Rahul Sarpeshkar

Orcid: 0000-0002-5975-0004

According to our database1, Rahul Sarpeshkar authored at least 81 papers between 1991 and 2023.

Collaborative distances:
  • Dijkstra number2 of four.
  • Erdős number3 of four.


IEEE Fellow

IEEE Fellow 2018, "For contributions to ultra low-power biomedical electronics".



In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


On csauthors.net:


Drug Cocktail Formulation via Circuit Design.
IEEE Trans. Mol. Biol. Multi Scale Commun., March, 2023

A Compact and Power-Efficient Noise Generator for Stochastic Simulations.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap., January, 2023

Lorenzian-Chaos-Like Dynamics in Viral-Immune Cytomorphic Chips.
Proceedings of the IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, 2023

Formulation and Emulation of Quantum-Inspired Dynamical Systems With Classical Analog Circuits.
Neural Comput., 2022

A compiler for biological networks on silicon chips.
PLoS Comput. Biol., 2020

An Artificial Tissue Homeostasis Circuit Designed via Analog Circuit Techniques.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 2019

Bio-molecular Circuit Design with Electronic Circuit Software and Cytomorphic Chips.
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, 2019

A Digitally Programmable Cytomorphic Chip for Simulation of Arbitrary Biochemical Reaction Networks.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 2018

Fast and Precise Emulation of Stochastic Biochemical Reaction Networks With Amplified Thermal Noise in Silicon Chips.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 2018

Flexible glucose sensors and fuel cells for bioelectronic implants.
Proceedings of the IEEE 60th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2017

Configuration synthesis for programmable analog devices with Arco.
Proceedings of the 37th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, 2016

A Cytomorphic Chip for Quantitative Modeling of Fundamental Bio-Molecular Circuits.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 2015

Synthetic Biology: A Unifying View and Review Using Analog Circuits.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 2015

Guest Editorial - Special Issue on Synthetic Biology.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 2015

Correction to "Feedback Analysis and Design of RF Power Links for Low-Power Bionic Systems".
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 2014

A spiking-neuron collective analog adder with scalable precision.
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2013), 2013

Universal Principles for Ultra Low Power and Energy Efficient Design.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs, 2012

An Energy-Efficient, Adiabatic Electrode Stimulator With Inductive Energy Recycling and Feedback Current Regulation.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 2012

A Bio-Inspired Cochlear Heterodyning Architecture for an RF Fovea.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap., 2011

An Articulatory Silicon Vocal Tract for Speech and Hearing Prostheses.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 2011

A Low-Power 32-Channel Digitally Programmable Neural Recording Integrated Circuit.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 2011

An Area and Power-Efficient Analog Li-Ion Battery Charger Circuit.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 2011

Ultralow-Power Electronics for Cardiac Monitoring.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap., 2010

An Ultra-Low-Power Pulse Oximeter Implemented With an Energy-Efficient Transimpedance Amplifier.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 2010

A Low-Power, Battery-Free Tag for Body Sensor Networks.
IEEE Pervasive Comput., 2010

An ultra-compact and efficient Li-ion battery charger circuit for biomedical applications.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2010), May 30, 2010

A cochlear heterodyning architecture for an RF fovea.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2010), May 30, 2010

An Articulatory Speech-Prosthesis System.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Body Sensor Networks, 2010

A Micropower Electrocardiogram Amplifier.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 2009

A Bio-Inspired Active Radio-Frequency Silicon Cochlea.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 2009

Log-domain Circuit Models of Chemical Reactions.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2009), 2009

Dynamic-range Analysis and Maximization of Micropower Gm-C Bandpass Filters by Adaptive Biasing.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2009), 2009

Ultra-low-power electronics for non-invasive medical monitoring.
Proceedings of the IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 2009

A Battery-Free Tag for Wireless Monitoring of Heart Sounds.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, 2009

An Electronically Tunable Linear or Nonlinear MOS Resistor.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap., 2008

An Analog Integrated-Circuit Vocal Tract.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 2008

Low-Power Circuits for Brain-Machine Interfaces.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 2008

Power-Efficient Impedance-Modulation Wireless Data Links for Biomedical Implants.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 2008

A Cochlear-Implant Processor for Encoding Music and Lowering Stimulation Power.
IEEE Pervasive Comput., 2008

Low-Power CMOS Rectifier Design for RFID Applications.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap., 2007

A Low-Power Asynchronous Interleaved Sampling Algorithm for Cochlear Implants That Encodes Envelope and Phase Information.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 2007

An Energy-Efficient Micropower Neural Recording Amplifier.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 2007

A Low-Power Blocking-Capacitor-Free Charge-Balanced Electrode-Stimulator Chip With Less Than 6 nA DC Error for 1-mA Full-Scale Stimulation.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 2007

Feedback Analysis and Design of RF Power Links for Low-Power Bionic Systems.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits Syst., 2007

An FFT-Based Companding Front End for Noise-Robust Automatic Speech Recognition.
EURASIP J. Audio Speech Music. Process., 2007

A Bio-Inspired Ultra-Energy-Efficient Analog-to-Digital Converter for Biomedical Applications.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap., 2006

Jump resonance: a feedback viewpoint and adaptive circuit solution for low-power active analog filters.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap., 2006

Reply to Comments on "A sinh Resistor and Its Application to tanh Linearization".
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 2006

Low-Power Single-Loop and Dual-Loop AGCs for Bionic Ears.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 2006

An analog storage cell with 5e<sup>-</sup>/sec leakage.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2006), 2006

Circuits for an RF cochlea.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2006), 2006

Fast startup CMOS current references.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2006), 2006

Power-adaptive operational amplifier with positive-feedback self biasing.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2006), 2006

Invited Talk: Ultra Low Power Electronics for Medicine.
Proceedings of the 2006 International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2006), 2006

An ultra-low-power programmable analog bionic ear processor.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 2005

A bio-inspired companding strategy for spectral enhancement.
IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Process., 2005

A time-based energy-efficient analog-to-digital converter.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 2005

A sinh resistor and its application to tanh linearization.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 2005

Biasing techniques for subthreshold MOS resistive grids.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2005), 2005

A Companding Front End for Noise-Robust Automatic Speech Recognition.
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2005

A micropower logarithmic A/D with offset and temperature compensation.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 2004

A 10-nW 12-bit accurate analog storage cell with 10-aA leakage.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 2004

A low-power AGC with level-independent phase margin.
Proceedings of the 2004 American Control Conference, 2004

Predictive comparators with adaptive control.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs, 2003

A low-power wide dynamic range envelope detector.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 2003

An offset-canceling low-noise lock-in architecture for capacitive sensing.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 2003

A practical micropower programmable bandpass filter for use in bionic ears.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 2003

A low-power high-PSRR current-mode microphone preamplifier.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 2003

A micropower analog VLSI processing channel for bionic ears and speech-recognition front ends.
Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2003

A micropower envelope detector for audio applications.
Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2003

A 16-channel analog VLSI processor for bionic ears and speech-recognition front ends.
Proceedings of the IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 2003

Scalable Hybrid Computation with Spikes.
Neural Comput., 2002

A micropower band-pass filter for use in bionic ears.
Proceedings of the 2002 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2002

A low-noise nonlinear feedback technique for compensating offset in analog multipliers.
Proceedings of the 2002 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2002

A current-mode spike-based overrange-subrange analog-to-digital converter.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2000

Energy-efficient adaptive signal decomposition: the silicon and biological cochlea.
Proceedings of the 1999 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 1999, Orlando, Florida, USA, May 30, 1999

Analog Versus Digital: Extrapolating from Electronics to Neurobiology.
Neural Comput., 1998

Analog VLSI architectures for motion processing: from fundamental limits to system applications.
Proc. IEEE, 1996

An Analog VLSI Velocity Sensor.
Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 1995, Seattle, Washington, USA, April 30, 1995

Visual Motion Computation in Analog VLSI Using Pulses.
Proceedings of the Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 5, [NIPS Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, November 30, 1992

Mismatch sensitivity of a simultaneously latched CMOS sense amplifier.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, October, 1991
