Peter Lorenz
Orcid: 0000-0001-7925-1002
According to our database1,
Peter Lorenz
authored at least 31 papers
between 1988 and 2024.
Collaborative distances:
Collaborative distances:
Book In proceedings Article PhD thesis Dataset OtherLinks
CoRR, 2024
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2024
Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, 2023
Detecting Images Generated by Deep Diffusion Models using their Local Intrinsic Dimensionality.
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 2023
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2023
CoRR, 2021
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, 2018
A computational method for designing diverse linear epitopes including citrullinated peptides with desired binding affinities to intravenous immunoglobulin.
BMC Bioinform., 2016
Web-based simulation 1: web based simulation center: professional support for simulation projects.
Proceedings of the 34th Winter Simulation Conference: Exploring New Frontiers, 2002
Proceedings of the 33nd conference on Winter simulation, 2001
Simulation in the Mining Industry.
Proceedings of the Simulation und Visualisierung 2001 (SimVis 2001), 2001
Correlation of Gene Expression as Measured by Different Assays.
Proceedings of the Computer science and biology: Proceedings of the German Conference on Bioinformatics, 2001
Assessment of Simulation Models Based on Trace-File Analysis: A Metamodeling Approach.
Proceedings of the 30th conference on Winter simulation, 1998
Web Support for a Simulation and Animation Course.
Proceedings of the Simulation und Visualisierung 1998 (SimVis 1998), 1998
Proceedings of the 29th conference on Winter simulation, 1997
Internetbasierte Experimente und Präsentationen zum Canal-and-Lock System.
Proceedings of the Simulation und Animation 1997 (SimVis 1997), 6-7 März 1997, Magdeburg, 1997
Skopeo - A Platform-Independent System Animation for the W3.
Proceedings of the Simulation und Animation 1997 (SimVis 1997), 6-7 März 1997, Magdeburg, 1997
Teaching introductory simulation in 1996: from the first assignment to the final presentation.
Proceedings of the 28th conference on Winter simulation, 1996
Proceedings of the 27th conference on Winter simulation, 1995
Map Based Model Generation.
Proceedings of the EUROSIM'96, 1995
The design, implementation, application and comparison of two highly automated traffic simulators.
Proceedings of the 26th conference on Winter simulation, 1994
Anwendung der Simulationstechnik zur präventiven Bewertung manueller Belastungen im Bereich der Logistik - ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung ganzheitlicher Planungsinstrumente.
Proceedings of the Menschengerechte Software als Wettbewerbsfaktor, 1993
An Educational System for Event Oriented Simulation Systems.
Proceedings of the Eurosim 1992, Simulation Congress, Proceedings of the 1992 EUROSIM Conference, Capri, Italy, September 28, 1992
Proceedings of the 2. Workshop Sichtsysteme, 1991
Animationskomponenten in Simulationssprachen vom GPSS-Typ.
Proceedings of the 6. Symposium Simulationstechnik: Fortschritte in der Simulationstechnik, 1990
Proceedings of the GI, 1990
Beitrag zur Gestaltung und Implementierung wissensbasierter Systeme am Beispiel einer CAD-Lösung im Bereich technologischer Fertigungsvorbereitungsfunktionen.
PhD thesis, 1988
Computereinsatz in der Ausbildung im Fach Modellierung und Simulation.
Angew. Inform., 1988