Robert Bruce Findler
Orcid: 0000-0002-4245-2000Affiliations:
- Northwestern University, Illinois, USA
According to our database1,
Robert Bruce Findler
authored at least 79 papers
between 1997 and 2024.
Collaborative distances:
Collaborative distances:
Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
Online presence:
The Functional, the Imperative, and the Sudoku: Getting Good, Bad, and Ugly to Get Along (Functional Pearl).
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., 2024
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., October, 2023
Highly illogical, Kirk: spotting type mismatches in the large despite broken contracts, unsound types, and too many linters.
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., 2022
Proceedings of the Programming Languages and Systems, 2021
Proceedings of the CC '20: 29th International Conference on Compiler Construction, 2020
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., 2019
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst., 2018
Sci. Comput. Program., 2018
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., 2018
Proc. ACM Program. Lang., 2017
Proceedings of the 2nd Summit on Advances in Programming Languages, 2017
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 31, 2016
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 2016
Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, 2016
Proceedings of the 1st Summit on Advances in Programming Languages, 2015
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences, 2015
Making Random Judgments: Automatically Generating Well-Typed Terms from the Definition of a Type-System.
Proceedings of the Programming Languages and Systems, 2015
Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 2015
Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming, 2014
Proceedings of the 44th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2013
Proceedings of the Trends in Functional Programming - 14th International Symposium, 2013
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages & Applications, 2013
Macros that Work Together - Compile-time bindings, partial expansion, and definition contexts.
J. Funct. Program., 2012
Proceedings of the 39th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 2012
Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 2012
Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Functional high-performance computing, 2012
Proceedings of the 38th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 2011
Proceedings of the 38th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 2011
Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Dynamic Languages, 2011
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2011
Proceedings of the Programming Languages and Systems - 9th Asian Symposium, 2011
Back to the futures: incremental parallelization of existing sequential runtime systems.
Proceedings of the 25th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 2010
Proceedings of the 25th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 2010
Revised6 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme.
Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 978-0-521-19399-3, 2010
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst., 2009
Proceedings of the Proceeding of the 14th ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming, 2009
Proceedings of the Proceeding of the 14th ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming, 2009
Proceedings of the Programming Languages and Systems, 2009
Proceedings of the Proceedings for the 1st workshop on Script to Program Evolution, 2009
Proceedings of the Proceedings for the 1st workshop on Script to Program Evolution, 2009
Proceedings of the Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, 2007
Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, 2007
Proceedings of the Programming Languages and Systems, 2007
Proceedings of the 2007 Symposium on Dynamic Languages, 2007
Proceedings of the 33rd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 2006
Proceedings of the Functional and Logic Programming, 8th International Symposium, 2006
Proceedings of the Programming Languages and Systems, 4th Asian Symposium, 2006
Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 2005
J. Funct. Program., 2004
Comput. Sci. Educ., 2004
Proceedings of the Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 15th International Conference, 2004
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2004 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation 2004, 2004
Proceedings of the 19th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 2004
Proceedings of the ECOOP 2004, 2004
Proceedings of the Programming Languages and Systems, 2003
Proceedings of the Seventh ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP '02), 2002
Proceedings of the 8th European Software Engineering Conference held jointly with 9th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering 2001, 2001
Proceedings of the 2001 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, 2001
Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2001), 2001
Programming Languages as Operating Systems (or Revenge of the Son of the Lisp Machine).
Proceedings of the fourth ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP '99), 1999
Proceedings of the third ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP '98), 1998
Proceedings of the Programming Languages: Implementations, 1997