Revathi Sundarasekar
Orcid: 0000-0002-6850-9028
According to our database1,
Revathi Sundarasekar
authored at least 15 papers
between 2018 and 2021.
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IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics, 2021
IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst., 2021
IOT based wearable sensor for diseases prediction and symptom analysis in healthcare sector.
Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl., 2020
Innovative and efficient method of robotics for helping the Parkinson's disease patient using IoT in big data analytics.
Trans. Emerg. Telecommun. Technol., 2020
An Efficient Optimal Neural Network-Based Moving Vehicle Detection in Traffic Video Surveillance System.
Circuits Syst. Signal Process., 2020
Comput. Commun., 2020
Detection of flood disaster system based on IoT, big data and convolutional deep neural network.
Comput. Commun., 2020
Wearable IoT Smart-Log Patch: An Edge Computing-Based Bayesian Deep Learning Network System for Multi Access Physical Monitoring System.
Sensors, 2019
Adaptive Energy Aware Quality of Service for Reliable Data Transfer in Under Water Acoustic Sensor Networks.
IEEE Access, 2019
Machine Learning Based Big Data Processing Framework for Cancer Diagnosis Using Hidden Markov Model and GM Clustering.
Wirel. Pers. Commun., 2018
Wirel. Pers. Commun., 2018
Internet of Things with Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform for Remote Health Monitoring of Abnormal ECG Signals.
J. Medical Syst., 2018
A new architecture of Internet of Things and big data ecosystem for secured smart healthcare monitoring and alerting system.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst., 2018
Ant colony optimization algorithm with Internet of Vehicles for intelligent traffic control system.
Comput. Networks, 2018
Wearable sensor devices for early detection of Alzheimer disease using dynamic time warping algorithm.
Clust. Comput., 2018