Philippe L. Toint

Orcid: 0000-0002-6166-1860

  • University of Namur, Belgium

According to our database1, Philippe L. Toint authored at least 132 papers between 1981 and 2024.

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In proceedings 
PhD thesis 


Online presence:



A block-coordinate approach of multi-level optimization with an application to physics-informed neural networks.
Comput. Optim. Appl., November, 2024

Preface for the special edition of optimization methods and software.
Optim. Methods Softw., 2024

Examples of slow convergence for adaptive regularization optimization methods are not isolated.
CoRR, 2024

Refining asymptotic complexity bounds for nonconvex optimization methods, including why steepest descent is o(ε<sup>-2</sup>) rather than 𝒪(ε<sup>-2</sup>).
CoRR, 2024

S2MPJ and CUTEst optimization problems for Matlab, Python and Julia.
CoRR, 2024

Multilevel Objective-Function-Free Optimization with an Application to Neural Networks Training.
SIAM J. Optim., December, 2023

An adaptive regularization method in Banach spaces.
Optim. Methods Softw., November, 2023

Convergence Properties of an Objective-Function-Free Optimization Regularization Algorithm, Including an \(\boldsymbol{\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-3/2})}\) Complexity Bound.
SIAM J. Optim., September, 2023

OFFO minimization algorithms for second-order optimality and their complexity.
Comput. Optim. Appl., March, 2023

The Impact of Noise on Evaluation Complexity: The Deterministic Trust-Region Case.
J. Optim. Theory Appl., February, 2023

Divergence of the ADAM algorithm with fixed-stepsize: a (very) simple example.
CoRR, 2023

A Note on Inexact Inner Products in GMRES.
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., September, 2022

Exploiting Problem Structure in Derivative Free Optimization.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 2022

Adaptive regularization for nonconvex optimization using inexact function values and randomly perturbed derivatives.
J. Complex., 2022

Trust-region algorithms: Probabilistic complexity and intrinsic noise with applications to subsampling techniques.
EURO J. Comput. Optim., 2022

Parametric complexity analysis for a class of first-order Adagrad-like algorithms.
CoRR, 2022

Minimizing convex quadratics with variable precision conjugate gradients.
Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., 2021

An algorithm for the minimization of nonsmooth nonconvex functions using inexact evaluations and its worst-case complexity.
Math. Program., 2021

High-order evaluation complexity for convexly-constrained optimization with non-Lipschitzian group sparsity terms.
Math. Program., 2021

Hölder Gradient Descent and Adaptive Regularization Methods in Banach Spaces for First-Order Points.
CoRR, 2021

Quadratic and Cubic Regularisation Methods with Inexact function and Random Derivatives for Finite-Sum Minimisation.
Proceedings of the 2021 21st International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA), Cagliari, Italy, September 13-16, 2021, 2021

Sharp Worst-Case Evaluation Complexity Bounds for Arbitrary-Order Nonconvex Optimization with Inexpensive Constraints.
SIAM J. Optim., 2020

A concise second-order complexity analysis for unconstrained optimization using high-order regularized models.
Optim. Methods Softw., 2020

A note on solving nonlinear optimization problems in variable precision.
Comput. Optim. Appl., 2020

A Note on Using Performance and Data Profiles for Training Algorithms.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 2019

Complexity of Partially Separable Convexly Constrained Optimization with Non-Lipschitzian Singularities.
SIAM J. Optim., 2019

Universal Regularization Methods: Varying the Power, the Smoothness and the Accuracy.
SIAM J. Optim., 2019

Adaptive Regularization Algorithms with Inexact Evaluations for Nonconvex Optimization.
SIAM J. Optim., 2019

Optimality of orders one to three and beyond: Characterization and evaluation complexity in constrained nonconvex optimization.
J. Complex., 2019

Exploiting variable precision in GMRES.
CoRR, 2019

Approximate norm descent methods for constrained nonlinear systems.
Math. Comput., 2018

Second-Order Optimality and Beyond: Characterization and Evaluation Complexity in Convexly Constrained Nonlinear Optimization.
Found. Comput. Math., 2018

Deterministic and stochastic inexact regularization algorithms for nonconvex optimization with optimal complexity.
CoRR, 2018

Minimizing convex quadratic with variable precision Krylov methods.
CoRR, 2018

BFO, A Trainable Derivative-free Brute Force Optimizer for Nonlinear Bound-constrained Optimization and Equilibrium Computations with Continuous and Discrete Variables.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 2017

Worst-case evaluation complexity of regularization methods for smooth unconstrained optimization using Hölder continuous gradients.
Optim. Methods Softw., 2017

An interior-point trust-funnel algorithm for nonlinear optimization.
Math. Program., 2017

Corrigendum: On the complexity of finding first-order critical points in constrained nonlinear optimization.
Math. Program., 2017

Worst-case evaluation complexity for unconstrained nonlinear optimization using high-order regularized models.
Math. Program., 2017

A note on using performance and data profilesfor training algorithms.
CoRR, 2017

Improved second-order evaluation complexity for unconstrained nonlinear optimization using high-order regularized models.
CoRR, 2017

Evaluation complexity bounds for smooth constrained nonlinear optimisation using scaled KKT conditions, high-order models and the criticality measure $χ$.
CoRR, 2017

Partially separable convexly-constrained optimization with non-Lipschitzian singularities and its complexity.
CoRR, 2017

Evaluation Complexity for Nonlinear Constrained Optimization Using Unscaled KKT Conditions and High-Order Models.
SIAM J. Optim., 2016

Numerical experience with a derivative-free trust-funnel method for nonlinear optimization problems with general nonlinear constraints.
Optim. Methods Softw., 2016

Simple examples for the failure of Newton's method with line search for strictly convex minimization.
Math. Program., 2016

On the Evaluation Complexity of Constrained Nonlinear Least-Squares and General Constrained Nonlinear Optimization Using Second-Order Methods.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2015

Quasi-Newton updates with weighted secant equations.
Optim. Methods Softw., 2015

Obituary for Mike Powell.
Optim. Methods Softw., 2015

A Stochastic and Flexible Activity Based Model for Large Population. Application to Belgium.
J. Artif. Soc. Soc. Simul., 2015

Observation thinning in data assimilation computations.
EURO J. Comput. Optim., 2015

A derivative-free trust-funnel method for equality-constrained nonlinear optimization.
Comput. Optim. Appl., 2015

CUTEst: a Constrained and Unconstrained Testing Environment with safe threads for mathematical optimization.
Comput. Optim. Appl., 2015

Differentiating the Method of Conjugate Gradients.
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 2014

On the complexity of finding first-order critical points in constrained nonlinear optimization.
Math. Program., 2014

Synthetic Population Generation Without a Sample.
Transp. Sci., 2013

On the Evaluation Complexity of Cubic Regularization Methods for Potentially Rank-Deficient Nonlinear Least-Squares Problems and Its Relevance to Constrained Nonlinear Optimization.
SIAM J. Optim., 2013

Nonlinear stepsize control, trust regions and regularizations for unconstrained optimization.
Optim. Methods Softw., 2013

A note about the complexity of minimizing Nesterov's smooth Chebyshev-Rosenbrock function.
Optim. Methods Softw., 2013

Preconditioning and globalizing conjugate gradients in dual space for quadratically penalized nonlinear-least squares problems.
Comput. Optim. Appl., 2013

On the Oracle Complexity of First-Order and Derivative-Free Algorithms for Smooth Nonconvex Minimization.
SIAM J. Optim., 2012

Evaluation complexity of adaptive cubic regularization methods for convex unconstrained optimization.
Optim. Methods Softw., 2012

Erratum to: Nonlinear programming without a penalty function or a filter.
Math. Program., 2012

Complexity bounds for second-order optimality in unconstrained optimization.
J. Complex., 2012

Using approximate secant equations in limited memory methods for multilevel unconstrained optimization.
Comput. Optim. Appl., 2012

Updating the regularization parameter in the adaptive cubic regularization algorithm.
Comput. Optim. Appl., 2012

Range-Space Variants and Inexact Matrix-Vector Products in Krylov Solvers for Linear Systems Arising from Inverse Problems.
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 2011

On the Evaluation Complexity of Composite Function Minimization with Applications to Nonconvex Nonlinear Programming.
SIAM J. Optim., 2011

An active-set trust-region method for derivative-free nonlinear bound-constrained optimization.
Optim. Methods Softw., 2011

Stopping rules and backward error analysis for bound-constrained optimization.
Numerische Mathematik, 2011

Fast regularized linear sampling for inverse scattering problems.
Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., 2011

Adaptive cubic regularisation methods for unconstrained optimization. Part II: worst-case function- and derivative-evaluation complexity.
Math. Program., 2011

Adaptive cubic regularisation methods for unconstrained optimization. Part I: motivation, convergence and numerical results.
Math. Program., 2011

Approximating Hessians in unconstrained optimization arising from discretized problems.
Comput. Optim. Appl., 2011

Estimating Nonparametric Random Utility Models with an Application to the Value of Time in Heterogeneous Populations.
Transp. Sci., 2010

Convergence of a Regularized Euclidean Residual Algorithm for Nonlinear Least-Squares.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2010

Self-Correcting Geometry in Model-Based Algorithms for Derivative-Free Unconstrained Optimization.
SIAM J. Optim., 2010

On the Complexity of Steepest Descent, Newton's and Regularized Newton's Methods for Nonconvex Unconstrained Optimization Problems.
SIAM J. Optim., 2010

Book review.
Optim. Methods Softw., 2010

Approximate invariant subspaces and quasi-newton optimization methods.
Optim. Methods Softw., 2010

Numerical experience with a recursive trust-region method for multilevel nonlinear bound-constrained optimization.
Optim. Methods Softw., 2010

Nonlinear programming without a penalty function or a filter.
Math. Program., 2010

A retrospective trust-region method for unconstrained optimization.
Math. Program., 2010

A multilevel algorithm for solving the trust-region subproblem.
Optim. Methods Softw., 2009

Recognizing underlying sparsity in optimization.
Math. Program., 2009

Recursive Trust-Region Methods for Multiscale Nonlinear Optimization.
SIAM J. Optim., 2008

Optim. Methods Softw., 2008

FILTRANE, a Fortran 95 filter-trust-region package for solving nonlinear least-squares and nonlinear feasibility problems.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 2007

A filter-trust-region method for simple-bound constrained optimization.
Optim. Methods Softw., 2007

Exploiting problem structure in pattern search methods for unconstrained optimization.
Optim. Methods Softw., 2006

Convergence theory for nonconvex stochastic programming with an application to mixed logit.
Math. Program., 2006

An adaptive Monte Carlo algorithm for computing mixed logit estimators.
Comput. Manag. Sci., 2006

A Filter-Trust-Region Method for Unconstrained Optimization.
SIAM J. Optim., 2005

Optimizing partially separable functions without derivatives.
Optim. Methods Softw., 2005

Sensitivity of trust-region algorithms to their parameters.
4OR, 2005

A Multidimensional Filter Algorithm for Nonlinear Equations and Nonlinear Least-Squares.
SIAM J. Optim., 2004

Preprocessing for quadratic programming.
Math. Program., 2004

Nonlinear programming: theory and practice.
Math. Program., 2004

CUTEr and SifDec: A constrained and unconstrained testing environment, revisited.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 2003

GALAHAD, a library of thread-safe Fortran 90 packages for large-scale nonlinear optimization.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 2003

On the Global Convergence of a Filter--SQP Algorithm.
SIAM J. Optim., 2002

Global Convergence of a Trust-Region SQP-Filter Algorithm for General Nonlinear Programming.
SIAM J. Optim., 2002

Componentwise fast convergence in the solution of full-rank systems of nonlinear equations.
Math. Program., 2002

Superlinear Convergence of Primal-Dual Interior Point Algorithms for Nonlinear Programming.
SIAM J. Optim., 2001

Error analysis of signal zeros from a related companion matrix eigenvalue problem.
Appl. Math. Lett., 2001

Global Convergence of a Hybrid Trust-Region SQP-Filter Algorithm for General Nonlinear Programming.
Proceedings of the System Modelling and Optimization XX, 2001

A primal-dual trust-region algorithm for non-convex nonlinear programming.
Math. Program., 2000

Trust Region Methods
MOS-SIAM Series on Optimization, SIAM, ISBN: 978-0-89871-985-7, 2000

Solving the Trust-Region Subproblem using the Lanczos Method.
SIAM J. Optim., 1999

A note on the convergence of barrier algorithms to second-order necessary points.
Math. Program., 1999

SQP Methods for Large-Scale Nonlinear Programming.
Proceedings of the System Modelling and Optimization: Methods, 1999

On The Overspecification of Multinomial and Nested Logit Models Due to Alternative Specific Constants.
Transp. Sci., 1997

Non-monotone trust-region algorithms for nonlinear optimization subject to convex constraints.
Math. Program., 1997

Recent progress in unconstrained nonlinear optimization without derivatives.
Math. Program., 1997

A globally convergent Lagrangian barrier algorithm for optimization with general inequality constraints and simple bounds.
Math. Comput., 1997

On the Number of Inner Iterations Per Outer Iteration of a Globally Convergent Algorithm for Optimization with General Nonlinear Inequality Constraints and Simple Bounds.
Comput. Optim. Appl., 1997

An Assessment of Nonmonotone Linesearch Techniques for Unconstrained Optimization.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 1996

Convergence Properties of Minimization Algorithms for Convex Constraints Using a Structured Trust Region.
SIAM J. Optim., 1996

Convergence Properties of an Augmented Lagrangian Algorithm for Optimization with a Combination of General Equality and Linear Constraints.
SIAM J. Optim., 1996

Numerical experiments with the LANCELOT package (Release A) for large-scale nonlinear optimization.
Math. Program., 1996

CUTE: Constrained and Unconstrained Testing Environment.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 1995

A note on exploiting structure when using slack variables.
Math. Program., 1994

On the use of an inverse shortest paths algorithm for recovering linearly correlated costs.
Math. Program., 1994

Global Convergence of a Class of Trust Region Algorithms for Optimization Using Inexact Projections on Convex Constraints.
SIAM J. Optim., 1993

LSNNO, a FORTRAN subroutine for solving large-scale nonlinear network optimization problems.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 1992

On an instance of the inverse shortest paths problem.
Math. Program., 1992

Convergence of quasi-Newton matrices generated by the symmetric rank one update.
Math. Program., 1991

On Large Scale Nonlinear Network Optimization.
Math. Program., 1990

Global convergence of the partitioned BFGS algorithm for convex partially separable optimization.
Math. Program., 1986

On the existence of convex decompositions of partially separable functions.
Math. Program., 1984

Forcing sparsity by projecting with respect to a non-diagonally weighted frobenius norm.
Math. Program., 1983

A note about sparsity exploiting quasi-Newton updates.
Math. Program., 1981
