Renata Mendes de Araujo

Orcid: 0000-0002-8674-1728

According to our database1, Renata Mendes de Araujo authored at least 89 papers between 1994 and 2024.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of five.
  • Erdős number3 of four.



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



PYP4Training: designing digital games for business process training.
Bus. Process. Manag. J., 2024

What can move non-IS developers towards open and collaborative development initiatives?
Braz. J. Inf. Syst., 2022

Crowdsourcing Software Development - a possible path?
Proceedings of the SBSI: XVIII Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, Curitiba, Brazil, May 16, 2022

PYP4Training - Ludifying Business Process Training.
Proceedings of the Business Process Management Workshops, 2022

Um Mapeamento Sistemático da Literatura sobre Aplicação de Jogos Digitais no Treinamento de Processos Organizacionais.
Braz. J. Inf. Syst., 2021

Um Estudo de Caso Interpretativo sobre a Escalabilidade do Sistema de Informação Social CadÚnico - O Caso do Programa "Bolsa Família".
Braz. J. Inf. Syst., 2021

VAPBr: Values in Digital Games for Public Service in Brazil.
Int. J. Serious Games, 2021

Public Processes Are Open for Play.
Digit. Gov. Res. Pract., 2021

Re-Public: workflow to publish and reuse Linked Open Government Data.
Proceedings of the SBSI 2021: XVII Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, Uberlândia, Brazil, June 7, 2021

Games as Mediating Platforms in an Open and Digital World.
Proceedings of the Grand Research Challenges in Games and Entertainment Computing in Brazil - GranDGamesBR 2020-2030, 2021

COVID-19, Mudanças em Práticas Educacionais e a Percepção de Estresse por Docentes do Ensino Superior no Brasil.
Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educ., 2020

MAPAC: Um Método de Análise de Processos para Aproximação Cidadã.
Braz. J. Inf. Syst., 2020

Promoting Public Management Accountability in the Cultural Sector in Brazil.
Proceedings of the SBSI'20: XVI Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 2020

Information Systems Scalability of the "Bolsa Família" Program: An Interpretative Case Study.
Proceedings of the SBSI'20: XVI Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 2020

Enrolling Actors in a Social Information System: The Incremental Development of Unique Registry in Brazilian "Bolsa Família" Program.
Proceedings of the Information and Communication Technologies for Development, 2020

Scaling the Technology for Income Transfers: the trajectory of "Bolsa Família" Unique Register CadÚnico.
Proceedings of the 26th Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2020

The Play Your Process Method for Business Process-Based Digital Game Design.
Int. J. Serious Games, 2019

A Study on the Brazilian Public Software Portal Ecosystem Life Cycle and Collaboration.
Proceedings of the XV Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 2019

Uma Experiência de Desenvolvimento Aberto e Colaborativo de Ambientes Virtuais de Participação Social na UNIRIO.
Braz. J. Inf. Syst., 2018

Editorial Vol. 11, Nº 1.
Braz. J. Inf. Syst., 2018

From Business Processes to Digital Games: A Mapping Proposal.
Proceedings of the XIV Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 2018

Towards a Conceptual Model to Understand Software Ecosystems Emerging from Systems-of-Information Systems.
Proceedings of the Software Ecosystems, Sustainability and Human Values in the Social Web, 2018

Technologies in the School Daily Life: Patent Survey in Brazil and the United States from 2000 to 2018.
Proceedings of the XLIV Latin American Computer Conference, 2018

Bridging the Gap between Brazilian Startups and Business Processes - Process Thinking's Initial Exploratory Case Study.
Braz. J. Inf. Syst., 2017

Uma Análise sobre a Produção de Conhecimento Científico nas Pesquisas Publicadas nos Primeiros 10 anos da iSys (2008-2017).
Braz. J. Inf. Syst., 2017

New Challenges in the Social Web: Towards Systems-of-Information Systems Ecosystems.
Proceedings of the Anais do VIII Workshop sobre Aspectos da Interação Humano-Computador na Web Social (WAIHCWS'17) co-located with XVI Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC 2017), 2017

Prospecção Tecnológica: Levantamento de Patentes, Atuação da Academia e Potenciais Inovações em Ambientes de Aprendizagem no Brasil de 2000 a 2015.
Braz. J. Inf. Syst., 2016

Uma Experiência de uso da Gamificação em Plataformas de Participação Social.
Braz. J. Inf. Syst., 2016

Editorial Vol.9, Nº 3.
Braz. J. Inf. Syst., 2016

A Service-Based System for Sentiment Analysis and Visualization of Twitter Data in Realtime.
Proceedings of the Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2016 Workshops, 2016

Designing Serious Games for Citizen Engagement in Public Service Processes.
Proceedings of the Business Process Management Workshops, 2016

Collaboration optimization in software process composition.
J. Syst. Softw., 2015

A Comunidade de Pesquisa em Sistemas de Informação no Brasil na perspectiva do Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação.
Braz. J. Inf. Syst., 2015

Ecossistemas Digitais para o Apoio a Sistemas de Governo Abertos e Colaborativos [Digital Ecosystems to Support the Open and Collaborative Government Systems].
Proceedings of the annual conference on Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 2015

A Practical Experience of a Software Process Line Creation.
Proceedings of the XVIII IberoAmerican Conference on Software Engineering, 2015

Encouraging Society Participation Through Conversations About Public Service Processes.
Int. J. Electron. Gov. Res., 2014

Evolving Government-Citizen Ties in Public Service Design and Delivery.
Proceedings of the Electronic Government and Electronic Participation: Joint Proceedings of Ongoing Research of IFIP EGOV and IFIP ePart 2013, 2013

Reconciling software development models: A quasi-systematic review.
J. Syst. Softw., 2012

Modelo de contexto para apoio à adaptação de processos de software com foco na colaboração.
Braz. J. Inf. Syst., 2012

Information Visualization in Political Discussions.
Proceedings of the 2012 Brazilian Symposium on Collaborative Systems, 2012

Keeping decisions and rationale explicit in business process analysis.
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2012

Defining context in a business process collaborative elicitation approach.
Proceedings of the IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2012

An Exploratory Study on Collaboration Understanding in Software Development Social Networks.
Proceedings of the Collaboration and Technology - 18th International Conference, 2012

COMPOOTIM: An Approach to Software Processes Composition and Optimization.
Proceedings of the XV Iberoamerican Conference on Software Engineering, 2012

Using business models to identify expected quality for information systems.
Int. J. Bus. Process. Integr. Manag., 2011

Instrumento para Diagnóstico Institucional visando o Planejamento Estratégico de TI em Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior.
Proceedings of the 7th Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 2011

Conversas sobre serviços públicos.
Proceedings of the 7th Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 2011

Bringing out collaboration in software development social networks.
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement, Profes '11, Torre Canne, Brindisi, Italy, June 20-22, 2011, 2011

Talking about Public Service Processes.
Proceedings of the Electronic Participation - Third IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 2011

A roadmap to the Collaboration Maturity Model (CollabMM) evolution.
Proceedings of the 2011 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2011

A collaborative mobile approach for business process elicitation.
Proceedings of the 2011 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2011

Experiences on the Use of Business Models for Identifying Quality Requirements for Information systems.
Proceedings of the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, 2010

Analyzing Collaboration in Software Development Processes through Social Networks.
Proceedings of the Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification, and Validation, 2010

Identifying Ruptures in Business-IT Communication through Business Models.
Proceedings of the Enterprise Information Systems - 12th International Conference, 2010

A maturity model to promote collaboration in business processes.
Int. J. Bus. Process. Integr. Manag., 2009

Keeping the Rationale of IS Requirements using Organizational Business Models.
Proceedings of the ICEIS 2009, 2009

Knowledge Management Implementation Methodology - Towards a Practical Approach.
Proceedings of the KMIS 2009 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, Funchal, 2009

An approach for defining Digital Democracy support based on ICT.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computers Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2009

Editorial Vol.1.
Braz. J. Inf. Syst., 2008

Towards Collaboration Maturity in Business Processes: An Exploratory Study in Oil Production Processes.
Inf. Syst. Manag., 2008

Identificando expectativas de qualidade de SIs com o apoio de modelos de negócio.
Proceedings of the Companion Proceedings of the XIV Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web, 2008

The role of collaborative support to promote participation and commitment in software development teams.
Softw. Process. Improv. Pract., 2007

Supporting multiple viewpoints in collaborative graphical editing.
Multim. Tools Appl., 2007

Telling Stories about System Use: Capturing Collective Tacit Knowledge for System Maintenance.
Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'2007), 2007

People in Network, Collaboration for Action: New Supporting Requirements.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2007

Discovering Group Communication Requirements.
Proceedings of the Memorias de la X Conferencia Iberoamericana de Software Engineering (CIbSE 2007), 2007

Colaboração e Negociação na Elicitação de Requisitos.
Proceedings of the Memorias de la X Conferencia Iberoamericana de Software Engineering (CIbSE 2007), 2007

A Practical Experience in Designing Business Processes to Improve Collaboration.
Proceedings of the Business Process Management Workshops, 2007

Context Dynamics in Software Engineering Process.
Proceedings of the Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design III, 2006

Flexible Organizational Process Deployment.
Proceedings of the Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design III, 2006

Increasing Flexibility in Process Deployment with the Process Beans Composer.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on CSCW in Design, 2006

Reinforcing Shared Context to Improve Collaboration.
Rev. d'Intelligence Artif., 2005

A Systematic Approach for Identifying System Requirements from the Organization's Business Model.
Proceedings of the 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 2005

Context-based Modeling of Group Work.
Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, 2005

Management of shared context dynamics in software design.
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2005

Introducing Business Process into Legacy Information Systems.
Proceedings of the Business Process Management, 3rd International Conference, 2005

A conceptual framework for designing and conducting groupware evaluations.
Int. J. Comput. Appl. Technol., 2004

A Non-intrusive Infrastructure for the Integration of Business Processes.
Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2004), with CD-ROM, 30 August, 2004

Bridging the Gap Between Decisions and Their Implementations.
Proceedings of the Groupware: Design, Implementation and Use: 10th International Workshop, 2004

Supporting Collaborative Drawing with the Mask Versioning Mechanism.
Proceedings of the Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use, 9th International Workshop, 2003

Towards the Evaluation of Awareness Information Support Applied to Peer Reviews of Software Engineering Diagrams.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on CSCW in Design, 2002

Awareness Extensions in Workflow Management Systems - Elements for Collaboration and Process Learning.
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on CSCW in Design, 2002

The CSCW Lab for Groupware Evaluation.
Proceedings of the Groupware: Design, Implementation and Use, 8th International Workshop, 2002

Extending the Software Process Culture - An Approach Based on Groupware and Workflow.
Proceedings of the Product Focused Software Process Improvement, 2001

The Role of Awareness Support in Collaborative Improvement of Software Processes.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval and Fifth International Workshop on Groupware, 1999

Suporte por Computador ao Desenvolvimento Cooperativo de Software: Classificação e Propostas.
Proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 1997

A Framework for the Classification of Computer Supported Collaborative Design Approaches.
Proceedings of the CRIWG '97, 1997

Quorum - W: A group Decision Support Tool for the Internet Environment.
Proceedings of the First CYTED-RITOS International Workshop on Groupware, 1995

QUORUM: Um SSDG para o Desenvolvimento de Software.
Proceedings of the 8th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 1994
