Renate Motschnig

Orcid: 0000-0003-1685-8338

  • University of Vienna, Austria

According to our database1, Renate Motschnig authored at least 76 papers between 1989 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



Secondary Teachers' Self-perceived AI Competences in Relation to Renowned European Digital Competence Frameworks.
Proceedings of the Informatics in Schools. Innovative Approaches to Computer Science Teaching and Learning, 2024

Developing Teams by Visualizing Their Communication Structures in Online Meetings.
Multimodal Technol. Interact., 2023

Teaching Data Science to Non-Computer Science Students: A Learner-Centered Approach.
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2023

What Makes Project Teams Succeed? Students' Post-Covid Perceptions on IT Project Management Education Fostering Professional Skills.
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2023

Towards Digital Skills for All Pre-service Teachers: Collecting Good Curricular Practices.
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2023

Designing a Data Science Course for Non-Computer Science Students: Practical Considerations and Findings.
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2022

Learning to program in secondary classrooms: Students' and Teachers' perceptions of the pair-programming setting.
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2022

Technology-Enhanced and Student-Centered Learning as a Method to Foster Students' ICT Competence and Problem Coping Skills.
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2022

How Well Are Pre-Service Teachers Prepared to Impart Digital Skills in Secondary-Level Educationƒ.
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2022

The effects of pair-programming in introductory programming courses with visual and text-based languages.
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2021

Pair- versus solo-programming of mini-games as a setting for learning to program: An Action Research approach.
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2021

Exploring students' stereotypes regarding computer science and stimulating reflection on roles of women in IT.
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2021

Dig-Equality FF - A playful approach for researching and fostering gender education in secondary schools.
Proceedings of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, 2021

Educational Design Patterns for Student-Centered 21<sup>st</sup> Century Learning in Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments.
Proceedings of the Educating Engineers for Future Industrial Revolutions, 2020

How Does a Student-Centered Course on Communication and Professional Skills Impact Students in the Long Run?
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2020

Experiential Factors Supporting Pupils' Perceived Competence In Coding - An Evaluative Qualitative Content Analysis.
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2020

Leading Diverse Teams to Success: What Are the Factors that Can Make a Difference?
Proceedings of the Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies, 2019

Chat-Interviews as a Means to Explore Students' Attitudes and Perceptions on Developing Video Games with Unity in Computer Science Classes.
Proceedings of the Impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution on Engineering Education - Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL 2019), 2019

What Students Learn and Take Away from a Student-Centered Course on Communication and Professional Skills: Analyzing the Content of Students' Self-Evaluations.
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2019

Fostering 21st Century Skills in Student-Centered Engineering Education at the Secondary School Level: Second Evaluation of The Learning Office.
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2019

Engaging Students in Computer Science Education through Game Development with Unity.
Proceedings of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, 2019

Person-Centered Learning using Peer Review Method - An Evaluation and a Concept for Student-Centered Classrooms.
Int. J. Eng. Pedagog., 2018

Effects of Introducing a Game-Based Student Response System into a Flipped, Person-Centered Classroom on Object-Oriented Design.
Proceedings of the Advances in Web-Based Learning - ICWL 2018, 2018

Enhancing Stanford Design Thinking for Kids with Digital Technologies A Participatory Action Research Approach to Challenge-Based Learning.
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2018

Computer Science students' experience of reflecting on Team Leadership - A case study of a student-centered course on communication.
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2018

Student-Centered Classrooms in Engineering Education: Concept and Evaluation of a Learning Office for Software Development and Applied Mathematics.
Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2018

When Kids are challenged to solve real problems - Case study on transforming learning with interpersonal presence and digital technologies.
IxD&A, 2017

Inclusion of Users with Special Needs in the Human-Centered Design of a Web-Portal.
Int. J. People Oriented Program., 2017

Peer Review as a Tool for Person-Centered Learning: Computer Science Education at Secondary School Level.
Proceedings of the Teaching and Learning in a Digital World - Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, 2017

Improving communication in multicultural teams - A web-based model and its application in project management education.
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2017

Adapting a stand-alone computerized cognitive test battery for online use - A case-study in the context of users with special needs.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2016

Vorwort: Software-Entwicklungsprozesse und -Produkte im Licht kultureller Unterschiede.
Proceedings of the 46. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2016

Ein Diversity Framework für Informatik-nahe Projekte.
Proceedings of the 46. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2016

A team-approach to putting learner-centered principles to practice in a large course on Human-Computer Interaction.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2016

Developing diversity awareness of software engineers: A Diversity Framework and its application in an academic and life-long learning context.
Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2016

Person-centered technology enhanced learning: Dimensions of added value.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2013

Inclusive social tagging and its support in Web 2.0 services.
Comput. Hum. Behav., 2011

Constructivist and Person-Centered Learning in Higher Education - Using Indicators and Case Examples for Comparing Good Practice.
Proceedings of the Information Systems, E-learning, and Knowledge Management Research, 2011

Effectiveness of Person-Centered Learning in the Age of the Internet.
Proceedings of the Information Systems, E-learning, and Knowledge Management Research, 2011

Promoting a Humanistic Perspective of Creativity by Interpersonal Qualities and Web-Based Tools.
Proceedings of the Visioning and Engineering the Knowledge Society. A Web Science Perspective, 2009

Towards an "Intelligent" Tagging Tool for Blogs.
Proceedings of the Best Practices for the Knowledge Society. Knowledge, 2009

Coordinating Curriculum Implementation Using Wiki-supported Graph Visualization.
Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2009

Three scenarios on enhancing learning by providing universal access.
Univers. Access Inf. Soc., 2008

Significant learning communities as environments for actualising human potentials.
Int. J. Knowl. Learn., 2008

Significant Learning Communities - A Humanistic Approach to Knowledge and Human Resource Development in the Age of the Internet.
Proceedings of the Open Knowlege Society. A Computer Science and Information Systems Manifesto, 2008

Inclusive Social Tagging: A Paradigm for Tagging-Services in the Knowledge Society.
Proceedings of the Emerging Technologies and Information Systems for the Knowledge Society, 2008

Using ePortfolios Enhancing for Learning through Computer-Mediated Interaction in a Course on HCI.
Proceedings of the HCI and Usability for Education and Work, 2008

Knoocks: New Visualization Approach for Ontologies.
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information Visualisation, 2008

Two Technology-Enhanced Courses Aimed at Developing Interpersonal Attitudes and Soft Skills in Project Management.
Proceedings of the Innovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing, 2006

The role of structure, patterns, and people in blended learning.
Internet High. Educ., 2005

Learning Process Models as Mediators Between Didactical Practice and Web Support.
Proceedings of the Conceptual Modeling, 2005

Effects of Person-Centered Attitudes on Professional and Social Competence in a Blended Learning Paradigm.
J. Educ. Technol. Soc., 2004

Patterns for blended, Person-Centered learning: strategy, concepts, experiences, and evaluation.
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2004

Developing Cooperative Environment Web Services Based on Action Research.
Proceedings of the Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management, 5th International Conference, 2004

Customizing Web-Based Systems with Object-Oriented Views.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2003, 2003

Can the Web Improve the Effectiveness Opperson-Centered Learning? Case Study on Teaching and Living Web-Engineering.
Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2003, 2003

Student-Centered Teaching Meets New Media: Concept and Case Study.
J. Educ. Technol. Soc., 2002

Employing the Unified Process for Developing a Web-Based Application - A Case-Study.
Proceedings of the Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management, 4th International Conference, 2002

Mapping UML Web Navigation Stereotypes to XML Data Skeletons.
Proceedings of the E-Commerce and Web Technologies, Third International Conference, 2002

Specifying And Analysing Static And Dynamic Patterns Of Administrative Processes.
Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Information Systems, 2002

The Role and Modeling of Context in a Cognitive Model of Rogers' Person-Centred Approach.
Proceedings of the Modeling and Using Context, 2001

A Generic Framework for the Modeling of Contexts and its Applications.
Data Knowl. Eng., 2000

The Viewpoint Abstraction in Object-Oriented Modeling and the UML.
Proceedings of the Conceptual Modeling, 2000

Part-Whole Relationship Categories and Their Application in Object-Oriented Analysis.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 1999

Contexts and Views in Object-Oriented Languages.
Proceedings of the Modeling and Using Context, 1999

Analyzing the notions of attribute, aggregate, part and member in data/knowledge modeling.
J. Syst. Softw., 1996

Requirements and Comparison of View Mechanisms for Object-Oriented Databases.
Inf. Syst., 1996

Language Features for the Interconnection of Software Components.
Adv. Comput., 1996

Semantics, Features, and Applications of the Viewpoint Abstraction.
Proceedings of the Advances Information System Engineering, 8th International Conference, 1996

An Integrating View on the Viewing Abstraction: Contexts and Perspectives in Software Development, AI, and Databases.
J. Syst. Integr., 1995

Modelling of set Membership: The Notion and the Issues.
Data Knowl. Eng., 1995

Partitioning Information Bases with Contexts.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS-95), 1995

The Semantics of Parts Versus Aggregates in Data/Knowledge Modelling
Proceedings of the Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 1993

Classes and Instances.
Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst., 1992

A framework for the support of a common structural level for software-, data base-, and knowledge-based systems.
J. Syst. Softw., 1990

Toward a common structural level for software database, and knowledge-based systems.
Appl. Artif. Intell., 1989
