics, 2023

Persistence of RDF Data into NoSQL: A Survey and a Reference Architecture.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 2022

An Analysis of Data Modelling for Blockchain.
Proceedings of the Information Integration and Web Intelligence, 2022

A survey on persistence strategies for semantically enriched trajectories.
Proceedings of the XXIII Brazilian Symposium on Geoinformatics, 2022

A Method for Summarizing Trajectories with Multiple Aspects.
Proceedings of the Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2022

brModelo: An Initiative for Aiding Database Design.
J. Inf. Data Manag., 2021

J. Inf. Data Manag., 2021

J. Inf. Data Manag., 2021

An Approach for Schema Extraction of NoSQL Columnar Databases: the HBase Case Study.
J. Inf. Data Manag., 2021

A Rule-based Conversion of an EER Schema to Neo4j Schema Constraints.
Proceedings of the 36th Brazilian Symposium on Databases, 2021

Dependency Rule Modeling for Multiple Aspects Trajectories.
Proceedings of the Conceptual Modeling - 40th International Conference, 2021

JS4Geo: a canonical JSON Schema for geographic data suitable to NoSQL databases.
GeoInformatica, 2020

Bringing SQL databases to key-based NoSQL databases: a canonical approach.
Computing, 2020

A Similarity Function for HTML Lists.
Proceedings of the WebMedia '20: Brazillian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web, São Luís, Brazil, November 30, 2020

MASTER: A Multiple Aspects View on Trajectories.
Proceedings of the 28th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, 2020

A Process for Inference of Columnar NoSQL Database Schemas.
Proceedings of the 35th Brazilian Symposium on Databases, 2020

An analysis of mapping strategies for storing RDF data into NoSQL databases.
Proceedings of the SAC '20: The 35th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, online event, [Brno, Czech Republic], March 30, 2020

An Approach for Schema Extraction of NoSQL Graph Databases.
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science, 2020

An Analysis of Confidentiality Issues in Data Lakes.
Proceedings of the iiWAS '20: The 22nd International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, Virtual Event / Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 30, 2020

MASTER: A multiple aspect view on trajectories.
Trans. GIS, 2019

When Relational-Based Applications Go to NoSQL Databases: A Survey.
Inf., 2019

A Middleware for Polyglot Persistence of RDF Data into NoSQL Databases.
Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration for Data Science, 2019

NewSQL Through the Looking Glass.
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, 2019

A Hybrid Partitioning Strategy for NewSQL Databases: The VoltDB Case.
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, 2019

Querying in a Workload-Aware Triplestore Based on NoSQL Databases.
Proceedings of the Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2019

Workload-Awareness in a NoSQL-Based Triplestore.
Proceedings of the Advances in Databases and Information Systems, 2019

An Autonomous Hybrid Data Partition for NewSQL DBs.
Proceedings of the XXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados: Demos e WTDBD, 2018

A Process for Reverse Engineering of Aggregate-Oriented NoSQL Databases with Emphasis on Geographic Data.
Proceedings of the XXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados: Demos e WTDBD, 2018

An Approach for Schema Extraction of JSON and Extended JSON Document Collections.
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, 2018

Improving entity linking with ontology alignment for semantic microservices composition.
Int. J. Web Inf. Syst., 2017

Workload-Aware RDF Partitioning and SPARQL Query Caching for Massive RDF Graphs stored in NoSQL Databases.
Proceedings of the XXXII Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 2017

On proposing and evaluating a NoSQL document database logical approach.
Int. J. Web Inf. Syst., 2016

Uma Camada para o Mapeamento de Instruções SQL DML para o Banco de Dados NoSQL Chave-Valor Voldemort [A Layer for the Mapping Management of SQL DML Instructions to the Key-Value NoSQL Database Voldemort].
Proceedings of the XII Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems on Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems: Information Systems in the Cloud Computing Era, 2016

Publishing linked data through semantic microservices composition.
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services, 2016

Segen: generation of test cases for selenium and selendroid.
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services, 2016

A web framework for test automation: user scenarios through user interaction diagrams.
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services, 2016

An architecture to automate performance tests on microservices.
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services, 2016

Smart Crawler: Using Committee Machines for\\Web Pages Continuous Classification.
Proceedings of the 21st Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web, 2015

SQLtoKeyNoSQL: a layer for relational to key-based NoSQL database mapping.
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, 2015

A workload-driven logical design approach for NoSQL document databases.
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, 2015

Definição e Avaliação de uma Abordagem para Extração e Catalogação de Conteúdo Obtido da Deep Web.
Proceedings of the XXIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 2014

A Query-by-Similarity Indexing Strategy for Web Forms.
Proceedings of the XXVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados - Short Papers, Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil, September 30, 2013

On Providing DDL Support for a Relational Layer over a Document NoSQL Database.
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, 2013

Deepec: An Approach For Deep Web Content Extraction And Cataloguing.
Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Information Systems, 2013

On Evaluating an Approach for Balancing the Trade-off on XML Schema Design.
Int. J. Web Inf. Syst., 2012

Affinity­based XML Fragmentation.
Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on the Web and Databases 2012, 2012

Uma Abordagem para Detecção e Extração de Rótulos em Formulários Web.
Proceedings of the XXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 2012

SimpleSQL: A Relational Layer for SimpleDB.
Proceedings of the Advances in Databases and Information Systems, 2012

Approximate data instance matching: a survey.
Knowl. Inf. Syst., 2011

Research on Complex Data Management and Analysis at UFSC.
J. Inf. Data Manag., 2011

A workload-aware approach for optimizing the XML schema design trade-off.
Proceedings of the iiWAS'2011, 2011

Indexing Web Form Constraints.
J. Inf. Data Manag., 2010

XML: some papers in a haystack.
SIGMOD Rec., 2009

Designing XML documents from conceptual schemas and workload information.
Multim. Tools Appl., 2009

A rule-based conversion of an object-oriented database schema to a schema in XML schema.
Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management, 2009

An ontology-driven process for unification of XML instances.
Proceedings of the 14th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Web Systems, 2008

Conversion of generalization hierarchies and union types from extended entity-relationship model to an XML logical model.
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2008

Improving query performance on XML documents: a workload-driven design approach.
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, 2008

DIInCX: An Approach to Discovery of Implicit Integrity Constraints from XML Data.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, 2007

A Faceted Taxonomy of Semantic Integrity Constraints for the XML Data Model.
Proceedings of the Database and Expert Systems Applications, 18th International Conference, 2007

Improving XML Instances Comparison with Preprocessing Algorithms.
Proceedings of the Database and Expert Systems Applications, 18th International Conference, 2007

Um Método para Determinar a Equivalência Semântica entre Esquemas GML.
Proceedings of the VIII Brazilian Symposium on Geoinformatics, 2006

A Domain Integrity Constraint Control for XML Documents.
Proceedings of the 20° Simpósio Brasileiro de Bancos de Dados, 2005

BInXS: A Process for Integration of XML Schemata.
Proceedings of the Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 17th International Conference, 2005

Querying Heterogeneous XML Sources through a Conceptual Schema.
Proceedings of the Conceptual Modeling, 2003

A Method for the Unification of XML Schemata.
Inf. Softw. Technol., 2002

A Bottom-Up Approach for Integration of XML Sources.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Information Integration on the Web, 2001

A Rule-Based Conversion of a DTD to a Conceptual Schema.
Proceedings of the Conceptual Modeling, 2001
