Phuong Nga Tran
According to our database1,
Phuong Nga Tran
authored at least 22 papers
between 2008 and 2020.
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Proceedings of the 91st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2020
Proceedings of the 90th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2019
Rare event analysis using the Limited Relative Error algorithm for OMNeT++ simulations.
Proceedings of the 5th International OMNeT++ Community Summit, 2018
IEEE Commun. Mag., 2016
Proceedings of the 28th International Teletraffic Congress, 2016
QoE-based radio resource allocation in LTE femtocell considering transport limitations.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication, 2015
Coordinated radio resource allocation in LTE femtocell cluster considering transport limitations.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2015
QoE-Driven Joint Radio and Transport Optimized EPS Bearer Rates of Multi-Services in LTE.
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2015
Radio resource allocation in LTE using utility functions based on moving average rates.
Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2014
Energy consumption optimization for software defined networks considering dynamic traffic.
Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking, 2014
Handover prediction for wireless networks in office environments using Hidden Markov Model.
Proceedings of the IFIP Wireless Days, 2013
A Novel Handover Prediction Scheme in Content Centric Networking Using Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous Model.
Proceedings of the 77th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2013
Proceedings of the Mobile Networks and Management - 5th International Conference, 2013
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2013
Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking, 2012
Proceedings of the Mobile Networks and Management - Third International ICST Conference, 2011
Distributed Approach for Traffic-based Logical Topology Reconfiguration in WDM Networks.
Prax. Inf.verarb. Kommun., 2010
Distributed algorithm for dynamic logical topology reconfiguration in IP over WDM networks.
Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2009), 2009
Comput. Commun., 2008
Proceedings of the IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium: Pervasive Management for Ubioquitous Networks and Services, 2008
An Exact ILP Formulation for Optimal Wavelength Converter Usage and Placement in WDM Networks.
Proceedings of the Global Communications Conference, 2008. GLOBECOM 2008, New Orleans, LA, USA, 30 November, 2008