Robert J. Kauffman

Orcid: 0000-0002-3757-0010

According to our database1, Robert J. Kauffman authored at least 319 papers between 1987 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 




On the effects of Information Asymmetry in Digital Currency Trading.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2024

Blockchain solutions with consensus algorithms and immediate finality: Toward Panopticon-style monitoring to enhance anti-money laundering.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2024

Special Section: Digital Strategies for Business Readiness.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2023

Champions for Social Good: How Can We Discover Social Sentiment and Attitude-Driven Patterns in Prosocial Communication?
J. Assoc. Inf. Syst., 2023

Social informedness and investor sentiment in the GameStop short squeeze.
Electron. Mark., 2023

Within and Beyond Firm Boundaries: Can Strategic Digitalization and Cross-Firm Information Integration Lessen Complex Uncertainty?
Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2023

Evaluating Effects of the Payment Ecosystem on Central Bank Digital Currency Adoption and Design.
Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2023

Special Section: Reevaluating Markets for Information.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2022

Partnering for Value Perfection and Business Sustainability in the Cloud Services Brokerage Market.
Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2022

Introduction to the Minitrack on Strategy, Information, Technology, Economics, and Society (SITES).
Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2022

Sustainability of Rewards-Based Crowdfunding: A Quasi-Experimental Analysis of Funding Targets and Backer Satisfaction.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2021

Special Section: Improving New Digital Market Mechanisms.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2021

The Power of Renegotiation and Monitoring in Software Outsourcing: Substitutes or Complements?
Inf. Syst. Res., 2021

Enhancing healthcare professional and caregiving staff informedness with data analytics for chronic disease management.
Inf. Manag., 2021

Can we classify cashless payment solution implementations at the country level?
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2021

Creators and Backers in Rewards-Based Crowdfunding: Will Incentive Misalignment Affect Kickstarter's Sustainability?
Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2021

Do Blockchain and IoT Architecture Create Informedness to Support Provenance Tracking in the Product Lifecycle?
Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2021

Special Section: The Economics of Sharing and Information Security.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2020

Client risk informedness in brokered cloud services: An experimental pricing study.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2020

A 2020 perspective on "Client risk informedness in brokered cloud services: An experimental pricing study".
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2020

A 2020 perspective on "How to derive causal insights for digital commerce in China? A research commentary on computational social science methods".
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2020

How should we understand the digital economy in Asia? Critical assessment and research agenda.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2020

Research directions for sharing economy issues.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2020

Special Section: Social Influence and Networked Business Interaction.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2019

How to derive causal insights for digital commerce in China? A research commentary on computational social science methods.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2019

Two-Sided Value-Based Music Artist Recommendation in Streaming Music Services.
Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2019

Introduction to the Minitrack on Strategy, Information, Technology, Economics, and Strategy (SITES).
Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2019

Renegotiation of Software Outsourcing Contracts.
Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2019

Special Section: The Digital Transformation of Vertical Organizational Relationships.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2018

A Strategic Value Appropriation Path for Cloud Computing.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2018

Content Sampling, Household Informedness, and the Consumption of Digital Information Goods.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2018

On the Fintech Revolution: Interpreting the Forces of Innovation, Disruption, and Transformation in Financial Services.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2018

Special Issue: Financial Information Systems and the Fintech Revolution.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2018

A metrics suite of cloud computing adoption readiness.
Electron. Mark., 2018

Understanding Streaming Music Diffusion in a Semi-Closed Social Environment.
Proceedings of the 22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2018

Introduction to the Minitrack on Strategy, Information, Technology, Economics, and Society (SITES).
Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2018

Understanding the Information-Based Transformation of Strategy and Society.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2017

Special Section: Technological Innovations for Communication and Collaboration in Social Spaces.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2017

Can I See Beyond What You See? Blending Machine Learning and Econometrics to Discover Household TV Viewing Preferences.
Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2017

Computational Social Science Fusion Analytics: Combining Machine-Based Methods with Explanatory Empiricism.
Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2017

Decomposing the Impact of Credit Card Promotions on Consumer Behavior and Merchant Performance.
Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2017

Introduction to Strategy, Information, Technology, Economics, and Society (SITES) Minitrack.
Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2017

Understanding Music Track Popularity in a Social Network.
Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems, 2017

Special Section: When Machine Meets Society: Social Impacts of Information and Information Economics.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2016

Cross-cultural user perceptions of website design and security: Introduction to a commentary and response on Cyr (2013).
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2016

What Makes a Music Track Popular in Online Social Networks?
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web, 2016

Experience Me! The Impact of Content Sampling Strategies on the Marketing of Digital Entertainment Goods.
Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2016

Introduction to Society, Information, Technology and Economics Minitrack.
Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2016

Social Sentiment and Stock Trading via Mobile Phones.
Proceedings of the 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2016

Special Section: Online Social Connections: Efficiency Versus Regulation.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2015

Technology investment decision-making under uncertainty.
Inf. Technol. Manag., 2015

Competition, cooperation, and regulation: Understanding the evolution of the mobile payments technology ecosystem.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2015

Special section on new e-commerce research from the Asian region.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2015

Special issue: Contemporary research on payments and cards in the global fintech revolution.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2015

Guest editorial: Market transformation to an IT-enabled services-oriented economy.
Decis. Support Syst., 2015

Pricing strategy for cloud computing: A damaged services perspective.
Decis. Support Syst., 2015

How are C-suite executives different? A comparative empirical study of the survival of American chief information officers.
Decis. Support Syst., 2015

Recovering Household Preferences for Digital Entertainment.
Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2015

Mechanism Design for Near Real-Time Retail Payment and Settlement Systems.
Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2015

Introduction to Society, Information, Technology, and Economics Minitrack.
Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2015

Competition Between Software-as-a-Service Vendors.
IEEE Trans. Engineering Management, 2014

Special Section: IT-Enabled Social and Economic Transitions.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2014

Consumer Informedness and Firm Information Strategy.
Inf. Syst. Res., 2014

Externalities, incentives and strategic complementarities: understanding herd behavior in IT adoption.
Inf. Syst. E Bus. Manag., 2014

Examining the growth of digital wireless phone technology: A take-off theory analysis.
Decis. Support Syst., 2014

Understanding the paradigm shift to computational social science in the presence of big data.
Decis. Support Syst., 2014

Paths of Influence for Innovations in Financial is and Technology Ecosystems.
Proceedings of the 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2014

Consumer Informedness and Loyalty Benefits Accrual Performance.
Proceedings of the 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2014

Exploring variety seeking behavior in mobile users.
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, 2014

How Can Substitution and Complementarity Effects Be Leveraged for Broadband Internet Services Strategy?
Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2014

Introduction to Information Economics, Competition, Regulation, Law, and Society Minitrack.
Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2014

A Metrics Suite for Firm-Level Cloud Computing Adoption Readiness.
Proceedings of the Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services, 2014

Analyzing auction and bargaining mechanisms in e-procurement with supply quality risk.
Oper. Res. Lett., 2013

Firm Strategy and the Internet in U.S. Commercial Banking.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2013

Special Issue: Information Economics and Competitive Strategy.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2013

Valuation of Participation in Social Gaming.
Int. J. Electron. Commer., 2013

A hybrid mechanism for heterogeneous e-procurement involving a combinatorial auction and bargaining.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2013

Analyzing the Impact of Brokered Services on the Cloud Computing Market.
Proceedings of the 17th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2013

Technology Investment Decision-Making under Uncertainty: The Case of Mobile Payment Systems.
Proceedings of the 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2013

Introduction to Competitive Strategy, Economics, and IS Minitrack.
Proceedings of the 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2013

How Strong Are the Effects of Technological Disruption? Smartphones' Impacts on Internet and Cable TV Services Consumption.
Proceedings of the 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2013

Cost Efficiency Strategy in the Software-as-a-Service Market: Modeling Results and Related Implementation Issues.
Proceedings of the Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services, 2013

Special Section: Information and Competitive Strategy in a Networked Economy.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2012

Event history, spatial analysis and count data methods for empirical research in information systems.
Inf. Technol. Manag., 2012

Guest editors' introduction: Methods innovations for the empirical study of technology adoption and diffusion.
Inf. Technol. Manag., 2012

Online and Offline Demand and Price Elasticities: Evidence from the Air Travel Industry.
Inf. Syst. Res., 2012

Business and data analytics: New innovations for the management of e-commerce.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2012

Information and communication technology and the sustainability of microfinance.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2012

Guest editors' introduction: Poverty, technology, microfinance and development.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2012

Adaptive learning in service operations.
Decis. Support Syst., 2012

À la carte pricing and price elasticity of demand in air travel.
Decis. Support Syst., 2012

From clickstreams to searchstreams: search network graph evidence from a B2B e-market.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2012

Valuation of benchmark provisions in IT services contracts.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2012

Investment timing for mobile payment systems.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2012

Hedonic valuation of online game participation.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2012

Two-stage mechanism design for heterogeneous e-procurement.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2012

Consumer micro-behavior and TV viewership patterns: data analytics for the two-way set-top box.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2012

Decommoditization, Resonance Marketing, and Information Technology: An Empirical Study of Air Travel Services amid Channel Conflict.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2011

Information and Technology: Understanding New Strategies for Firms, Networks, and Markets.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2011

Special Section: Competitive Strategy, Economics, and Information Systems.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2011

A Survey of Consumer Information Privacy from the Accounting Information Systems Perspective.
J. Inf. Syst., 2011

New theories and methods for technology adoption research.
Inf. Technol. Manag., 2011

Internet-based selling technology and e-commerce growth: a hybrid growth theory approach with cross-model inference.
Inf. Technol. Manag., 2011

Research Note - Returns to Information Technology Outsourcing.
Inf. Syst. Res., 2011

What drives global ICT adoption? Analysis and research directions.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2011

ECRA Co-Editors' Introduction for Volume 10, Issue 2, March-April 2011.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2011

ECRA Co-Editors' introduction for Volume 10, Issue 1, January-February 2011.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2011

Mechanism design for e-procurement auctions: On the efficacy of post-auction negotiation and quality effort incentives.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2011

On the design of sponsored keyword advertising slot auctions: An analysis of a generalized second-price auction approach.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2011

Are there contagion effects in information technology and business process outsourcing?
Decis. Support Syst., 2011

Profit-maximizing firm investments in customer information security.
Decis. Support Syst., 2011

A public procurement combinatorial auction mechanism with quality assignment.
Decis. Support Syst., 2011

Cio survival and the Composition of the Top Management Team.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 2011

The Value to Consumers of IT-Supported a la Carte Pricing: An Empirical Test of the Strategic Decommoditization Hypothesis.
Proceedings of the 44th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-44 2011), 2011

Should We Go Our Own Way? Backsourcing Flexibility in IT Services Contracts.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2010

An Interdisciplinary Perspective on IT Services Management and Service Science.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2010

Special Issue: Information Systems in Services.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2010

A Multi-Level Theory Approach to Understanding Price Rigidity in Internet Retailing.
J. Assoc. Inf. Syst., 2010

Information Technology and Pricing: Introduction to the Special Section.
J. Assoc. Inf. Syst., 2010

New theoretical perspectives on technology adoption.
Inf. Technol. Manag., 2010

Consumer adoption of group-buying auctions: an experimental study.
Inf. Technol. Manag., 2010

Research Commentary - Information Transparency in Business-to-Consumer Markets: Concepts, Framework, and Research Agenda.
Inf. Syst. Res., 2010

Business Network-Based Value Creation in Electronic Commerce.
Int. J. Electron. Commer., 2010

Introduction to the Special Section: Economics of Electronic Commerce.
Int. J. Electron. Commer., 2010

Introduction to the Special Section: Service Science in Electronic Commerce.
Int. J. Electron. Commer., 2010

IT project portfolio optimization: A risk management approach to software development governance.
IBM J. Res. Dev., 2010

With or without you: The countervailing forces and effects of process standardization.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2010

Incentive mechanisms, fairness and participation in online group-buying auctions.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2010

Electronic commerce research and applications: ECRA Co-Editors' Introduction for Volume 9, Issue 6, November-December 2010.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2010

ECRA co-editors' introduction for Vol. 9 Issue 4, July-August 2010
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2010

ECRA Co-Editors' Introduction for Volume 9, Issue 3, May-June 2010.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2010

ECRA Co-Editors' Introduction for Volume 9, Issue 1, January-February 2010.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2010

Editors' Introduction to the Issue: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Volume 9, Issue 5, September-October 2010.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2010

ECRA Co-Editors' Introduction for Volume 9, Issue 2, March-April 2010.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2010

Guest Editors' Introduction: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Volume 9, Issue 5, September-October 2010, Special Section on "Strategy, Economics and Electronic Commerce".
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2010

Segmenting uncertain demand in group-buying auctions.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2010

Does Co-Opetition Change the Game? A Bayesian Analysis of Firm Participation Strategy in an Industry Standard-Setting Organization.
Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-43 2010), 2010

Evaluating IT Services Price Benchmarks under Uncertainty.
Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-43 2010), 2010

Research Directions on the Role and Impact of ICT in Microfinance.
Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-43 2010), 2010

A Theory of Informedness and Business Network Co-Production.
Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-43 2010), 2010

Are CIO's Any Different? Analyzing the Job Tenures of C-Suite Executives in the Public Sector.
Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-43 2010), 2010

Economic Integration, IT Intensity and the Aggregate Economic Impacts of IT Services Offshoring.
Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-43 2010), 2010

The Unified Procurement Strategy for Enterprise Software: A Test of the "Move to the Middle" Hypothesis.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2009

A Hybrid Firm's Pricing Strategy in Electronic Commerce Under Channel Migration.
Int. J. Electron. Commer., 2009

Image Effects and Rational Inattention in Internet-Based Selling.
Int. J. Electron. Commer., 2009

ECRA Co-Editors' Introduction for Volume 8, Issue 6, November-December 2009.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2009

Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA) ECRA co-editors' introduction for volume 8, issue 5, September-October 2009.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2009

Electronic commerce research and applications (ECRA) Co-Editors' Introduction for Volume 8, Issue 4, July-August 2009.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2009

Electronic commerce research and applications (ECRA) Co-Editors' Introduction for Volume 8, Issue 3, May-June 2009.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2009

Electronic commerce research and applications ECRA Co-Editors' Introduction for Volume 8, Issue 2, March-April 2009.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2009

ECRA Co-editors' introduction for volume 8, issue 1.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2009

Guest Editor's introduction to special issue - Economics and electronic commerce.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2009

Guest editors' introduction to special issue: marketing and electronic commerce.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2009

Should we collude? Analyzing the benefits of bidder cooperation in online group-buying auctions.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2009

Are online auction markets efficient? An empirical study of market liquidity and abnormal returns.
Decis. Support Syst., 2009

Producer-Intermediary Relationships in the Long Tail.
Proceedings of the Exploring the Grand Challenges for Next Generation E-Business, 2009

The Value of IT-Enabled Business Process Standardization from the Real Options Perspective.
Proceedings of the Exploring the Grand Challenges for Next Generation E-Business, 2009

Are We Wise About Sub-Fields in IS? Lessons from Forming and Sustaining a Research Community.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 2009

When Is It Beneficial for a Firm to Pursue a Unified Procurement Strategy for Enterprise Software Solutions?
Proceedings of the 42st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-42 2009), 2009

Cost-Effective Investments in Customer Information Privacy.
Proceedings of the 42st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-42 2009), 2009

Do Textual Comments and Existing Orders Affect Consumer Participation in Online Group-Buying?
Proceedings of the 42st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-42 2009), 2009

Consumer Informedness and Hyperdifferentiation: An Empirical Test of the 'Trading Down' and 'Trading Out' Hypotheses.
Proceedings of the 42st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-42 2009), 2009

Are There Contagion Effects in the Diffusion of IT Outsourcing?
Proceedings of the 42st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-42 2009), 2009

Quantifying IT Value Latency: The Case of the Financial Services Industry.
Proceedings of the 42st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-42 2009), 2009

Community-Based Recommender Systems: Analyzing Business Models from a Systems Operator's Perspective.
Proceedings of the 42st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-42 2009), 2009

Making Sense of Technology Trends in the Information Technology Landscape: A Design Science Approach.
MIS Q., 2008

Risk Management of Contract Portfolios in IT Services: The Profit-at-Risk Approach.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2008

How Has Electronic Travel Distribution Been Transformed? A Test of the Theory of Newly Vulnerable Markets.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2008

Special Issue: Impact of Information Systems on Market Structure and Function: Developing and Testing Theories.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2008

Tuning into the digital channel: evaluating business model characteristics for Internet firm survival.
Inf. Technol. Manag., 2008

Network effects and embedded options: decision-making under uncertainty for network technology investments.
Inf. Technol. Manag., 2008

Relative importance, specific investment and ownership in interorganizational systems.
Inf. Technol. Manag., 2008

Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Country Development: Accounting for Area Interrelationships.
Int. J. Electron. Commer., 2008

Understanding state and national growth co-movement: A study of shared ATM networks in the United States.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2008

ECRA Co-Editors' Introduction for Volume 7, Issue 1.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2008

ECRA Co-Editors' Introduction for Volume 7, Issue 4.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2008

ECRA co-editors' introduction for volume 7, issue 3.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2008

ECRA Co-Editors' Introduction for Volume 7, Issue 2.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2008

Guest Editorial: Research advances for the mobile payments arena.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2008

Service-oriented technology and management: Perspectives on research and practice for the coming decade.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2008

The economics of mobile payments: Understanding stakeholder issues for an emerging financial technology application.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2008

Designing online selling mechanisms: Transparency levels and prices.
Decis. Support Syst., 2008

Understanding evolution in technology ecosystems.
Commun. ACM, 2008

Optimal Valuation and Timing of Price Benchmarks for IT Services Contracts.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 2008

On the Company We Keep: Combined Scale-and-Scope Externalities in the Growth of IT Industry Co-agglomerations.
Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-41 2008), 2008

A Growth-Theoretic Empirical Analysis of Simultaneity in Cross-National E-Commerce Development.
Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-41 2008), 2008

Do Firm R&D Investments Drive Decisions to Join? On the Value of Standard-Setting Organizations in the Consumer Electronics Industry.
Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-41 2008), 2008

The Emerging Role of Vertical Search Engines in Travel Distribution: A Newly-Vulnerable Electronic Markets Perspective.
Proceedings of the 41st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-41 2008), 2008

Special Section: Applying Information Economics to Corporate Strategy.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2007

Option-Based Risk Management: A Field Study of Sequential Information Technology Investment Decisions.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2007

New research perspectives on mobility, organizations, systems and technologies.
Inf. Technol. Manag., 2007

Valuing information technology infrastructures: a growth options approach.
Inf. Technol. Manag., 2007

Making the 'MOST' out of RFID technology: a research agenda for the study of the adoption, usage and impact of RFID.
Inf. Technol. Manag., 2007

Technology roles and paths of influence in an ecosystem model of technology evolution.
Inf. Technol. Manag., 2007

IT-enabled transparent electronic markets: the case of the air travel industry.
Inf. Syst. E Bus. Manag., 2007

Editor's introduction to regular section.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2007

ECRA Volume 6 Number 1.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2007

A growth theory perspective on B2C e-commerce growth in Europe: An exploratory study.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2007

ECRA Volume 6, Number 4.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2007

ECRA Volume 6, Number 3.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2007

Modeling Internet firm survival using Bayesian dynamic models with time-varying coefficients.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2007

Global Sourcing of IT Services: Necessary Evil or Blessing in Disguise?
Commun. Assoc. Inf. Syst., 2007

Examining Global Takeoff and Growth of Digital Wireless Phone Technology.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 2007

The New Economic Geography of IT Industries: The Impacts of the Internet on their Market Linkages and Agglomeration.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 2007

Value-at-Risk in IT Services Contracts.
Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-40 2007), 2007

Scale and Scope Externalities in Growth of IT Industries in India: An Agglomeration Perspective.
Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-40 2007), 2007

Modeling Network Decisions under Uncertainty: Countervailing Externalities and Embedded Options.
Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-40 2007), 2007

Looking Ahead: A Contributor's Perspective on the Next-Stage Advances in Competitive Strategy, Economics and Information Systems Research.
Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-40 2007), 2007

Competitive Strategy, Economics and IS: An Introduction to the Mini-Track.
Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-40 2007), 2007

Market depth and efficiency in online auctions.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Electronic Commerce: The Wireless World of Electronic Commerce, 2007

Systems Design, Process Performance, and Economic Outcomes in International Banking.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2006

Special Section: Digital Economy and Information Technology Value.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2006

Interdisciplinary Perspectives -Part II: Sociological Perspectives (Editorial Introduction).
J. Assoc. Inf. Syst., 2006

The Impact of IT on Market Information and Transparency: A Unified Theoretical Framework.
J. Assoc. Inf. Syst., 2006

Doing their bidding: An empirical examination of factors that affect a buyer's utility in Internet auctions.
Inf. Technol. Manag., 2006

To be or not to B2B: Evaluating managerial choices for e-procurement channel adoption.
Inf. Technol. Manag., 2006

The Move to Artist-Led On-Line Music Distribution: A Theory-Based Assessment and Prospects for Structural Changes in the Digital Music Market.
Int. J. Electron. Commer., 2006

Reflections on: When Internet companies morph.
First Monday, 2006

ECRA Vol. 5. No. 1.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2006

The Global Diffusion Patterns of Successive Technology Generations: Modeling Analog and Digital Wireless Phone Growth.
Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development, 2006

An Industry-Level Analysis of the Potential and Realized Value of IT.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 2006

Optimal Timing for Software Functionality Additions by Internet Portals.
Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-39 2006), 2006

Systems Design, Process Performance and Economic Outcomes.
Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-39 2006), 2006

Minitrack Introduction.
Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-39 2006), 2006

Cooperation in Group-Buying Auctions.
Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-39 2006), 2006

Optimizing an IT Project Portfolio with Time-Wise Interdependencies.
Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-39 2006), 2006

Understanding Patterns of Technology Evolution: An Ecosystem Perspective.
Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS-39 2006), 2006

Technology competition and optimal investment timing: a real options perspective.
IEEE Trans. Engineering Management, 2005

Special Section: Information Systems in Competitive Strategies: Offshoring, Risk Management, Strategic Pricing, E-Sourcing, and Standards.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2005

Beyond the Hype of Frictionless Markets: Evidence of Heterogeneity in Price Rigidity on the Internet.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2005

Is There a Global Digital Divide for Digital Wireless Phone Technologies?
J. Assoc. Inf. Syst., 2005

Interdisciplinary Perspectives/Part I: Economic Perspectives (Editorial Introduction).
J. Assoc. Inf. Syst., 2005

International Diffusion of Digital Mobile Technology: A Coupled-Hazard State-Based Approach.
Inf. Technol. Manag., 2005

Rational expectations, optimal control and information technology adoption.
Inf. Syst. E Bus. Manag., 2005

Introduction of Vol. 4, No. 4.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2005

The effects of shilling on final bid prices in online auctions.
Electron. Commer. Res. Appl., 2005

Identifying Facilitators and Inhibitors of Market Structure Change: A Hybrid Theory of Unbiased Electronic Markets.
Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38 2005), 2005

Towards a Theory of Value Latency for IT Investments.
Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38 2005), 2005

Competitive Strategy, Economics and Information Systems: Introduction to the Mini-Track.
Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38 2005), 2005

The Move to Artist-Led Online Music Distribution: Explaining Structural Changes in the Digital Music Market.
Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38 2005), 2005

How Rigid Are Prices in E-Commerce? An Analysis of Daily Price Change Activity in Internet Retailing.
Proceedings of the 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38 2005), 2005

A growth theory perspective on the international diffusion of e-commerce.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2005

A dynamic Bayesian analysis of the drivers of Internet firm survival.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2005

50th Anniversary Article: The Evolution of Research on Information Systems: A Fiftieth-Year Survey of the Literature in <i>Management Science</i>.
Manag. Sci., 2004

Proprietary and Open Systems Adoption in E-Procurement: A Risk-Augmented Transaction Cost Perspective.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2004

Information Exploitation and Interorganizational Systems Ownership.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2004

Special Issue: Competitive Strategy, Economics, and Information Systems.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2004

Price Rigidity on the Internet: New Evidence from the Online Bookselling Industry.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, 2004

Does One Standard Promote Faster Growth? An Econometric Analysis of the International Diffusion of Wireless Technology.
Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-37 2004), 2004

Should We Expect Less Price Rigidity in the Digital Economy?
Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-37 2004), 2004

Innovator or Owner? Information Sharing, Incomplete Contracts and Governance in Financial Risk Management Systems.
Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-37 2004), 2004

Competitive Strategy, Information Systems, and Economics: Minitrack Introduction.
Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-37 2004), 2004

Special Section: Information Systems, Electronic Commerce, and Economics - The Interdisciplinary Research Frontier.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2003

Nearing the Threshold: An Economics Approach to Pressure on Information Systems Professionals to Separate from Their Employer.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2003

Special Section: Competitive Strategy, Economics, and the Internet.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2003

What Do You Know?: Rational Expectations in Information Technology Adoption and Investment.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2003

Special Book Review Section: Market Models and Marketplaces in the Digital Economy.
Electron. Mark., 2003

Book Review Section: Thinking About Information Technologies in the New Digital Economy.
Electron. Mark., 2003

Duration in the Digital Economy.
Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-36 2003), 2003

Competitive Strategy and Information Systems Minitrack Introduction.
Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-36 2003), 2003

Information Technology Investment and Adoption: A Rational Expectations Perspective.
Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-36 2003), 2003

Running up the bid: detecting, predicting, and preventing reserve price shilling in online auctions.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2003

The Network Externalities Hypothesis and Competitive Network Growth.
J. Organ. Comput. Electron. Commer., 2002

Introduction to the Special Issue on Advances in Research on Information Technologies in the Financial Services Industry.
J. Organ. Comput. Electron. Commer., 2002

Business Models for Internet-Based B2B Electronic Markets.
Int. J. Electron. Commer., 2002

When Internet Companies Morph: Understanding Organizational Strategy Changes in the 'New' New Economy.
First Monday, 2002

Book Review Section: We're All Connected: International Perspectives on Global E-Commerce (Introduction to Book Reviews).
Electron. Mark., 2002

Book Review Section: Bigger Might Be Better - Making Sense of Network Effects in the Digital Economy.
Electron. Mark., 2002

B2B E-Commerce Revisited: Revolution or Evolution? Guest Editors' Preface to the Special Section.
Electron. Mark., 2002

B2B E-Commerce Revisited: Leading Perspectives on the Key Issues and Research Directions.
Electron. Mark., 2002

Using Real Options Analysis for Evaluating Uncertain Investments in Information Technology: Insights from the ICIS 2001 Debate.
Commun. Assoc. Inf. Syst., 2002

Strategic 'Morphing' and the Survivability of E-commerce Firms.
Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-35 2002), 2002

Information Technology in B2B E-procurement: Open vs. Proprietary Systems.
Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-35 2002), 2002

Designing for ROI: Toward a Value-Driven Discipline for E-commerce Systems Design.
Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-35 2002), 2002

New Buyers' Arrival Under Dynamic Pricing Market Microstructure: The Case of Group-Buying Discounts on the Internet.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2001

Should We Wait? Network Externalities, Compatibility, and Electronic Billing Adoption.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2001

Special Section: Economics, Electronic Commerce, and Competitive Strategy.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2001

Economics and Electronic Commerce: Survey and Directions for Research.
Int. J. Electron. Commer., 2001

Maximizing the Value of Internet-based Corporate Travel Reservation Systems.
Commun. ACM, 2001

Business Models for Internet based E-Procurement Systems and B2B Electronic Markets: An Exploratory Assessment.
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-34), 2001

Strategic and Competitive Information Systems - Minitrack Introduction.
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-34), 2001

Economics and E-Commerce - Minitrack Introduction.
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-34), 2001

Should We Wait? Network Externalities and Electronic Billing Adoption.
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-34), 2001

A Framework for Performance and Value Assessment of E-Business Systems in Corporate Travel Distribution.
Proceedings of the Lectures in E-Commerce, 2001

Justifying Electronic Banking Network Expansion Using Real Options Analysis.
MIS Q., 2000

Discovering Potential and Realizing Value from Information Technology Investments.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2000

Limits to Value in Electronic Commerce-Related IT Investments.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 2000

Opening the "Black Box" of Network Externalities in Network Adoption.
Inf. Syst. Res., 2000

Design principles for long-lived Internet agents.
Intell. Syst. Account. Finance Manag., 2000

Reintermediation Strategies in Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce.
Int. J. Electron. Commer., 2000

Guest Editorial - Book Reviews.
Electron. Mark., 2000

Follow the leader? Strategic pricing in e-commerce.
Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Information Systems, 2000

Analyzing Information Intermediaries in Electronic Brokerage.
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-33), 2000

Information Technology and Market Structure - Introduction.
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-33), 2000

Economics and Electronic Commerce - Introduction.
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-33), 2000

Strategic and Competitive Information Systems - Introduction.
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-33), 2000

A Case for Using Real Options Pricing Analysis to Evaluate Information Technology Project Investments.
Inf. Syst. Res., 1999

Book Reviews.
Electron. Mark., 1999

Strategies for Internet Middlemen in the Intermediation/Disintermediation/Reintermediation Cycle.
Electron. Mark., 1999

Separation thresholds, retention frontiers, and intervention assessment: human capital in the information technology workforce.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCPR Conference on Computer Personnel Research, 1999

Five Degrees of Separation: A Human Capital Model of Employment-Related Decisionmaking in the Information Technology Workforce.
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-32), 1999

Analyzing Firm-Level Strategy for Internet-Focused Reintermediation.
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-32), 1999

Information Systems and Economics - Introduction.
Commun. ACM, 1998

Dark Pockets and Decision Support: The Information Technology Value Cycle in Efficient Markets.
Electron. Mark., 1997

Supporting Search for Reusable Software Objects.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 1996

Toward a New Metric for Representing Output in Object-Based Software Development.
Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Information Systems, 1996

Methodological Issues in the Assessment Market Share Effects of Airline Computer Reservations Systems.
Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Information Systems, 1996

Automating Output Size and Reuse Metrics in a Repository-Based Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Environment.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 1994

An exploratory econometric analysis of shared electronic banking network adoption.
J. Strateg. Inf. Syst., 1994

Repository Evaluation of Software Reuse.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 1993

Special Section: Realizing Value from Information Technology Investment.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 1993

Comparing the Modeling Performance of Regression and Neural Networks as Data Quality Varies: A Business Value Approach.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 1993

Financial risk and financial risk management technology (RMT): Issues and advances.
Inf. Manag., 1993

An Empirical Test of Object-Based Output Measurement Metrics in a Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Environment.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 1992

Reuse and Productivity in Integrated Computer-Aided Software Engineering: An Empirical Study.
MIS Q., 1991

Measuring Gains in Operational Efficiency from Information Technology: A Study of the Positran Deployment at Hardee's Inc.
J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 1990

An evaluative framework for research on the performance effects of information technology investment.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems, 1989

Strategic Contributions of Information Technology: an Empirical Study of ATM Networks.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems, 1988

Assessing the Performance of Information Technologies Which Deliver Financial Services.
Data Base, 1987
